Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 923:

"The Frontline Urgent News!"

For the Shining Star, the door of the Senate was knocked open again, and the sound of panic echoed throughout the Senate.

The Jingling executives who were patiently waiting for the frontline battle situation saw everyone panicking so much that their faces changed. If it was a victory, they would not be so panic!

Looking at his appearance now, there was a fine layer of sweat on his messy green face.

"What's happening on the front line?" The slightly disturbed Chief Senate spoke before the high-level officials asked, and spoke with urgency in his tone.

Is it a civilization similar to ‘Yellow Head Worm’?

The thought flashed across his mind.

Other senior officials also followed the communications officer seriously.

Being noticed by so many high-level bodies, the communications officer became even more nervous. He quickly replied: "His Excellency the Chief of the General Assembly and the commander of the Frontline Fourth Army Harvey sent an urgent report. Due to the strength of the other party, we had to move the front Retreat backward and abandon the outpost. "

After saying this, the communications officer was relieved.

Although this intelligence was not good news, at least his mission was completed.

It didn't matter that the front line was about to abandon the outpost. After all, an outpost was nothing to their crystal spirit.

The only thing that made them care was that the strength of the other party was far beyond their expectations, which was incredible!

"Where is Harvey? Didn't he use an obliteration cannon?" Carlo frowned after listening to the communications officer's report.

"Report to Commander Carlo, His Excellency Harvey said that I will explain to you later on the battlefield," the communications officer replied.

The Chief Senate asked, "Is there anything else Commander Harvey said?"

"No more."

"I see, you go down first." After nodding his head to signal that the communications officer could leave, the Chief Senate looked seriously at everyone and said calmly: "Everyone, the strength of the other side is far beyond our imagination, we need to be stronger Get more effective combat plans! "

He didn't blame who caused the result, even if it was time to find someone to carry it.

At least you have to wait until the battle is over, and then slowly calculate the accounts.

"Let's dispatch the three major legions, I think Arc Light has been idle for a long time." Carlo looked at Clo with no expression when he spoke.

He went on to say: "With the strength of the three major legions, even if the opponent's barriers are strong, it is impossible to resist the real obliteration gun!"

The real annihilation gun is fired with star nuclear energy, which is definitely not comparable to Harvey's simplified version that can be carried on the battleship!

"Oh, Carlo, aren't you old-fashioned? I don't think you understand the seriousness of the problem!" Augustim just sneered at Carlo and looked disdainfully. he.

Carlo stared at Augustim flatly, as if the other person was laughing at someone else: "Oh, what do you think?"

Augustine's mouth twitched a bit, and Carroll's reaction made him feel a punch on the cotton, and he felt like vomiting blood.

"Don't you find out, we know nothing about each other!"

Ogudim ignored Carlo and said loudly: "This situation has continued to the present. We have faced three defeats. If we continue to do so, we will face fourth, fifth and even more defeats!"

"Now, the only thing we know is that their warships are not very large, they have a super strong energy barrier, they have a very fast bee swarm battleship, and then?" Augustim looked around at the crowd and looked at the crowd. The look of awakening and wanting to continue listening, the kind of humiliation in his heart swept away.

He talked bluntly: "What race are they, what characteristics do they have, what are their weaknesses, and what is the overall level of technology? We need to understand all this in detail!"

Although the crystal spirits may not have the phrase "know oneself and the other," they certainly have the same meaning in their own civilization.

Know each other to defeat them!

Augustim's analysis gave other crystal spirits a bright feeling, but this feeling quickly disappeared, because Augustim was too general.

"So, Augustim, how do we get each other's information. You also know that we haven't even seen our opponents until now."

Speaking of this, all the crystal spirits were speechless.

After losing several battles, I didn't even see what they looked like. This is a shame!

in those days……

"Hurry up and talk about your approach, Ogudim!" The General Senator urged.

Ogudim smiled, and said: "Let the Ghost Squad dispatch, they can easily invade the enemy's rear, and even if they can't do the surprise effect, they can catch some prisoners for us!"

"Our goal is simple: to capture each other's captives and torture out the intelligence we need, where they come from, their characteristics, our military deployment and strength!"

Speaking of this, Augustim glanced at Carlo and said, "Of course, the surprise attack in the rear also needs to be restrained by the front battlefield. The three major legions can just do this."

Augustine ended his remarks, and then the crystal executives discussed the details for a while, and began the third deployment.


On the battlefield, at this time, commanders such as Harvey had nothing to care about, and escaped with their lives!

Originally, they thought that they were so far away from Cheng Yuan that they could use the jump technology to retreat directly. But the reality was like a hammer, and they came here fiercely!

Their jump engine failed!

If there was a problem with the jump engine of one of his battleships, he thought it was caused by the aftermath of the annihilation of the gun.

But the problem now is that all the battleship jump engines are out of order!

This situation made Harvey cold like a fallen ice cave.

The other party has the technology to interfere with the transition! The moment he realized this, he knew he couldn't escape!

Looking at the chaser behind at a horrible speed, he was desperate!

"Her Excellency, what should we do, even if we want to surrender, the other party will not accept it at all!" The other commanders who have been keeping the communication look anxiously.

In this case, they are really at a loss and don't know what to do.

There have been cases of surrender before, but the other party did not accept the surrender at all. Those warships that issued the surrender notice did not even finish the announcement, and they were destroyed by the opponent.

Harvey smiled bitterly. Is there any other option besides fighting back?

"Everyone, be prepared to give our lives to the empire. I will pass back everything that happened here. The other party not only has the terrifying energy barrier technology, but also has the means to prevent the transition. I hope that the news I return will give them Some help! "

After Harvey finished speaking, he cut off communications without giving other commanders a chance to speak, and then passed back his own intelligence and his analysis of the enemy into an image and video.

After doing all this, he ordered a final counterattack!

He didn't know that the intelligence he finally passed back completely overturned the new deployment just made by the high level!

When he saw that Harvey said that the other party had a technology that interfered with the jump engine, the ghost team surprise attack proposed by Augustine was directly rejected!

Their ghost squad relies on short-distance and fast-jumping technology ~ ~ to let themselves wantonly shuttle behind the enemy battlefield without being caught!

Now the other party has the technology to interfere with the transition engine, which not only prevents them from dispatching the ghost team, but even the operations of the three major legions are restricted!

After all, the vastness of the universe makes the transition engine a must-have tool for driving!

This is like the engine of a car. Can a car without an engine be pushed by human hands?

Before they could digest the news, another news came and the outpost was officially occupied!

However, this expected news brought them a fairly good news, and they finally saw the appearance of the enemy.


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