Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 926:

When he met Harvey again, he was in a Senate meeting.

At this time, Harvey can be described by a wolf howl, although it looks no different on the surface, the clothes are not wrinkled, and the refined short hair is not messed up.

But his anxious eyes and the heavy grief made the heart feel the illusion of this man.

"Harvey, we thought you were dead." Carlo's tone was flat and his eyes were pressing.

"Yes, at the front, I was ready to give my life to the empire." Harvey looked directly at Carlo, without flinching.

"Talk about the situation on the front line, we need to learn more about the enemy." The Chief Senate asked.

会议 The purpose of this meeting is not to blame. It is just an outpost. To their crystal empire, the outpost is like a waste recycling center on the earth.

It's just that this scrap recycling center is a little big.

They are more concerned about why the enemy is so fierce, is their army so weak?

"Her Excellency Chief Senator, I have almost covered most of the video and information about the enemy's information and intelligence, but I found a more important point.

Harvey's answer brightened the eyes of many high-level crystal spirits, of course, some high-level looks are strange.

Because there is another information gap between them and Harvey.

When Harvey fled, the opponent had occupied the outpost and exposed himself.

At this point, Harvey didn't know. Would Harvey discover the same thing as they knew?

的 The subtle psychology produced in this situation made them very interested.

However, this is only a small part of the high-level idea, most of the Jingling high-level thought that Harvey must have found information related to the war.

The Chief Senate nodded slightly and said, "More important? Tell me."

"What we know is that the enemy has an absolutely powerful energy barrier and an extremely fast bee swarm battleship." Harvey's hoarse voice echoed in the conference room.

After a pause, Harvey tightened his face and continued: "When we retreated, we found that the jump engine had lost its effect, so we could only evacuate at the speed of the warship itself."

Although Harvey is a serious person, but the experience of running away, it is inevitable that he will be a little stubborn.

"I thought we couldn't retreat safely. After all, the opponent's bee swarm battleship was too fast, but after a certain distance they chased it and gave up directly!

I clearly remember that those bee colony battleships are less than 20,000 meters away from us! This distance is not enough for the other person to breathe, even one tenth, but the other person stops! "

Javier himself was puzzled by this situation, and his words caused deep reflection on the top of the crystal spirit, especially Carlo and Augustim.

"In the news we received, you once said that the bee colony battleship is the main combat force of the other party. The reason why our battleship is damaged is because of these minor reasons?"

"Yes, Lord Augustim," Xavi nodded.

"How fast are these little things?" Augustine asked.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the thought that he had once flashed, but he couldn't be sure. If it really was what he thought, then this civilization would be too crazy.

"Soon, we can smash our square matrix almost in the blink of an eye, like a golden streamer." Harvey recalled the scene from the front line.

This answer made Ogudimu's guess more certain.

But he still dare not imagine how terrifying the civilization is if the other is exactly what he thinks. Such an unknown civilization, can their crystal spirits be defeated?

A flash of confusion passed in his heart.

"Have you ever fought against the opponent, have you noticed any mistakes in the opponent's colony?" Augustim continued.

I watched Augustim keep asking questions, although other crystal spirits also felt faintly, Augustim seemed to have some special ideas.

Although they wanted to ask directly, they didn't dare to interrupt easily when they looked at each other's increasingly dignified look.

"No, sir." Although he didn't know what Augustine was going to do, Harvey answered honestly.

"you sure?"

"OK, sir!"

Gaze stared at Harvey for a while, looking at the other side's positive look, and Augustim twitched.

Carroll, who has always paid attention to Augustim, frowned slightly at this time, and he asked in harmony: "What's wrong, Augustim. If you have any ideas, you can speak up and discuss them together. There are some things in my heart. Will pinch yourself out of trouble. "

Augudim opened his eyes slowly, with a bitter smile. He looked around many high-level, and said, "If, I said, if our opponent is only the opponent's cannon fodder, how will we fight this war."

"Cannon fodder !?" All Jingling high-level breathing was stagnant.

Xavi, who had escaped from his death, instantly blushed. If Augustim was serious, wouldn't he accuse him of not being able to match an enemy's cannon fodder?

