Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 910:

Although Cheng Yuan directly eliminated the hidden danger of intellectual weapons by means of thunder, Huaxia did not stop his military operations because of Cheng Yuan's shot.

In the eyes of outsiders, Cheng Yuan is no different from their Chinese counterpart. But they all know that Cheng Yuan is that Cheng Yuan does not represent them!

Even if it has no practical effect, you have to make a cut.

Over the next week, Huaxia troops appeared almost everywhere in the world, with a huge number of airships and battleships hovering in the sky.

In this case, the original complaints of all countries were much less.

In case they provoke the Huaxia military in words, if they are in a bad mood, they will cry a few missiles from the air, and they will cry nowhere.

After all, this kind of thing has a history.

At the time, the Southeast Asian United Fleet acted and was directly disabled by a command of a Chinese military officer.

Up to now, Huaxia has not given any explicit compensation, so it does not hurt to itch it. So-called punishments come, and those countries that have protested have been sent.

How can those countries accept this result, but in the face of power, they can only endure it if they cannot accept it.

Now, after the emergence of the intelligence equipment, they did not even have to endure. All the sites in their own country were taken away by Huaxia, and when they took it, they said that everything was for humanity.

This kind of thing will happen for the first time and there will be a second one. Now, although the battle between Huaxia and Zhizhi in Tokyo affects only one small island nation, its influence affects the entire planet.

Who let Zhixian build secret bases around the world, now gives Huaxia an excuse to send troops to patrol and deterrence everywhere.

Thinking of this, the leaders of all countries are uncomfortable.

Ordinary people don't think that much, although some people think that it is not good to have Huaxia battleships hovering above their heads every day. But the thought of the intelligence equipment that has not been completely cleaned up, and the fragile defensive forces of their own country, on the contrary, their absolute existence of these warships gives them more peace of mind.

After about half a month like this, Huaxia finally withdrew these airships and warships cruising around the world.

This also made all countries relieved that the overcast clouds that left their heads left, and they can let go of their hands and develop their own country.

The first thing they need to do is to send people to the bases left by intellectual equipment again. Although the development of science and technology does not necessarily depend on military strength, whether a country has strong military strength is the most direct reflection.

Therefore, no matter which country it is in this regard, it is very important.

The results of the re-search are naturally good or bad. Some countries can still see relatively complete secret bases, which still retain a lot of useful things, such as very advanced production lines or manufacturing technologies.

Some are more miserable, leaving nothing behind. The only thing that makes them feel relieved is that the previously saved information is still there, as long as there are development goals in the near future.

However, it hasn't been long before these countries rejoice, and new news has come from Huaxia.

Mars immigration is officially launched!

After several months, improve human physical fitness and adapt to the Martian environment. These preliminary preparations have been completed, and the first construction troops in the past have also established corresponding cities on Mars.

Even the food reserves that humans need are ready, and everything on Mars can be said to be everything.

The news is naturally exciting.

After all, it's a brand new planet, living in an alien planet, and nine of the ten people in the aerospace era had similar ideas.

It's just that there has been no corresponding technology and conditions.

Now that there is an opportunity, who would be willing to miss it?

It's just that people in China are so excited, but people in other countries are not very happy.

Because Huaxia revealed that the first batch of applications for Martian immigration will choose people with Chinese citizenship as the first condition.

If foreign friends want to start a new life on Mars, they can directly contact the technology crystal company.

This condition alone has disappointed many people.

After all, if the government arranges everything, it will be relatively simple, and contacting the technology crystallization company, except for the rich, ordinary people need not think at all.

But such things are not bad.

After all, although the government makes it easier to arrange, but because of the large number of groups, everyone is almost the same if they are allocated, and it is not even good.

However, if you contact the technology crystallization company to apply for it, although a lot of credit points are required, the technology crystallization company will definitely bring them a very enjoyable trip to Mars.

So after Huaxia announced the news, the technology crystallization company received applications from all over the world.

This kind of thing Cheng Yuan will not care about, and directly throw things to Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia.

At this time, he and Zero had built a dark energy reactor in the open space next to the particle acceleration base. This new energy source is more powerful than fusion energy!

What Cheng Yuan and Zero pleased most was the stability of the dark energy reactor!

If the stability is arranged from small to large using the numbers 1 to 10, the stability of the fusion energy can be described by the number 8, which is difficult to stabilize itself.

The stability of the dark energy reactor can be said to be represented by 1!

As the most extensive substance in the universe, its stability is absolutely reliable!

"Zero, should you try to use it for a hyper-light experiment? I think the dark energy reactor should bring a whole new change to this experiment!"

After rigorous testing and trial operation ~ ~ confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the dark energy reactor, Cheng Yuanbian couldn't wait to think about it.

"Of course, I also want to see how the new energy will bring about changes!" Zero nodded as well, and he was also curious about the changes that the super-light-speed particles will cause as they pass through, with more powerful energy. Is Dark Matter Emission Normal or Accidental?

And how the open space wormhole was caused in the first experiment.

These are unknown puzzles, waiting for them to solve.

"But before that we need to renovate here. It takes about three days to access the dark energy reactor." Zero said.

Cheng Yuan patted Zero's shoulder: "It's up to you ..."

Before he could finish speaking, suddenly a short beep sounded in the laboratory, Cheng Yuan stunned, but he hadn't reacted yet, but his face changed.

"What's going on? Where's the prompt?" Cheng Yuan could not remember the sound of the laboratory's alarm, he asked quickly.

Zero face dignified: "There is news from the centaur galaxy civilization, our exploration fleet intercepted a signal in that battlefield, this news was a week ago!"

Because of the distance, even if quantum communication is used, the signal transmission from the solar system to the centaur galaxy takes a week, and this process will become longer with the deeper exploration of the exploration fleet!

"Discovered a week ago? What's the content?" Cheng Yuan heard the tension in his nerves and faced a cosmic civilization.

After all, it ’s a gangster civilization that has long been able to explore ultra-long distance space navigation. And they're just new in this regard.

The gap between the two is too big!

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