Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 913:

Cheng Yuan thought about it for a while, then refused: "It's not necessary anymore, what can they do, and mobilize everyone to become a cannon fodder?"

When Cheng Yuan said this, zero was nothing. Even if he talked to them, there would n’t be any change. Is it really the same as Cheng Yuan said, the formation of a cannon fodder commando in the past to give people away?

"Now the population is originally small, just use robots to fight on the battlefield." Cheng Yuan doesn't want to reduce the total number of human beings. It is not that he wants to be a holy mother protecting all humanity, but that the population determines the potential basis of humanity's future.

The relationship between population and development potential is very close, and this has been fully confirmed from China and India.

Although India and China are still unable to compare, they already have such momentum.

"Okay." Beginning of construction on a large scale to prepare for the upcoming war.

Cheng Yuan was not idle. When he returned to the earth, he said hello to his family, explained to Guo Xiaolian a few words, played with his daughter Yating for a while, and then went into the room alone.

Cosmic warfare is more dangerous than war on the planet. Timely fighter planes are concentrated on the planet. As long as it does not directly destroy the body, there is still a chance to escape.

And in a space war, if the body is destroyed, whether it is a mech or a battleship, the only thing waiting for the driver is death!

As for escape boats and other things, it is difficult to survive in the fierce battlefield.

Although Cheng Yuan has planned to use robots as a unit of war, the protections needed must also be in place.

Lying in a nursing cabin that has not been used in the room, Cheng Yuan closed his eyes and immersed himself in the core of his mind.

The core of Jin Chanchan is the same as before, the symbols of mystery surround them, and they seem to guard their masters.

Close to the core, Cheng Yuan stretched out his hands. When his palms were close to the golden symbols, those symbols seemed to be dispersed by some kind of control, and a small part floated around him, and began to rotate around him.

"Anti-jumping device." Cheng Yuan stroked such a word in his mind.

Soon Jin Chanchan's symbols jumped, and after being disorderly entangled and combined, they changed into another group of symbols that fluttered deep into the consciousness.

The technical data of an anti-jump device gave Cheng Yuan's head a little bloating sensation. This feeling did not last long, and he recovered after only a moment.

Anti-jump technology can prevent any foreign forces from jumping into the battlefield through the jump technology, and can even appear suddenly from their unknown places, carry out rear sneak attacks or side attacks.

This device is the equipment that all civilizations in the space war very much want, but according to what he knows, the crystal civilization does not seem to have such equipment.

Although they have jump technology, they are unable to prevent or interfere with enemy jumps.

If he has this technology, then he can take the initiative in this war! After all, in terms of the power of weapons alone, there will not be a big gap between the weapons of the two sides.

You can kill our flagship or core battleship in one shot, but I can also kill you.

In this case, he who can freely shuttle in various areas of the battlefield can naturally take the initiative of the entire war!

When he wants to attack, he can attack unscrupulously; when he wants to retreat, he can leave easily!

The short-term demand is not this. After fully receiving the anti-transition device, he then thought about another thing in his mind.

"Wormhole jammer."

The distance between the crystal civilization and the solar system is very long, and the transition alone is not easy to reach. Even if they can, they will never spend so much energy jumping from the centaur galaxy.

If they did, they would have very little energy left when they arrived in the solar system. So how do you fight next?

Go forward by hand?


Maybe the resistance of the vacuum is very small, the rowing may be really fast ...

Therefore, Jingling will definitely use the wormhole, a shortcut that exists in the universe, to shuttle, in order to reduce the short circuit and ensure sufficient energy reserves.

All he had to do was to disturb the wormhole. The star map originally obtained from the Titan Fortress clearly recorded the number of wormholes that existed from the Centaur Galaxy to the Solar System.

Although the number recorded in the star chart cannot be said to be absolute, at least the other party only found these.

All he has to do is to put a few detectors in these already identified wormholes, and use the wormhole jammer to interfere once he finds the opponent's warship.

The wormhole is not a safe place. As a shortcut on the way to space navigation, the inside of the wormhole is definitely not a safe place.

Maybe when the impulse is calm inside, you will feel very calm in this wormhole shuttle. But once you encounter a cosmic storm or a space shock in the interior, then you will find that this shortcut can swallow you even without residue!

Therefore, in general, after any civilization forces find a wormhole and check the safety of the wormhole, they will establish a stable detection device on both ends of the wormhole to detect the stability of the wormhole and monitor whether there are other The forces tampered with the wormhole.

But now Cheng Yuan doesn't often use wormholes, so he hasn't prepared anything in this regard.

As for the crystal spirit, they have already been thrown into the centaur galaxy area after the war thousands of years ago, so the surveillance of the wormhole is long gone.

Even if it had been there for thousands of years, it was scrapped long ago.

With these two things, the chances of victory in this battle are much higher. Now he still needs to strengthen the overall protection of the battleship. The energy shield he uses now is invincible on earth.

But the collision between civilizations, then it is impossible to say.

Cheng Yuan doesn't like fighting evenly, and unilateral crushing is what he pursues.

And he has such capital, the core of science and technology is that he crushes the capital of others!

Cheng Yuan remembers watching a science fiction movie before. An alien civilization in the movie actually established an energy barrier in the universe to stop the invasion of alien civilization!

Any substance hitting this barrier will be crushed by the energy of the barrier. It was a pity that in the end the barrier was broken by those who had been penetrated by the hostile forces.

When he saw this thing, Cheng Yuan thought about another question. If this barrier can be installed on his own battleship, is it possible to create a battleship that can freely shuttle on the battlefield?

If this kind of barrier can really appear on the battlefield, then it really hits the rhythm of who died!

Cheng Yuan infiltrated his ideas into the core of science and technology, and soon the core had feedback.

Four new runes slowly extended from the core, and then merged into the runes that were originally wrapped around Cheng Yuan, tangled together into one!

When Rune melted into Cheng Yuan's body, Cheng Yuan suddenly felt as if someone had drilled his electric drill into his brain, the kind of tingling in the heart made his face twitch.

Soon, Cheng Yuan awoke ~ ~ and woke up with his eyes open.

Cheng Yuan got up and rubbed his head, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "I rely on it, the technical content of this stuff is too advanced, and I don't know if it can be made."


Centaur galaxy, battlefield ruins, countless crystal search ships are dispatched here to start a large-scale search.

A new civilization appeared in front of them. Even if Jin had just reported the news, the real power of the central star could not wait to order Jin to start searching and exploring the strength of the other civilization.

Perhaps the cultural forms of different civilizations are different, but regardless of any civilization, they will always have a consensus that the most direct and easiest way to obtain benefits is robbery!


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