Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 912:

However, Agula just said that the manager of the planet, Jin, accidentally expressed different opinions: "Agula, we need to inform the central star about this."

The face of the gold plate was a look of concern, and there was a worry in the dark eyes: "Everything on the other side is unknown. We found the other side's signaler in the ruins, but we don't know how long they have explored that ruin! Are they aware of us and observing our actions in secret? "

Agura opened her mouth and seemed to want to refute, but Jin interrupted mercilessly: "Agura, we are not the crystal civilization of 10,000 years ago. At that time we were extremely brilliant, but with thousands of yellow head worms The years of invasion have faded, until that war! "

Jin took a deep breath and slowed his tone: "We spent thousands of years without clearing the results of the battle. This is the gap between us and the original!"

At the end, Jin said gravely: "We can't have the slightest care!"

Agura stared at Kim for a moment, speechless. It is true that the situation of their crystal spirits is no longer brilliant as King said. Although they have begun to develop again, it will take at least a thousand years to complete the restoration of their former glory.

Thinking of this, Agura was disheartened: "Okay, I'm too anxious, but we can send a fast shuttle ship to the ruins to patrol there. The ruins cover nearly half of the galaxy. I believe the other party must be More than one annunciator for tracking. "

Seeing his partner understand what he meant, King quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was expensive as the manager of the outpost, he did not want to use power to make people submit, which was not in line with his style of behavior.

Similarly, if power is used, this will undoubtedly leave hidden dangers to future management, which he summarized with hundreds of years of rule.

Although his approach seems to be weak in the eyes of other managers, the outpost has not had any problems for centuries to explain everything.

Apparently, the manager King was very prestigious throughout the outpost, and after Agoura also agreed, the rest did not have any objection.

"Then I'll contact the central adult first, Agoura. Could you please dismantle this thing and analyze its manufacturing materials, this will help us judge the civilization of the other party."

King commanded and hurried away with everyone.

After they left, Agura set about studying the annunciator.

The cylindrical annunciator housing is tightly threaded and looks seamless from the outside, as if cast directly.

Such a manufacturing industry makes Agurah feel a little uneasy, because the more powerful the civilization, the more sophisticated and complete they will be in making small machines.

If it weren't for the light holes on the sides to release the signal lights, he could feel that the annunciator was a combination of them, and he thought that the other party had mastered even more advanced manufacturing techniques than their crystals.

"Maybe this is the craftsmanship unique to the other party's civilization?" Agula muttered comfortably.

His assistants have been controlling some inspection instruments to scan and analyze the annunciator.

"Sir, you better look at this ..." Suddenly, an assistant shouted in panic.

Agura heard the words and quickly walked over, Shen said: "What did you find?"

"Sir, there is a powerful energy source in this thing to provide operational energy, and there seems to be a tool for recording pictures inside, our shielding seems to have no effect ..." the assistant said babblefully.

Agura froze and looked at his assistant in amazement: "What did you say? Our shielding didn't work?"

"Yes, it has no effect." The assistant said uneasily, "I found that the other party's recording tool was still running when I scanned it. Our magnetic isolation did not affect it, and we did not even shield the signal. The other party used A unique delivery method, which we have never seen before! "

The assistant was quite disturbed at first, but with the narrative, his dark eyes began to shine with the desire, which was a kind of pursuit of knowledge.

Although Agura is very eager to know what kind of technology this is, he has a stronger self-control than his assistant.

"Don't worry about this technology, just tell me, can we turn this thing off, or if we can't destroy it!" Agula froze impatiently with a bald head, impatient.

The assistant quickly reached into the control jellyfish, and after shaking it, he shook his head suddenly: "No, the structure of this annunciator is very special. The new energy is connected to all parts. If a mistake ignites the energy, our city said Maybe it will be destroyed. "

Agula's mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt like he was stupid enough to take this thing here, wasn't he able to check at the beginning whether it was dangerous or not?

Well now, not only the picture on my side may not be known by the other party, even dismantling it has become a problem.

Just when Agura had a headache, the solar system Mars.

Cheng Yuan and Zero looked at the picture returned from the Centaur Galaxy, and both were shocked by what was shown in the picture.

Although it has been known for a long time that there is an alien civilization in the universe, when they really saw it, the shock of facing their hearts still kept them from speaking for a long time.

"This is an alien's laboratory?" Cheng Yuan looked at the green monsters in the picture, and the appearance of the aliens in his mind quietly changed from the image of ET.

Alien civilization creatures are very similar in shape to humans, with only slight differences in appearance.

In the picture, he saw an alien wearing a gold robe with a significantly different status communicating with another alien, or arguing, but there was no recorder in the signaler, and they could not hear the two men Say what.

If they could hear them, Zero would know what they were talking about.

After all, Zero's understanding of alien civilization is very detailed. The core functions of a Titan provide them with a lot of relevant information.

Language is naturally the most basic.

Watching the aliens studying their own annunciators, Cheng Yuan had a sense of urgency and a weird feeling at the same time.

"I already knew that I had equipped a detonation device in the annunciator so that these aliens could taste the thrill of fission explosion." Cheng Yuan closed the screen suddenly and muttered.

Zero just smiled slightly, and then solemnly said, "Sir, we need to prepare for battle."

"Ang, let's get ready." Cheng Yuan exhaled, adjusted his mood, and commanded: "Began to build a large-scale star destroyer, using the latest dark energy reactor for energy, and dark energy for energy weapons. Lord, use the annihilation gun for the main gun of the Star Destroyer. "

"Unfortunately, we are not familiar with super-light particles, otherwise a super-light particle cannon will go down and maybe we can penetrate a galaxy!"

On January 11, Cheng Yuan ordered Jie Jie to add, and then added: "Do you need to transfer the Titans back? The Titan fortress has been completely restored and is a good combat force."

Cheng Yuan touched his chin for a while and groaned: "No, the Titan fortress will be moved to the edge of the solar system. As a supplement, if it is advantageous, it will attack. If it is inferior, it will be the last line of defense."

"What about intelligent robots? If it is a universe battlefield, a large intelligent robot of 100 meters can be fully utilized." Zero Ask.

"Make! As long as the materials are enough!" Cheng Yuan waved his hand and said, "Now let's put down the experiment at hand and focus on building the portal. We need a larger range of mining resources!"

Nodding nodded, indicating that he understood.

Whether he and Cheng Yuan or Jingling ~ ~ both sides understand a truth, the encounter between two civilizations cannot be a friendly hand in hand.

Because the discussion on the desktop, its roots must be based on the strength of both parties!

Only those with big fists can occupy a dominant position in the process of communication between the two sides!

Then the two meet. Whose fist is bigger, not a few words on the mouth. Whose cowhide blows is bigger, whose fist is bigger.

It depends on the war to determine the size of the fists of both sides, as well as their status!

"By the way, does this need to be informed with Huaxia?" Zero asked suddenly after the discussion.

"Is this ..."


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