Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 904:

"Unknown large robot?" The Chinese commander's commander looked instantly dignified, although they also had very large robots that were 100 meters high.

But those robots are more of a deterrent, so far their actual combat value is very low!

In terms of wars on the earth alone, hundreds of meters of war weapons, although unilateral firepower is very powerful, but their excessively large size can easily become a target of strike.

It is not that they are not powerful, but that their actual combat cost performance is not as good as a cruiser of hundreds of meters or an aircraft carrier and airship of two or three hundred meters.

After all, a simple robot cannot transport the materials and soldiers needed in wartime like a warship or airship.

Not only that, but the transportation of this very large robot is very difficult. Such a robot can only become a deterrent weapon to protect the national territory, and it is not easy to use.

"This is the smart card?" The commander looked at the oversized smart weapon appearing on the screen, his eyes thinking.

Then he shook his head, even if such a hole card wouldn't let ordinary intellectuals wander around the street without any clue, why did the other party do this?

The commander who couldn't think of the problem did not rush to let the airborne troops go down to support, and solemnly ordered: "Let the tactical team prioritize the elimination of these three large intelligent weapons, and let the large troops wait!"

He thought it was better to have some news at this time, although this approach might leave a timid image in the mind of the boss watching him direct the battle.

But he was even more reluctant to let soldiers pay for their own guesses at the cost of life because of his own guesses.

This is a winning battle in itself. He does not need to think about how to win the war beautifully, but how to win the war with the least loss.

As long as this goal is achieved, his task is complete.

In terms of losses, it is natural to put people first. Intelligent robots are okay, they can be recovered and repaired, and even if they are blown up, they can be melted and used.

But soon, he found that the situation on the battlefield was not very good. The super-large robot of the intelligence equipment does not distinguish between enemy and enemy on the battlefield. As long as the target appears within its own range, it is a pure energy shot.

This crazy attack mode made all the people watching the battle jump, especially those soldiers who were wearing airborne armor and stayed in the air. After seeing this scene, they were shocked and the original neat lineup was slightly There was a little commotion.

After all, judging from the attack methods of these three super-large robots, they are not safe even in the sky!

Before, they could stay in the air because the tactical team's intelligent robots could perfectly hold the attention of those intelligent machines, and even made these intelligent machines have no time to take care of other places with an overwhelming advantage.

But the situation is exactly the opposite.

These super-large intelligence weapons are not bird tactical squadrons. In addition, their attack range is also large, and they can almost catch one or two targets in the past.

Tactical squads are highly intelligent, and they can easily attack more than enough time and space. However, those smart weapons are different. They are directly bombarded with residues when they do not even have the ability to dodge attacks against super-sized smart weapons.

But even so, the space in the city is still too small for both parties. Many tactical teams' intelligent robots cannot avoid being hit by using the building as a bunker.

This led to a large number of attrition in the intelligent robots of the tactical team.

Without being able to contain these three super-large intellectual weapons, the soldiers in the air naturally became a suspended target. Even if many people were scattered in the air, it looked like a dense crowd. As long as the intelligent weapon below came out to the air slightly Energy cannon, even if blind, can catch a few!

The situation of the soldiers was directly reflected in the command room. As a commander, Rong Jianhua also realized at this time that the soldiers could not stay here, and even the surrounding airships needed to adjust the height.

"What is the maximum pressure endurance of individual armor?" Rong Jianhua thought for a moment, and asked.

"12,000 meters, Commander!" The master of the battleship replied.

Rong Jianhua nodded, and then ordered: "The entire height rises by 500 meters! All soldiers, ready to provide air support, cooperate with the tactical team to eliminate three large robots!"

Rong Jianhua's voice spread throughout the battlefield through battleships. All soldiers stopped immediately after receiving orders. Although the three wise weapons reminded them of their great horror, their large size also meant that their attacks could hit 100%!

As the soldiers dived down, the beam gun in their hands began to fire, and the golden beam of energy fell from the sky like a heavy rain, making the entire sky extremely dazzling for a while!

The super-sized intelligence equipment on the ground did not escape the attack from the sky, and saw that they suddenly raised their heads. Two arms like the building were raised, and then a barrier visible to the naked eye was propped up.

The energy of the beam falls on the energy barrier, causing numerous ripples, but no beam breaks the barrier supported by the other party.

"First team, use laser cannons!" The soldiers didn't panic when they saw that the small beam rifle didn't work. After hearing a roar of a captain, the soldiers started to launch a new round of attacks with energy cannons on their shoulders.

At the same time, while the three intelligence machines defended the individual soldiers in the air, the tactical team's lightning, storms, rifts, and flames took the opportunity to seize this rare opportunity to attack the large intelligence machines.

