Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 922:

"Fight back! Fight back! Focus your fire on these **** golden flying saucers!"

Harsh sirens, screaming in haste, and hastily footsteps mixed together. This was the situation inside a crystal warship.

Although they started to retreat immediately after Harvey ordered the retreat, Cheng Yuan's flying saucer was too fast, leaving them no time to retreat.

The crystal warships that were closer to Cheng Yuan's fleet had no chance to escape at all. They were approached by these golden flying saucers in an instant and suffered severe blows!

Fortunately, their warships are very large, as long as they are not besieged by dense flying saucers, they can support continuous time.

If you can make the right choice in this time, maybe you can survive!

The muzzle of the battleship is aimed at the golden flying saucer, and then it is shot continuously!

A large beam of intense energy blasted out of the muzzle of the battleship, carrying many sharp metal fragments. These metal fragments rushed towards the flying saucer with terrible speed under the powerful kinetic energy.

A large amount of energy is concentrated, and the red energy rays even dye everything around, forming a red cloud that stretches for tens of thousands of meters like a streamer.

In such a concentrated attack, the first choice is usually dodging, but the golden flying saucer is not an ordinary battleship.

Faced with these energy attacks, even the dodging behavior did not rush straight forward!

However, these flying saucers are okay, but the fighting robots far behind the flying saucers are different. Many of them faced the first wave of counterattacks from the crystal spirit, and many of them were hit in time because of avoidance.

Some combat robots are directly engulfed by energy and turned into dust, while others are hit by limbs or torn apart; the worst thing is that a combat robot hit by a high-speed metal is like a machine gun bursting into a sieve .

The exploding light shone on the battlefield, and the crystal spirit's attack played a certain role.

Seeing that their attacks were effective, many Jinglings were a little excited, but soon Jingling saw a scene that made them feel despair and fear.

I saw those golden flying saucers rushing forward and hit them straight without any damage, even if approaching, there was no intention to reduce the speed!

And as these golden flying saucers approached quickly, they also saw more clearly!

Whether it is a physical attack or an energy attack, the outer energy shield of the flying saucer cannot be broken!

Those golden shells are simply not what ordinary weapons can handle!

After discovering this fact, many Captains of the Crystal Spirit even gave up resistance and waited for death. In order to survive, many Jinglings also issued surrender notices.

In addition, many crystal spirits are struggling to resist.

For them, Cheng Yuan is no different from the yellow head worm, they are both civilized invaders.

The collision between civilizations and surrender is simply the most ridiculous!

Between two different civilizations, it ends with the bloodiest slaughter and the least morality!

Both sides understand this truth, even if Cheng Yuan, who grew up under the red banner since childhood, is a morally and well-educated five-good young man who has never been sympathetic when facing Jingling.

From the moment he launched the battleship to this starry sky, he did not have any specific data on how many crystals died under his hands.

Because he didn't know how many crystals were in the three crystal corps he destroyed.

Perhaps the crystals have never been treated as equal to themselves. Anyway, Cheng Yuan feels that destroying these crystals is just like destroying an ant's nest without any reaction.

This situation is the same as when Europeans discovered the New World, and they did not need to narrate the treatment of the indigenous people.

Did those people have no so-called moral concept?

Of course there is!

It's just that they never treat the local indigenous people as adults!

Looking at the retreating crystal spirits, Cheng Yuan frowned.

Although the battle robot lost a lot, Cheng Yuan didn't care, he was concerned that his battle robot didn't seem to play any role!

Although the UFO that rushed to the front was very small, it relied on strong speed and strong barriers to crash the opponent's warship directly, and it could be said to crash directly.

However, the speed of the combat robot is not fast, and the protection without the barrier has no chance of approaching the opponent's warship, and it is even killed by stray bullets far away.

"Fuck! Is there something wrong with me, is it that I want to go wrong?" Cheng Yuan scratched his head, thinking in his mind of the Gundam animation that he had seen as a kid.

Isn't it normal to run Gundam battles in the universe?

When the concepts planted as a child were displayed on a real universe battlefield, Cheng Yuan found himself very wrong!

Gundam is very flexible and fast compared to warships, but it is difficult to approach each other under dense gunfire, not to mention that the distance between the two sides has exceeded tens of thousands of meters since the start of the battle. Such a long distance cannot play the advantage of Gundam!

"It seems that it can only play a role in close combat." Cheng Yuan learned some experience through this battle.

Listening to Cheng Yuan's muttering to himself, he nodded with zero agreement: "That's right, ordinary combat robots can only play a role in close combat, but if you want one that can be used on all types of battlefields in the universe A combat robot that really works may need to be individually designed and manufactured. "

Regarding Cheng Yuan's use of Gundam as his combat robot, Zero disapproves but does not object to it. Left and right are just titles.

Cheng Yuan thought about it for a while, and felt that he always had this stubble in his heart. If he didn't really build a ‘Gundam’ that satisfied himself, he would have been awkward.

"It's up to you. Use the material of the flying saucer for the outer armor material." Cheng Yuan glanced at the excellent flying saucer and the powerful energy barrier.

"No problem." Nodding slightly, if you put the energy barrier on the combat robot, the best way is to make a shield.

After all, although the energy barrier is strong, it also eliminates most of the attacking methods ~ ~ From the beginning of the war to now, their warships have not fired a single shot!

He doesn't know when this weak point crystal will find out.

Looking at the screen, the warship group that was gradually away, seriously thought for a while, and felt that it was really necessary to strengthen his own attack methods.

After all, although the energy barrier is strong, it is not without its flaws.

Especially when their combat troops are all intelligent robots, this defect will be magnified infinitely!


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