Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 903:

No one knows Wang Ming's plan. After Huaxia dispatched an intelligent robot, the big troops stayed in the air to watch.

Hua Lao's order was not a success in the First World War, but a careful and utmost effort to ensure that the mission was perfect.

The big troops in Huaxia did not move, but the leading intelligent robotic forces had already launched fierce urban street battles with intellectual equipment.

For large robots, there is no difference between streets and alleys.

When the first explosion sounded, the whole city boiled like a wok dripping with grease.

There were explosions and rumbling footsteps everywhere.

"Scanning the entire city, scanning 600 meters underground, we have to find all possible places where intelligence equipment exists!" In the battleship command room, the commander stared blankly at the large screen in front of him, commanding coldly.

"Yes! General!"

Although the entire battleship can be controlled by intelligence, since the outbreak of the smart weapon crisis, no matter which country is afraid to abuse intelligence.

Even China Smart, which is always smart and friendly, is inevitable.

Below the urban battlefield, the battle between intelligent robots and smart weapons is almost a one-sided trend.

In recent years, Huaxia has not stopped updating the intelligent robot army, discarding the old-fashioned shape of the z1, and replacing it with more gorgeous and domineering.

The new intelligent robot has not only hard armor, but also powerful energy weapons.

From long-range beam rifles to close-range beam sabers and beam daggers for personal combat, everything is available!

In addition to these standard pieces of combat equipment, Huaxia will also fully integrate intelligent robots with a configuration of four teams.

The four types of intelligent robots not only have completely different shapes, but also have different coatings on the outer layers. They are named lightning, storm, ground crack and hot flame.

Lightning, body number starting with zs and subsequent serial numbers, has a strong high-speed combat capability in the air, the body is only 18.8 meters high, the fuselage is red, the waist is equipped with huge movable wings, and the unique 90mm is installed on the movable wings. Electromagnetic rifle and dispersable energy shield.

The range of the electromagnetic rifle is very short, but it can easily destroy the enemy's electronic core in close combat, and it can be said that the lightning's strong maneuverability complements each other.

The dispersable energy shield consists of four 130mm suspension beam cannons. When the four suspension cannons are combined, they can deploy an energy barrier to block attacks, or they can be scattered around the body for close range firing.

In addition, Lightning is also equipped with a huge beam gun for battleships. The beam gun is fixed on the chest. The 620mm caliber is recharged with built-in nuclear energy, which can easily destroy ordinary warships.

Storm, the body number starts with zf, the same as the mass production storm has the same height as the lightning, the fuselage is green, thick body, is the only long-range artillery robot in the team.

The left shoulder is equipped with a multi-purpose missile launcher, the right shoulder is a high-energy beam gun, and the back is also equipped with a terrifying starship gun. Because of the absolute firepower in the team, the storm is dual-core and has two nuclear reactors. At the same time, in order to enhance the fire output of the storm, the detectors throughout the fuselage have been greatly enhanced.

The ground is broken, the body number starts with zl, the body is painted black, equipped with the optical camouflage system newly developed by Huaxia Academy of Science and Intellectual Brain, which makes the body invisible for a short time through the impact on the basic particle gas, and can also affect the radar Detection.

As the main force of ground warfare, the cracked ground is equipped with two high-energy beam rifles, each side of which is equipped with an energy dagger, and a hanging high-frequency vibration particle alloy sword is mounted on the back waist.

Lightweight equipment has powerful firepower and cutting capabilities. Powerful thrusters are set behind the arms, back, legs, and soles of the feet. This allows the cracked ground to have more maneuverability than lightning when fighting on the ground. It can be said that the robot was developed for ground operations.

The last flame, starting with the body number zr, is the only compound robot among the four robots. It has strong scalability and can be equipped with different combat equipment according to different combat environments. Although it is the most versatile robot, it is also the most versatile. Robots eating supplies.

The four types of robots are used in combat, covering almost all combat environments including air combat, long range, land combat, and marine.

Because there was no war before, even if the transformation was completed, there was no chance to show it. The battle in Tokyo at this time was the first real combat test.

On the spacious street, a 25-meter-wide smart device rushed forward with heavy steps. Because of the unbearable load on the road, the smart device could leave a crack on the ground every step.

The unique scarlet one-eye of the intelligence equipment firmly locks the dark ground-splitting robot. The huge energy rifle in its hand has been aimed. Pull the trigger, and the red energy beam bursts out fiercely!

Facing the attack of the wise weapon, there were two blue and white lights suddenly behind the cracked ground, and the thrusters on the whole body were released at the moment when the energy beam was about to hit!

The huge driving force made the cracked ground suddenly burst out at an alarming speed, and disappeared almost in an instant!


The energy beam fell through, hitting the ground and exploding into a small pit.

As soon as the wisdom weapon disappeared, the one-eyed eye, like a light bulb, began to search around, but strangely, the cracked ground seemed to disappear!

After searching for a while, the intelligent core, which was not strong, had judged that the enemy had disappeared, and then released the combat mode and went to other places to find the target.

But just after the first step of the wisdom weapon, the blue light pierced the chest of the weapon with a disastrous light!

Behind the intelligence equipment, the transparent texture slowly faded from the body of the cracked ground, and in the hands of the cracked ground, a high-temperature alloy sword was slowly drawn out of the chest of the intelligence equipment.


The huge explosion rolled up countless dusts and scattered them with the impact. When the smoke and dust slowly dropped, only the wreckage after the explosion of the intellectual weapon was left in place, but there was no figure of cracked ground.

With the performance of the ground split, Lightning continued to dive from the air ~ ~ just like an eagle in one stroke, and continuously harvested the body of the intelligent weapon.

The storm seeks a suitable location, and the artillery fire on it leans on the target like a storm.

Hot flames stood by the storm, harvesting the attacking intelligence one by one.


With the passage of time, the various data of the four robots continue to give back. In the face of intelligent machines with similar body shapes, the four robots can easily overcome.

The power of the four robots in the face of a large-scale intelligent weapon over 30 meters is also impressive.

Hot flames were pinned down, long-range bombardment by storms, lightning strikes, and sneak attacks behind the cracked ground.

It's just a visual feast on the steel battlefield. Whether it's a soldier in the air or a commander in the battleship or an ordinary dispatcher, they are all attracted to this scene on the Tokyo battlefield.

They never thought that after a reasonable match, their robots could burst into such a powerful combat power!

When the scene was transmitted back to Huaxia, everyone was equally excited. The relevant scientific researchers felt that their research direction was indeed correct, and at the same time, they were able to get rid of Cheng Yuan's shadow.

After all, this is their first innovation. With this one, there will be a second, third and future new future!

Just when everyone was excited, there was a sudden violent vibration on the battlefield, and the ground trembled and then collapsed.

The earth is slowly opening, and ten giant robots 100 meters high are slowly rising from the ground!


The harsh sound of air friction makes people explode, and the bright yellow energy beam sweeps past, and countless robots explode!

"Commander, a huge robot appears to the enemy, so far, the body is 156 meters high!"

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