Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 914:

Brain pain!

Cheng Yuan raised his teeth and grinned from the cabin. He paused in the room for a while, then went to the bathroom and rinsed. Seeing that his face had returned to normal, he came out of the room.

"Dad." Seeing Cheng Yuan coming out, Cheng Yating, the daughter who was watching the TV show, immediately jumped off the sofa, and flung openly towards Cheng Yuan with open hands.

Cheng Yuan quickly hugged his daughter and laughed, "Yating has been good at school recently?"

"People are the most obedient at school. Teachers praise me." Ya Ting raised her head proudly, and Wu Yan's big eyes stared at Cheng Yuan, rejoicing.

"It's amazing!" Cheng Yuan touched his daughter's soft hair, praised him, and sat next to Guo Xiaolian holding her daughter. He said in a small voice, "Xiao Lian, I have a project to do with me recently. Time, Mom and Dad, please help me. "

Guo Xiaolian had a smile on her face and then stagnated, then whispered, "You will leave in a while?"

"Well, this time is very important." Cheng Yuan gave a heavy reply, and then held Guo Xiaolian with his other hand.

Guo Xiaolian didn't speak, leaning on Cheng Yuan's shoulders: "Then you have to work hard. Every time you have a new achievement, you don't know how happy your parents are. They will show you your gifted son every time you go out."

At this time, Cheng Yating didn't understand the meaning of the words between her parents. When she saw her father and mother leaning together, she also tried to drill between Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian, occupying the position between the two.

Cheng Yuan, who wanted to say something, was interrupted by his daughter, so he couldn't say any more. Carefully make some gaps for Ya Ting to sit between the two.

A family of three enjoyed watching the children's program.


After returning to Mars, Cheng Yuan called zero for the first time.

"Sir, we found many unfamiliar spaceships in the Centaur exploration ship, which may be something of the centaur civilization." The two met each other, and Cheng Yuan said without waiting.

Cheng Yuan froze, surprised, "So fast !?"

At this moment, the sense of urgency in his heart was one more point. Although the current situation is that the enemy is bright and dark, he dares not to underestimate the technical strength of the other party.

"So, the other party also found us?" Cheng Yuan asked.

He nodded solemnly and said, "We have two exploration ships captured by the other side, and they are currently studying, but we also got some information through the sound device built into the exploration ships.

"Oh !?" Cheng Yuan's eyes lit up and he asked quickly: "What's the situation opposite?"

Although three new technologies are available, these technologies can be quickly transferred into the zero core matrix through the conscious transmission device without much time.

Compared with technical transmission, the opposite situation is the most important.

The old saying goes well, knowing yourself and knowing one another. Only by knowing the opponents can we make the scales of war easier to lean to ourselves.

Zero is also nonsense, directly playing back the pictures of the record of the exploration ship.

The content of the screen is not much. It seems that there is a way to block their unique signal transmission, but even if there are not many screens, Cheng Yuan can learn a lot of useful things.

First of all, the other party called himself Crystal. Although the name reminded Cheng Yuan of the elf in memory at once, but compared the shape of Jingling, he twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Is this crystal spirit a wild version?" He said quietly in his heart.

Secondly, the shape of their current warships looks completely different from the information he originally had. This point Cheng Yuan focused his observations on.

He didn't know if it was an improvement or a regression.

However, he himself felt that this was not an improvement. After all, this crystal civilization was regarded as a civilization that had been destroyed.

How much power is still unknown today.

The last point is also the only point where he can judge the strength of the opponent.

From the returned picture, the opponent also launched an attack when capturing his own exploration ship. The main means of attack was the combination of energy and physical weapons.

At the time of the capture, a small spacecraft was also approached.

Perhaps it has been seen very little, or the other party has never thought of using robots as weapons.

From this point, Cheng Yuan felt that he would have an advantage at the beginning of the battle!

Although robots are inferior to warships in many aspects, there are huge disadvantages both in terms of their own protection strength and in terms of carrying.

Once the energy is exhausted, it may only be used as a pile of cosmic garbage, and it will not have any effect.

But robots also have their own advantages. Their superb flexibility can freely shuttle the battlefield, and it is also more flexible than small fighters.

In war, robots have the most powerful assault capabilities, and are the main force to destroy local warships!

Of course, this is also the most taken for granted idea. Maybe the opponent does not have a robot but will have other assault units.

After all, the other party is not a fool, and it is impossible to leave the defects in the army alone.

At that time, we will see which side of the assault team on both sides is stronger!

For this, Cheng Yuan is more confident.

"Sir, based on the information I got this time, I re-simulated the content of the information we got for the first time through the lip shape of their pronunciation. I think the current situation of these crystal spirits is not very good." , Reminded aside.

"Tell me about it?" Cheng Yuan, who had some confidence, came at once.

Zero explained: "Through the previous information, I found that after the war between the crystal warriors and the" Yellow Head Worm "has not been restored, the planet we have seen before is a recovery of them. Outpost. "

"Yellow-headed worm?" Cheng Yuan staggered, wondering at the word.

"It is the title of the golden civilization that destroys the crystal civilization from the Titan fortress, but this process was originated by the crystal, and it is definitely not a good name."

Cheng Yuan is speechless, these crystal spirits will also nickname their rivals!

"Fortunately, this 'yellow-headed worm' was in the forbidden zone of life that they were exiled at the moment, and we still don't know the life or death." Petty said in a rather grim tone.

However, his mood was quite heavy, and the same Cheng Yuan could not be happy, although it seemed to reduce a terrible threat of unknown civilization.

But this crystal spirit does not seem to be a soft persimmon. Since the other party can exile yellowheads stronger than them, why can't they exile them!

"The only good news is that the other party has been exploring the ruins of the battlefield we are currently exploring for thousands of years, and the other party seems to be using the rubble to recover itself.

But this is good news and bad news, because we don't know how much yellowhead technology and technology collected by the other party ~ ~ and how much of their own technology is retained? "

The more you listen, the more the confidence that Cheng Yuan built up will be consumed.

Looking at Cheng Yuan's ugly face, Zero stopped talking. This kind of arrogance of others is not very good, but sometimes I have to face reality correctly.

"Regardless, even if the other party is strong, we are not foolish! We arrange it in advance, after all, we still have a certain initiative."

Although Cheng Yuan also felt a big head, but thinking of his three new technologies, he felt that the outcome of this war was still unknown!

Even if not, he can get more of the technology he needs from the core of technology!


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