Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 928:

After a fusion missile explodes, the hot high temperature diffuses at a speed visible to the naked eye. The high temperature easily melts the fine dust in the universe. The dust in high temperature is like burning. With the impact of the explosion in a gravity-free environment Flying wantonly.

This scene is just like the flying floe particles added in the special effects, which is dazzling.

The central light of the explosion is so bright that it cannot be seen directly.

This process is short-lived and disappears in less than five seconds. It can be said that it appears abruptly and disappears quickly.

When the experimental site selected by Zero returned to peace, the situation there surprised Cheng Yuan and Zero!

Although the subject of the attack selected by Zero is a huge wreckage, there is still wreckage there, even everything around it disappears!

Cheng Cheng swallowed his saliva and couldn't help asking: "Zero, has the radiation range been calculated?"

"Yes, with the center of attack as the origin, the diameter of the radiation range is about 3,000 kilometers." Zero is also lingering, the power of fusion weapons is beyond imagination!

He even wondered whether this was the power of fusion itself or the result of combining it with a new type of hydrogen.

But no matter what, this power can definitely make their combat power soar!

"How about the mass of this missile, is it the limit we can make?" Cheng Yuan let his eyes shine, and within a range of 3,000 kilometers, this missile will be half of the whole Huaxia!

Zero replied earnestly: "It is not the limit. This is a very ordinary experimental product. If its power can be increased, it can increase ten to fifty times."

"Be more prepared ..." Before Cheng Yuan finished speaking, another voice growled: "Cheng Yuan, is your stink boy with stiff wings? It's getting more and more outrageous now!"

Cheng Yuan only reacted at this time, and he was talking on the phone with his mother!

Wu Ke didn't wait for him to explain, Cheng Ma's penetrating voice echoed again throughout the command room.

"Look at what you are like now. You wo n’t go home for a few months, even your wife and children. You talk about how much time you have stayed at home since you married Xiaolian?

And after Ya Ting was born, except for your better performance at the beginning, you did n’t know what you were doing at any other time!

Saving enough money is enough. You are doing research there all day and night. Is there such a thing as a company of your size? Why are you always alone? "

At this time, another voice sounded, "Mom, Cheng Yuan must have something about him, he must ..."

"Xiao Lian, don't speak for him, this rotten boy is what you are used to! You see what it is like now! Other company owners will not be like him even if they are busy?"

Earth, in Cheng Yuan's house, watching Cheng's mother burning in anger, Guo Xiaolian chose the right team very wisely: "You say so too, Cheng Yuan is too ridiculous, and has never been home, Ya Ting is almost not aware that she Dad. "

Cheng Cheng's dad looked at his soaring wife and his elder brother who was embarrassed on the sofa, but also gave a helpless look.

When he saw the eyes of his brother, Uncle Cheng Yuan also gave me a look that I knew.

Seeing this, Cheng Da was shocked. He glanced at the gentle dignified grandmother sitting quietly on the sofa, and looked at his elder brother with incredible eyes.

The other person shook his head slightly.

Cheng Cheng's mother didn't know the eye contact between her husband and brother, and she was very satisfied to see Xiaolian's cooperative attitude.

"Cheng Yuan now, no matter what you are doing, give me back immediately, and stay at home for a while!" After speaking, I hung up the phone directly, and did not give Cheng Yuan a chance to speak at all.

After hanging up the phone, she was embarrassed and smiled at her elder brother: "Let you see the joke, this child is so ridiculous that he won't stay home all day long."

Uncle Wu can only hesitate about this.

Where can you find such a good child, Cheng Chengyuan? That is really a big man who can affect the whole country in words and deeds. It is natural to be busy.

However, after seeing the siblings of Hedong Lion, he dare not say so.

咳 "Ah, Yueying's marriage is not a very important thing. You can come to her and be satisfied, but you can't delay Xiaoyuan because of this." He said euphemistically.

