Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 927:

Life is only once, but as long as there are enough materials on the assembly line, you can make as many as you want!

As soon as I thought that my comrades were desperately trying to fight with the tools on the assembly line, this imbalance made Crow unable to say a word.

This is angry, and it's all kinds of weakness.

Because the enemy will not care about his personal thoughts to change himself.

那么 "So Lord Augustim, what should we do now? Is it because the other party is a cannon fodder, that we are afraid to consume and not fight?" Although Clo was unbalanced, it was absolutely impossible not to let him go to the front.

Ogudim certainly wouldn't say nothing, and he immediately explained: "Of course it's impossible, I just think you need to wait again for the first and second legions to come over."

Fearing that Chloe was not convinced by his youth, he continued: "This is to minimize unnecessary losses. I believe that even if the Third Army faces the enemy alone, it can remain undefeated, but the losses are not necessarily. This is not what we hope. Seeing is not what you want to see, right? "

Augustine's explanation made Crowe unable to think of refutation for a while.

知道 After knowing that the opponent was only a cannon fodder, he didn't dare to say what the opponent could overcome. After all, their cannon fodder troops can cut their squashes and defeat their legions.

This shows that the other side's official troops must be more powerful.

If you pass alone, even if you can fight with the official troops of the opponent, how will this loss be calculated?

They are fighting to fight, they are just a bunch of robots coming down the assembly line!

It's impossible to compare at all!

When thinking of this, Clo had to agree: "You make sense, His Excellency Augustine."

Seeing that Clo was willing to listen to his opinion, Augustim nodded in relief, then looked at Carlo.

Carlo knew it was time to add it.

He gave a slight cough, and after drawing the attention of the high-level, he said calmly: "You, His Excellency Ogudim, have analyzed very clearly, it is necessary to wait for the main forces of the three legions to gather, but here Previously, we needed to build a line of defense that would not be cut through by the other side. "

Next, on how to deploy the line of defense, the Jingling executives held another long-term discussion.

The final result is that, led by Clow's Third Legion, together with the cooperation of other legions, they deployed a line of defense in a meteorite area 10 light years away from the outpost.

There are two wormhole entrances near this meteorite area. Their main task is to prevent the opponent from attacking quickly through the wormhole.

As for the other aspects of Jingling, don't worry about it. First of all, the other party absolutely does not have the overall star map of Jingling. The outpost manager Jin deleted all the data by the way.

In the absence of a star map, if the other party uses the jump indiscriminately, he does not know where he will go.

If you do n’t use the transition, they will be ten years away even if they can fly at the speed of light! It doesn't matter if they get part of the star map inside the outpost.

As long as they guard the entrance to the wormhole, there will be no problem. After all, the star map is basically marked with a wormhole as a node, and all wormholes in their crystal star domain are equipped with monitoring devices.

The enemy has a little movement, and they can get the news as soon as possible.

There is no interference from the enemy's transition, their crystal warships are not slow.

Uh ...

Wu Jingling is building their defense line, and Cheng Yuan is also building his own front base.

太多 There are too many things to use in this dark ruin. Although it has been here for thousands of years, these broken wrecks have not been used because they are too long.

Cheng Yuan and Zero chose a tens of thousands of meters of wreckage. After spending three days testing the wreckage without any problems, Donghong's large number of nano-robots quickly swallowed and fused the wreckage, and then spent another week to establish Build a large-scale base.

基地 This base contains two large flying saucer factories for manufacturing and repairing flying saucers.

Two space ports are used for warship maintenance supplies.

The core of the puppet is a dark energy reaction center, which provides sufficient power for the entire base by absorbing dark energy.

The entire base is surrounded by a layer of golden energy barrier, which is very conspicuous throughout the dark ruins.

This is only the first base, which is far from meeting Cheng Yuan's requirements, so construction has not stopped there.

Cheng Yuan, who was inside the Titan fortress, looked at his new base and suddenly asked Zero: "Can you say that the color of this energy barrier can change? Jin Chancan's is too conspicuous?"

