Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 911:

Centaur galaxy left cantilever α-0377, here is the star belt away from the main battlefield. In the remote place closest to the ruins of the battlefield, the light surrounding the three huge stars seemed extremely dazzling in the dark universe.

In the middle of the three stars, there is a planet that is almost three times the size of the earth. The surface of the planet is surrounded by a small number of small mechanical satellites. These satellites are regularly arranged in a triangle to form a giant that can enclose the entire planet barrier.

Countless battleships hovered in and out of the planet. Whenever a battleship passed this barrier, these mechanical satellites automatically opened a navigation channel, and closed again after the battleship flew off the planet.

This is a bustling planet.

"ΡτΔΟΠζ (recovery ship applies to return)"

In a ship of about 200 meters with severe abrasion, a humanoid creature with green skin put his hands in a mass of transparent material like jellyfish, controlling the ship to slowly approach the satellite barrier.

Greenskin's face looks similar to humans and others, except that his eyes are pure black with no white eyes, the bridge of his nose is square like a building block, and there are three vertical lines on his chin.

"ΛΩ (permitted)"

The mechanical answer came back, and Greenskin creature heard that he yawned and opened his mouth to clearly see the purple inner wall of the mouth and a purple tongue.

The green-skinned creature's teeth are smooth, with tiger teeth on both sides. It can be judged by the shape of the teeth. He is also a omnivorous creature.

Through the group of transparent jellyfish, he can clearly see the shape of his palms. The fingers are thick and have no pointed nails. The fingers are twice as long as the palms, but there is only one joint. This shows that the flexibility of his fingers is definitely not as smart as that of humans.

After stretching a bit, the green-skin creature-controlled ship flew into the planet. This planet, which was defended by three stars, had blue sky and white clouds inside, and there were abundant forests and lakes on the ground.

Countless creatures have never been seen living on the ground. Under the control of green skin creatures, the ship quickly docked at an airport in a city.

"I don't know how much I can earn this time, plus a lot of money for ship maintenance, this time I won't run for nothing?" Greenskin creature looked after his ship was stable. Weary murmured to himself.

"Hawthorn, what's new in this recovered thing? Is there any light energy weapon or something?" Greenskin asked like a smart terminal of the ship, but he didn't agree with the tone, apparently he felt that he had found the damaged one. Light weapons are a delusion.

"There is no weapon type in the recovered product, Captain."

No surprise, Greenskin didn't care, and ordered: "Give everything together and let those **** robots move things to Corleone, and he's the most reasonable price."

"Okay, Captain." After answering Intelligent Haw, he asked, "Captain, what about the signals we intercepted, and directly handed over to the planet director?"

The green-skinned creature patted his bare head and mumbled, "Damn, I almost forgot, and saved the signal alone. I'll find someone to crack it, maybe it's important news, and it can sell for a big price!"

The green-skinned creature grinned, and looked expectant.

But before he laughed for three seconds, he found that three more patrol warships surrounded him suddenly.

"Citizen ID: ATT63723302E Andes, we have detected a special strange tracking signal in your ship, and immediately disembark for inspection!"

The smile on Andis's face froze instantly, and then he stared agitatedly at the three patrol warships that had aimed his muzzle at his beloved recovery ship.

"I'll get off the boat immediately!" Do not dare to have any hesitation, and Andis quickly let Haw open the ship's hatch, and ran out with a crawl.

He was not afraid that the three patrol warships would sink himself in one shot. After all, even if he could sink his recovery ship, he would have enough time to escape.

But the key thing is that this recycling ship is the guy who settled down in his family. The property passed down from his grandfather's generation. If he loses the recycling ship, his life will become a problem in the future.

After Andis disembarked, a group of patrolmen immediately surrounded him, and then took out an instrument and swept him a few times.

"It's not on the body, things are on the boat." It was a very burly green skin that spoke, and he had a fierce temperament.

After waving and letting Andes roll aside, a group of people rushed into Andes's recovery boat.

Soon a group of people came out, still carrying a cylindrical device, and then left with a stunned expression.

"Hawthorn, this thing is the source of the signal?" Andis wasn't stupid, and he immediately realized that he seemed to be returning with something extraordinary ...


In a special pyramid building, sunlight shines through the entire glass through transparent glass.

The cylindrical device that was brought out of the Andes ship was placed on a metal table at this time, and three very thin green leather men were studying the device.

"Where did this thing come from? This is definitely not something of our crystal civilization! Of course, it is not something of the disgusting yellow head worm, this is a brand-new civilization material machine!"

The researcher's black eyes were surprised, rejoicing, and a touch of excitement.

If a brand-new civilization can master the unique technology of that civilization, it will definitely be a qualitative leap for their crystal spirit!

It is undeniable that there are many civilizations in the entire universe. These civilization levels naturally have different levels, but no matter which civilization has their unique technological tendencies.

These unique things are extremely precious to any civilization!

How did high-level civilization develop? They are not just a little developed behind closed doors, but they are constantly exploring and exploring, contacting unknown civilizations, absorbing the advantages of each other to provide themselves with nutrients for growth, and then let them grow up!

"New civilization !?" Everyone present was bright with the words of the researchers.

One of the greenskins in a gold robe excitedly approached and asked, "Agoura, can you guess the level of civilization of the other party, can we find each other?"

Agura shook his head and regretted: "Sorry, Kim. This is just a signaler. Although the mechanical structure is perfect, but this is just one thing, we ca n’t judge whether the other party ’s civilization is strong. We may be able to speculate more. "

At the end, Agula wondered, "Where did this thing come from?"

"The ruins of the battlefield were found by a person named Andes. Their family has been engaged in recovery operations for generations. We have copied the sailing route of the other ship." The burly patrol captain immediately returned.

Battlefield Ruins!

When I heard the word ~ ​​ ~ everyone felt a jump.

That world-famous battle has caused their crystal civilization to suffer unprecedented damage. However, although the other party won, they were also exiled to the non-living zone with the obliteration cannon.

Both sides can be said to be defeated, their crystals have lost most of the planet and population. The other party was directly involved in the non-living area, and now thousands of years have passed and it is still unknown whether it is still alive.

But no matter what, this new civilization is a rare opportunity for their crystal spirits!

"I suggest, be prepared, as soon as we find each other, we will act immediately!" Agura solemnly.


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