Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 924:

"A group of ... robots !?"

All Jingling executives stared blankly at the image coming back from the outpost. The countless robots rushed out of the enemy's battleship and slaughtered their Jingling people with weapons.

Although sporadic images of resistance can be seen occasionally, these resistances can't turn up any waves, and they are easily wiped out by these steel torrents.

They feel incredible!

The enemy turned out to be a group of robots! ? Or the mechanical life type! ?

In other words, the previous guesses of their researchers were correct, they were facing a mechanical life civilization!

In Jingling's civilization, there is no such thing as silicon-based life, because silicon-based life is not a qualified interpretation compared to carbon-based life.

What's more, for the long time that the crystal civilization has been in the universe, this is the first time that I have encountered mechanical life!

Especially the silver disk galaxy as the core has never appeared mechanical life civilization, they even suspect that the other party comes from civilizations outside the silver disk galaxy!

And according to their long-term research by the Jingling experts, the signal direction of this mechanical civilization and the speculation of the place where the other party appeared, this mechanical civilization came through the dark matter area of ​​the silver disk galaxy!

For the dark matter area that occupies nearly one-fifth of the entire silver disk galaxy, they have sent countless spacecraft to explore there thousands of years ago.

However, the results of the exploration were not ideal. The whole dark matter went to them and they found no trace of civilization at all!

This situation is very rare.

No one knows how big the entire universe is. There are countless lives in the silver disk galaxy alone. There are many advanced intelligent creatures in these lives that can develop civilization.

There are also some planets, although there are living things, but they have no development potential.

But in the dark area, they really didn't find any signs of life, and in the final exploration, they didn't know why they attracted that **** bug!

This worm let their crystal spirits fall from one of the overlords of the silver disk galaxy to this point now.

Fortunately, when they first opened up to the outside world, they all eliminated the roots that other forces might rise. Therefore, even if their crystal spirits are maimed, they will not be destroyed by other civilizations in the Silver Disc galaxy.

But for the moment, they felt like they couldn't get started.

How to deal with a mechanical civilization?

All the crystal spirits looked at each other, and even Carlo and Augustim, who had talked before, were dumbfounded.

"What now?" The Chief Senate sitting at the top looked gloomily at the crystal below, and the news gave them the urge to spit blood.

It ’s only been a long time since the bug disaster, and now there is another mechanical civilization. Is their crystal spirit too powerful before, so the next disaster is coming?

"Since the other party is mechanical," Carlo groaned for a while, then said: "We don't know any weaknesses, but I know that since they can move, it means that there is a core organ in their body that provides them with action Necessary energy. "

After a pause, Carlo continued: "If we can find a way to scrap their cores directly, does it mean that we can easily win? After all, machinery is always mechanical, which is fundamentally different from us. If it can produce a chain reaction Must be much faster than we are. "

When Augustim listened, his eyes rolled, and he was unhappy: "Carlo, even if the other party is mechanical in nature, they have thoughts ..."

"Ah !?" Augustim said half of the words, and stopped suddenly, only to see him quickly look at the video and video from Harvey's return. After looking carefully and really carefully, the look on his face suddenly changed. Very weird.

"Augudim, what did you find ?!" Seeing the unusual behavior of Augustim, the Chief Senate quickly asked.

After a while, Augustim shook his head slightly: "Sorry, I just took it for granted, but the other person's mechanical life is completely different from ours, and the simplified annihilation gun may not be enough to scare them."

"And I think it is useless to discuss everything now. The other party has the technology to prevent our transition. We can only honestly choose to fight directly."

Ogudim glanced at the high-level in the Senate, with a decided look in his eyes: "Also, we may be ready to evacuate."

As soon as he said this, the high-level officials at the scene were suddenly uproared, even Carroll's calm face was dismayed, how could he never have imagined that Augustim would say the words to evacuate!

Does he think this mechanical civilization is another bug! ?

Although he usually did not deal with Augustim, Carroll did not despise each other because of this. The ability of Augustim to reach his current status shows that he is not stupid.

Looking at the high-level discussions, Carroll took a deep look at Augustim, and said loudly, "Dear everyone."

Hearing Carlo's voice, the high-rise silently happened.

"Agudim is right. We must prepare in advance regardless of the outcome. I remember that the revival plan of that year is still there?" He looked to the Chief Senate.

The Chief Senate nodded: "The recovery plan has not been interrupted. We have kept hundreds of methods for our recovery. Don't worry about this. As for the retreat, let's look at the results of the battle between the three major legions and the other party."

The central star is the core planet of their crystal spirit. In order to build this planet, they do not know how much resources have been invested. For thousands of years of construction, we cannot leave all our people directly because of a retreat!


"The crystal spirits resisted fiercely." Cheng Yuan, who hadn't entered the ruins, sat on a soft chair, and looked at the picture with his legs crossed.

"From their point of view, we are intruders. In the face of intruders, we will naturally fight against them. Stopped flashing blue light.

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly and didn't care about it anymore. He asked, "How is the data received? Can you take over this huge space station?"

For this outpost, Cheng Yuan is most interested in this extra-large space station like a ring of stars, as well as a small miniature combination of protective covers that spread throughout the planet.

Although he has not seen any means of attack on the protective cover so far, it seems to be an isolation device, but he still cannot hide his interest in this device.

"Nearly, the data in it is huge. It involves all aspects of the entire outpost. Jingling seems to regulate and manage the entire planet through this space station, and I know what the satellites are all over the surface of the planet. "As the answer was zero, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Oh? Tell me, isn't it just an identification system?" Cheng Yuan couldn't wait to ask.

"This is a control device. It does not have any attack power. The main function is to control the environment of the entire planet. It seems that the outpost has a relationship between two stars. They need such a device to ensure their living environment. very funny."

"Control the environment?" Cheng Yuan muttered, and then asked, "How to control the sun, change the structure of the atmosphere? Or control the pressure?"

"There are many functions. I have copied the information. I will send it to you. If you are interested, you can check it out." Looking at Cheng Yuan with interest, he thought about it and reminded him: "But I think this thing is enough. , It's too dangerous, like a double-edged sword. "

"Double-edged sword !?" Cheng Yuan frowned.

Zero smiled and said, "It's like this."

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