This is definitely the biggest insult to him!

"Why do you think so, Lord Augustim!" It was Clo, who frowned and looked at Augustim, his eyes were serious and serious, and he was about to go to the front, but if the enemy was only cannon fodder, then he All the previously deployed operational policies will be overturned.

Augustine did not answer this question, but instead asked: "Everyone, we have the Swarm Battleships, but our Swarm Battleships are no different from the enemy's army in terms of power or speed. Commander Clow, is your crystal warrior or intelligent control system for the bee colony of the Arc Light Corps? "

Clow paused, and replied: "Of course, intelligence is the main control and the auxiliary control of the soldiers. Relying on the soldiers alone is impossible to form, and the soldiers can make the power of the bee swarm battleships better. Not only can they attack, they can also invade the warships. Internal operations. "

那么 "So what do you think is the gap between our bee colony and the other bee colony warships?" Augustine suddenly raised his hand and controlled the jellyfish in his position to open a piece of image transmitted from the front.

In the picture, countless flying saucers with golden light shining through the black curtain of the universe like a shooting star, then smashed into a battleship.

The picture is very short, only less than three seconds. After the release, Ogudim said, "I just let the brain calculate. Just guess what I found. The speed of these bee colony warships has reached One third of the speed of light! "

结果 This result caused a riot in the conference room for a while, but Augustine played another video.

The time is shorter this time, but everyone has noticed that these golden flying saucers are faster and more destructive!

"One-half the speed of light is almost twice as fast as before! Can they still be faster?" Augustim said without waiting for other high-level officials to say, "It's faster, I let Zhi The brain analyzed the images recorded by all commanders, including Harvey. "

也就是说 "In other words, the distance of 20,000 meters is one micron in the eyes of the other party, even smaller than a micron, and it can be reached by just moving it, but why did they stop?"

Funklow was silent, and he could not answer the question.

Looking at not answering Clo, Augustim didn't care, he explained: "Because the other party's speed is too fast, such a speed is not what the biological brain can bear.

Therefore, their swarm battleships are purely intelligent control, and only intelligent computing can play all of them perfectly. As long as the attack range of the swarm battleships does not exceed a certain range, these swarm battleships can use their absolute advantages within the range Speed ​​and horrible destructive power sweep away all enemies. "

"But does this have anything to do with the other party's cannon fodder? At best, it can only prove that their intelligence technology is very powerful, and the other party is a mechanical life. Does this seem to be nothing?" Crowe still wondered what Augustim wanted. What does it mean? Does this have anything to do with the fodder?

Augudim smiled, Clo was still too young.

When seeing Ogudim smiling, Clo gave a frown. When he was about to speak, Carlo spoke in advance: "Strong intelligent technology can bring more efficient mechanized production and more powerful control. Two When combined in war ... "

Clough understood for a moment, and he couldn't settle the channel: "Intelligent mechanical forces? But ..."

"You want to say that although the intelligent mechanical forces seem to be powerful ~ ~, are they far less flexible than biological ones?" Carroll said for him what he wanted to say.

"Yes, the contingency on the battlefield is far beyond the reach of intelligent mechanical forces. This is not my underestimation of intelligence, but the power of intelligence is in their calculations, but it is not logically comparable to living things. . "

Augustim smiled and agreed: "You are absolutely correct, then intelligence as a tool to assist us in combat is undoubtedly excellent. Each of our legions and warships are equipped with auxiliary commanders. Command of the brain.

Then Commander Clo, please tell me, who is the enemy's intellectual brain who is giving the battle order? "

Clodgeed for a moment.

"Is it the standard machinery that landed on the outpost?" Augustim opened the image from the outpost, a large group of exactly the same machinery and individual machines with different shapes that looked higher.

The main thing is that in the pictures they returned, several bodies were similar to them, but very special mechanical life was under command and control.

It is these mechanical lives that make them think that their enemies are a group of mechanical lives.

And Augustim did not say that his enemy is not mechanical life, he just said that the other party has not yet dispatched a formal army. At present, all the cannon fodder is sent out. The one that makes as many as you want!

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