I came here just to want my brother and sister to participate in the wedding banquet. Whether Cheng Yuan can come or not is not considered by the couple.

After all, Cheng Yuan's busy things are known to their relatives.

It's normal that he can't come, and it's better to be able to come. Just let Cheng's mother do this, like a kind of own uncle who persecuted Cheng Yuanlai.

"How can this be, marriage is a life-long event, how can it be sloppy. Besides, even if it is not Yueying's marriage, that stinky boy is too ridiculous!

I never considered Xiaolian's feelings, left Xiaolian at home, and ran outside without knowing what toss. "

Cheng Cheng's mother was a worker of her life. She didn't know too much about the truth. She only knew that a happy family would be happiness, and that would be what she wanted most in her life.

If the situation of their family is still the same as before, then she can understand that her son will not come back for a year or two. After all, it is natural and acceptable for the family to travel outside.

But now their family really lacks nothing, and their son is also prosperous, but they ca n’t even care about the family because they are prosperous!

Seeing this, Uncle quickly shifted the topic and talked about the marriage process and what to prepare.

Uh ...

Titan fortress, zero expressionless, I didn't hear anything, but the corner of his mouth slightly raised betrayed his true thoughts.

Cheng Chengyuan listened blindly, he wanted to say that something really happened this time, it was still very important.

Aliens are almost at the door!

"I'm going back?" Cheng Yuan asked, uncertain and complicated.

But his mother's reprimand made him realize that he was really the same as his mother said, but he was not at ease, and if he went back by himself, what would happen if Jingling attacked.

When he was hesitant, Zan said with a light smile: "Relax, the main task now is to build our frontline base in this ruin. Don't worry about unexpected situations for the time being.

As for Jingling, I don't think they have any plans to counterattack for the time being. After all, it's been so long and they haven't moved at all. "

"Then I'm going back?" Cheng Yuan heard the analysis of zero and also made sense, hesitantly said.

"Go, here I am watching, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here. I'll go back and come back soon." Cheng Yuan thought about it and said, "But when I return, I may not be alone."

Zero smiled: "Sooner or later."

"So too."

Cheng Chengyuan went back, but when he returned, he did not take the warship to shuttle the wormhole, but directly controlled the Titan fortress to pass through the wormhole, and then returned to Mars in another spacecraft.

This is zero emphasis on doing this for Cheng Yuan's safety.

He believes that the wormhole is not a very stable structure. Once an accident occurs, the consequences are very serious.

Cheng Chengyuan will not be paranoid in rejecting the zero request.

There was only one death, but he was afraid of death.

After returning to the earth, naturally, Cheng Yuan was greeted by a few tricks, and his mother was also hard-hearted, and after finishing the trick, he prepared a table of his favorite meals.

Cheng Yuan, who has been separated from his family for a long time, is also very hot ~ ~ Looking at Xiaolian who is very happy, Cheng Yuan also understands that he has left for too long this time.

He also confirmed his idea of ​​taking Xiaolian out and going home more in the future.

I just took Xiaolian away, who will manage it on Mars?

佳 Zheng Jia is now responsible for things on Earth, and Xiao Lian is responsible for things on Mars. Not many people can trust and be assured.

After eating, the room mileage was far away from Guo Xiaolian, and the problem was addressed.

Guo Xiaolian was naturally happy to hear that Cheng Yuan was going to take her with her, but after hearing about the lack of people who managed Mars, she thought about it and said, "Let's run from below. After all, the company has a lot of capable people and can't just waste it. . "

Wu Chengyuan thinks about it too. Although there is nothing wrong with letting one's love beloved, it is not a waste of talent. Moreover, in this particular era, no one wants to be kicked out by a technology crystallization company for making mistakes.

The result of the resignation storm last year was vivid. Although those people were hired by other companies when they left the company, they did not have the huge support of a technology crystallization company, and their social status fell sharply.

I haven't had a good time in the technology crystallization company!

I solved this little problem, and the two hugged and fell asleep.


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