The optical camouflage shape of the ground-breaking launcher instantly disappeared in place. When it reappeared, it was already behind the feet of a large intellectual weapon. The alloy sword in his hand burst into a strong light. The sword body issued a harsh buzzing. The alloy sword had almost no resistance directly. Cut a huge breath at the back of the knee of the dynastic machine, exposing the electric light circuit and parts inside.

This sword directly lost a support point for an intellectual weapon, and its huge body suddenly crooked. Before the intelligent weapon had any other movements, the alloy sword in the hands of the cracked ground waved in succession, less than five seconds, a huge The mechanical calf was cut off.

The wisdom weapon that had completely lost its support fell straight down, and the energy barrier that supported it collapsed at the same time as it fell. Countless golden energy beams engulfed its huge body at this instant.

Although the soldiers' laser cannons are still not as good as the weapons in the hands of intelligent robots, they cannot hold up a large number of them, and there are other intelligent robots that also focus on firing. This fallen intelligent weapon was in just ten seconds. Was broken into pieces.

In the battleship, seeing the cooperation between the soldiers and the intelligent robots, in a short time, a too large intelligent weapon was killed, and Rong Jianhua's face also showed a touch of joy.

However, his mood has not been maintained for a long time. Suddenly, a three-meter-diameter energy beam emerged from the ground. The power of the energy beam was extremely powerful, like a beam of sky sweeping across the sky!

At this moment, Rong Jianhua stayed.


The faceless explosion sounded in the air, and the sudden attack caused many soldiers to be burned to ashes instantly by high-temperature energy without responding, leaving only some black debris that fell to the ground like a flop.

After the energy attack disappeared, a bottomless trench was left on the ground.

"Commander, found that a large amount of energy sources are approaching, the energy level is exactly the same as that of the super-sized smart weapon, this time the number is close to 500!" A correspondent who had been watching the radar shouted in horror.

This voice awakened Rong Jianhua. After he returned to God, his whole body was cold!

"This amount! How many robots have these robots made in Tokyo!"

As a hundred-meter-high smart weapon broke through the obstacles on the ground and came out of it, the attacks on the battlefield weakened a lot. Except that the intelligent robot without any emotion did not stop attacking, many soldiers who saw this scene were stunned!

At this time, they are like silly recruits who have just entered the battlefield, and they are silly on the battlefield!

When these smart weapons were preparing to start a new round of attacks, Rong Jianhua's voice suddenly came from their headsets: "Temporarily retreat, rise to a safe height, and prepare for high-altitude bombing!"

Although Rong Jianhua was shocked by the wisdom of the intellectuals, he soon discovered that although they seemed to be difficult to deal with one by one, they had obvious weaknesses.

They don't seem to be flying!

Because after so many super-intelligent weapons appeared, none of these intelligent weapons flew into the air to attack their warships or airships!

Realizing this, Rong Jianhua immediately changed his combat plan.

But what he didn't expect was that he had just given the order to retreat and had not waited for the soldiers to start the retreat. Those who seemed to be launching an attack on the super-large intellectual weapon exploded directly in situ!

The power of nearly 500 large-scale intelligent weapons to explode is like the end of the world!

A huge mushroom cloud rose up ~ ~ spreading and covering the whole country in the blink of an eye. Countless soots filled the sky, and all the soldiers were swallowed up by the soot.

An incomparable impact force spread directly from the center of the explosion to the surroundings, followed by a violent vibration like a mountain shaking and a roaring sound heading into the brain.

Countless soldiers were deaf in both ears at this moment, even if there was no protection of individual armor, their brains were blank, and their bodies were torn and cut by this powerful impact like a shell.

After being hit by the impact force, he was better off, and he flew into the sea and died, but the luck was worse, the huge air pressure formed by the impact force was torn into flesh, and blood splattered.

This power, even at a height of nearly 10,000 meters, Rong Jianhua can clearly feel the intense vibration in the air, and his battleships are shaking gently.

At this moment, Rong Jianhua's eyes were red!

He had always felt that the intelligence equipment was a bit abnormal. After seeing the emergence of super-sized intelligence equipment, he thought that this was the last resort of the intelligence equipment, even if there was only a quantitative difference.

And then, as he suspected, the opponent did have a horrific number of super smart weapons, but he never thought that the opponent's accumulated so many smart weapons should not be used for fighting, but for this crazy way. Fight back!

"Commander, the tactical squad is completely destroyed! Less than 200 individual armor signals can be detected, and the internal life response device is very weak!" A correspondent looked pale at the data on the screen in front of him, and said awkwardly.

He couldn't believe the result of the battle!

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