Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 902:

On the day of China's announcement, it attracted the attention of countries around the world.

Nowadays, the strength of Huaxia has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As early as the war with intelligent machinery, it is like the world has demonstrated their strong military strength that made them despair.

But it cannot be denied that if it were not Cheng Yuan, the battle between Huaxia and Intelligent Machinery would continue.

This time, Huaxia faced Tokyo's intelligent machinery alone, and they really wanted to see how the forces of Huaxia's 'real' combat were. After all, they are not considered to be powerless. After returning home, they have found advanced factories or military bases left by intelligent machines.

These factories and military bases that can produce intelligent machines on a large scale are their capital to regain the right to speak!

Although no one has acted lightly so far, it's only a matter of time before these legacy devices can be used.

Those who have ambition will not be willing to surrender, let alone the head of state.


When Huaxia started to attack, Cheng Yuan was also watching.

Cheng Yuan and Zero stayed in Mars City and watched this raid through satellite images.

Looking down from the top, huge battleships drifted slowly through the clouds, surrounded by neatly lined airships. There are five airships, with a flying wing structure that guards the battleship in the middle to move forward.

Not only that, through the high-definition camera, Cheng Yuan can also see the densely packed individual armored soldiers and intelligent robots, which are overwhelming!

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan raised a brow and could not help.

"Zero, when you sent the airship over, you didn't give them the instructions?" Cheng Yuan's face was strange, he glanced at the expressionless zero and joked.

In principle, his battleship is the most defensive in the entire array. Not to mention the simple deck defense, a powerful energy shield alone can prevent most weapon attacks.

Even if the formation of troops, the battleship should be the leader, the airship wings behind!

Although Cheng Yuan didn't know how to fight in the march, but Nai's mt played in the front line, so that the long-range output of the airship could have better activity space and the time for launching warships and soldiers!

But now it looks like the opposite!

"I had already greeted them when I sent them over, and the internal intelligent program would introduce them to everything. Maybe they were too hurry. The warship was in place for two hours." Zero immediately denied.

Can such a high-level cargo of warships be returned to the entire instruction manual?

If you really need a manual, this manual must be at least as thick as the Xinhua Dictionary.

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan grinned silently, and then said, "They asked for two warships, and now only one is dispatched, and the other 80% is taken for research. Is there any movement in Tokyo?"

After a while, he said in astonishment, "Without movement, they don't seem to know at all."

"No movement !?" Cheng Yuan called up the picture and took a panoramic view of the situation in Tokyo through a satellite probe. In the picture, the smart machines throughout Tokyo are wandering as usual without any alertness.

"Eh ?!" Cheng Yuan looked at the situation in the picture in amazement, puzzled: "I thought Zen would have any action, but as a result he didn't do anything, even the special intellectual weapon didn't respond, what's going on!??"

"Zen will not control intelligent machines to fight humans. He knows the power gap between the two sides. Moreover, he is a monk himself ... no, he was originally affected by the monk's thinking." Zero replacement Zen explained A sentence.

Cheng Yuan doesn't care about this attitude of zero. He is the only two intelligent life.

However, Cheng Yuan disagreed with the interpretation of zero.

"Although you think it makes sense, but it is also Zen lucky that was affected by the thought of a well-known monk. If you change to a monk, the eight achievements have a headache for us."

"Changing a monk?" Zero looked at Cheng Yuan inexplicably, with a doubt in his face.

Cheng Yuan dismissed a smile and hummed: "Several monks now read the scriptures with ease, all of them have fat ears and big ears, and they are thinking about making money. How high can this monk think? It ’s just that Asan ’s poor side ca n’t make money, so that ’s how to get such a good monk! ”


What you said makes sense!

Zero mouth cornered, speechless.

"Let's see what's going on in Tokyo." Zero shift the topic, zoom in on the screen, and look carefully.

Seeing zero, he didn't want to talk about this topic, Cheng Yuan shrugged boringly, leaned his body on the back of the chair, and looked boredly at the forward battleship.

For him, he just wanted to see what Zen would do when Huaxia attacked Tokyo.

"Zero, don't look for it, let's set up a dark energy furnace first, and by the way try dark energy as a super light particle experiment to see how it works." Cheng Yuan thought about it and looked at it carefully Zero, so he said.

After listening to the super-light particle experiment, he immediately took his eyes back and nodded.

He prefers to observe the changes of super-light particles rather than Huaxia's cleaning operation.

In the second experiment, the super-light particles circulated in the tunnel for so long. I originally thought that there would be a stable result. However, I did not expect that the single particle would slip into the whirlpool and run away.

The two came out of Mars City and took the spacecraft directly to the laboratory base.

"I have read some materials before. Let's build the main building first, two symmetrically closed u-rings." After arriving at the laboratory base, Cheng Yuan immediately ordered.

Zero also didn't pause. After scanning the data in the matrix, he immediately retrieved the nanomachine. "What material?" As he approached, Zero suddenly asked.

Although there are very complete materials in the matrix, the main building materials in the materials are the unique synthetic materials of centaur civilization.

Cheng Yuan frowned for a moment, and said, "With carbon fiber alloy ~ ~, we need a carrier that is hard enough, and at the same time we must ensure that the sealing ability is strong enough."

"Okay." Zero responded, and then began to control the nanomachine and carbon fiber alloy samples to combine.

While making carbon fiber alloys from scratch, Cheng Yuan was not idle, mobilizing transportation spacecraft for materials and engineering robot transportation, and the demand for large construction machinery.

The two men who were busy quickly forgot about the imminent war on Earth.

At this point, the huge battleship had hovered at a height of 10,000 meters in Tokyo, and intelligent robots in the surrounding large airships and soldiers wearing individual armor came out.

Soon, the sky was covered by dense soldiers and robots, and below it, the intelligent machines floating on the ground remained unresponsive.

This scene was also seen by the military general on the battleship. Although the major general wondered why these intelligent machines did not have any vigilant response, he did not think deeply.

Since the defeat of intelligent machines, their disorderly wandering is very common.

But in the news he got, he mentioned that there is a special intelligent machine here, and the other party can control those ordinary intelligent machines.

This situation now made the major general a little vigilant and groaned for a moment. He ordered: "All the personnel are on standby in the air, and the intelligent robot will start the task."

At the same time that the ordinary intelligent robot was dispatched, the major general did not forget to send a guardian who had just arrived.

The guardian's combat information was specifically ordered to be recorded, and he naturally did not dare to neglect.

After the intelligent robot rushed into Tokyo, the fighting sounded instantly.

In the deep north of Europe, in a deep cold mountain, the moment when Wang Ming saw the start of the battle, a stupid smile suddenly appeared on his dull face.

"Good show, it begins ..."

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