Shrugging zero, helplessly said: "Sorry, this is really not possible. The molecular structure of the energy barrier and the energy transmission lines are fixed. A small change may change the overall structure and reduce the defense strength of the barrier. Isn't Jin Chancan good? Many people like Jin Chancan. "

Cheng Chengyuan rolled his eyes. Who does n’t like Jin Chancan ’s stuff? After all, Jin Canchan ’s representative on the earth is gold, hard currency!

"Never mind, what happened to the outpost, hasn't Jingling sent a new army? It's been several days." Cheng Yuan looked at the large building in the ruins, a little curious.

Each time before the Jingling was destroyed by him, a new army came over to fight soon.

But this time he occupied a planet, but the other party didn't respond yet. Was he scared by himself?

想法 The idea passed away because he thought it was impossible.

零 also frowned slightly, and he did not understand the movement of Jingling.

"No matter why the other party did not move, I think we need to strengthen the armed forces. The application of dark energy to weapons is still very simple. The simple energy output is too wasteful. Although basic equipment can be carried out, shall we try it first? Other better weapon? "Zero gave his own suggestion.

"Better?" Cheng Yuan stunned. He remembered that the best of the new technology he acquired was the use and mastery of dark energy. Where could be better?

"What do you think of fusion energy weapons? As soon as you hit the target, it will automatically trigger fusion explosions, which is much more advanced than pure energy weapons."

零 Hehe smiled and analyzed, "I watched the war between us and Jingling. To be honest, although we have not fired a shot, the pure energy ray of the other side is simply terrible.

I have analyzed those rays. Among them, there are high-intensity electromagnetic rays and particle energy. However, if these energy attacks are placed on the earth, they are naturally powerful. After all, the earth's environment can well trigger a chain reaction.

宇宙 In the universe, even if this energy weapon hits our battleship, it will only open a gap in the deck of the battleship. "

After a pause, Cheng Yuan digested this passage, and then he continued: "But fusion weapons are completely different. When we studied dark energy, we discovered that new hydrogen elements are everywhere in the universe. They are everywhere. Even the basic elements of stellar operation.

If our fusion weapons combine these elements of hydrogen, the effect ... 啧啧 ...... "

When Cheng Yuan heard this, he understood what he wanted to say. "Hit will produce a result similar to the surface explosion of a star. Do we have this weapon?"

"Of course there is, waiting for you to give instructions for the test." Zero seems to be impatient.

Cheng Chengyuan looked at Zero for a while and didn't know what to say. He even made such a thing, but he was really looking forward to how the new type of fusion weapon with hydrogen element would work.

With the confirmation of Cheng Yuan, Zero immediately opened a launch port of the Titan Fortress, "fill the fusion missile, if the target, use the debris in the ruins."

Located a wreck with a diameter of about two kilometers.

Cheng Chengyuan sat up straight and was ready to see what the power of the new weapon is. ~ ~ So, I launched! "Zheng Yuan glanced at zero, just ready to press the launch button," Ding Jingling ... "Suddenly, a crisp bell rang in the control room.

"Sir, there is your phone." The smart voice in the main control room sounded.

"Launch!" Cheng Yuan didn't care. After giving the launch order to zero, he connected the phone.

"Cheng Yuan, what do you say your boy is doing, why don't you see people all day long?" As soon as the phone was connected, Cheng's loud voice went through the microphone and drilled away into the ear.

He even heard Cheng Cheng's happy laughter.

"Mom, why are you free to call me, what's the matter?" Cheng Yuan said nothing about what he was doing. Did he tell his mother that he was fighting against aliens?

If you say this, you will be treated as a neurosis.

"Oh, of course, something. Your cousin will be married soon. You won't come back to join?" As soon as Cheng's mother spoke, Cheng Yuan was stunned.

"Cousin getting married? Which cousin? Sister Yueying or Yueming?" As soon as Cheng Yuan heard that the cousin was getting married, he knew that he might go back to participate.

But at this moment, a dazzling glare came in through the porthole, and Cheng Yuan quickly lifted his hand as a puppet, but the next scene made him blurt out: "Look!"

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