Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 909:

Not only Europe, but everywhere in the world where intelligence equipment base exists, Cheng Yuan's fleet visited.

I do n’t know if it ’s a coincidence. Ninety percent of the smart weapon bases are established in the military areas of various countries. Once Cheng Yuan ’s fleet came over, the soldiers stationed at the base naturally lost their lives.

Looking at the indiscriminate bombing of their bases by these invincible fleets, many people dared not anger.

After all, except for the Huaxia accident, there are no other countries in the world that have flying warships!

Fortunately, these warships did not attack their soldiers, but rather strangely attacked the ground or nearby mountains of their military base.

This kind of behavior makes ordinary soldiers scratch their heads, but the senior officials of each country are ugly.

Ordinary soldiers may not know what's around these military bases, but high-level government officials know it well. Although they are willing to stop such a destructive behavior of Huaxia, they dare not act lightly.

Because everyone knows that Huaxia is angry at this time, and in their eyes this behavior is a revenge!

But watching Huaxia's fleet destroy, their distressed heart could hardly be described in words.

The secret bases left by these smart devices are all their rising capital! It was just destroyed by Huaxia's fleet, which was simply curbing its own development!

The high-rises looked at the destroyed warship with a cold face, and then they did not wait for their protest. As a result, the protest within their own country came out first.

It turned out that after Cheng Yuan's warship left, those unsettled soldiers gradually came over, and after confirming their safety, they naturally organized a team to explore the place where the Chinese warship bombed.

The results of the investigation are naturally self-evident.

Although the base of the intelligence equipment was destroyed, the broken structure and some remaining components inside also made these soldiers realize how dangerous a place they are stationed.

They were stationed at the gate of the Intellectual Base! And the superior officer also deliberately concealed them, which is just like letting them stand on the edge of the cliff to perform duties!

If such a thing is said, there will certainly be soldiers who choose to accept the command of the chief.

After all, soldiers from any country value their honor very much. For the country and the future, someone must be willing to work in such a dangerous place.

But deliberate concealment and an orderly command are obviously two different things!

Today's soldiers in various countries are not the original ones who have received long-term good training. They are all forces who have survived after the intellectual crisis.

This kind of team has three teachings and nine streams, and everyone has it. It is not very stable in itself. As soon as this happens, protests naturally erupt.

Not to mention that there is a kind of herd mind ...

Regardless of foreign affairs, Huaxia was also fooled by this matter. They were still discussing to give Zhizhi a good-looking result. As a result, Cheng Yuan directly helped them solve it!

This incident made them feel like they were hitting the cotton with a punch. But they were quite happy, after all, Cheng Yuan shot, and they didn't need to waste too much resources.

After all, every fight is money! Even if you use smart robots, the money will not be less!

"Hua Lao, does this require us to communicate with Cheng Yuan?" In the meeting room, Liu Weimin looked at Hua Lao with a calm look and sighed in his heart.

He was also going to see who was behind the scenes and took his ride.

As a result, Hua Lao was called to the meeting before he started. Originally, Liu Weimin wanted to continue to investigate, but eventually he gave up.

After all, no matter who they are, their purpose is the same, in order to rescue the soldiers!

As for the research of new technologies, that's what happens.

Hua Lao Ning Mei pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "Say to Cheng Yuan, don't go too far. It is imperative to destroy the wisdom weapon, but it can't hurt innocent people. The loss is definitely there, as long as it's not too thorough. Just fine. "

Speaking of which, Hua Lao seemed to think of something happy, and smiled rarely, "Let Hong Shi go and talk with the ambassadors of other countries, this is it."

The tone was calm and the whole thing was settled. Hua Lao got up and left the conference room.

Others thought about it and did not refute Hua Lao's decision. Although Hua Lao had decided to retire, it did not prevent them from respecting Hua Lao.

What's more, the whole thing is good for them no matter what they see, they don't need to do more.


"Zero, did you find that high-level intelligent weapon?" Cheng Yuan lined up a dozen screens in front of him. He rubbed his eyebrows and stood up and stretched his waist.

It's the original idea. Under absolute force, positive 怼 is the best choice.

With zero eyes stagnant behind Cheng Yuan, the data flow in black eyes flashed wildly. As the bases of smart devices were destroyed, the range of data that Zero needed to track became smaller and smaller.

Hearing Cheng Yuan's inquiry, he gave a slight smile: "In Switzerland, our battleship has locked it, and this cunning guy has nowhere to run."

Hearing the words, Cheng Yuan exhaled, patted his forehead, and complained: "This guy is just like loach, compared to god. At the beginning, God just jumped out and just faced us!"

Cheng Yuan's complaint made Zero Renjun can't help but he laughed: "This shows that our method made it fearful at first, so he kept hiding in Tibet."

"Fear? If you really fear it, it won't pop out. It's so good to be crouched in the corner to listen to Zen." Cheng Yuan let his lips fall, his face unbelieving.

"You're wrong. It can't help but jump out not because it has no fear of us, but because its own program makes it irresistible to carry out all this!" Speaking of which, Zero couldn't help but feel emotion .

This is the gap between intelligence and intelligent life.

Intelligent life has asked the specification of instructions, and he is free to do whatever he wants according to his own will.

But intelligence is different. No matter how humanistic the expression of intelligence is, it is still within the inherent procedures set by human beings. Even if there is a change, it cannot escape from the overall planning scope ~ ~ "I'll leave it to you. I'll go back first, and we'll return to Mars next week to continue the experiment."


In Switzerland, Wang Ming was hiding expressionlessly beside the back door of a building.

As Cheng Yuan's warship bombed his secret base, he was forced to continually relocate to Switzerland, a small country in central Europe.

This country, which was originally quiet and peaceful, with a high humanistic environment in the international rankings, was empty at this time without a figure.

He looked up at the three warships quietly suspended there in the sky.

Three 300-meter-long battleships lined up, blocking sunlight directly on the ground and leaving huge shadows.

While Wang Ming just glanced at the probe, a thick energy ray of a bucket went straight to his head.

Wang Ming swiftly rolled away from the main attack range of the energy ray, but he seemed to underestimate the power of this energy ray of the battleship.

The rays do not end once they are fired, they are continuous!

The moment he avoided it, the rays followed directly and quickly cut across a trench two meters wide on the ground.

At this time, Wang Ming's body was directly divided into two halves.

Only half of the upper part of the head is left, and the nose disappears all at once; the other half is only the lower leg part of the knee, and the rest is directly melted and cleaned by the high temperature, and it is no longer mixed in the deep groove Clear the difference between the concrete floor of the electronic component box.

"Hit the target, send the spacecraft to recover the target, and completely clear it." A cold voice came from the battleship above, Wang Ming's eyes moved, and then gradually lost its luster.

With Wang Ming's death, the problem of intellectual equipment was completely eliminated.

As long as no one continues to engage in the development of this insecure artificial intelligence, the entire earth can be said to officially begin to develop into the universe!

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