Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 901:

Cheng Yuan's request naturally led to another discussion at the high level. Although Cheng Yuan said only two precious metal mines, there are also many very rare and precious metals in precious metals.

Not only are these precious metals stored in extremely small amounts, they are also used in a wide range of applications.

And Cheng Yuan's vague requirements made them hesitant. If Cheng Yuan asked for a very rare and precious metal, would they give it?

In the end, Hua Lao gave a final word: "Here, Cheng Yuan's kidnapper is a good thief. Don't look at him doing nothing in recent years. In fact, he had already mined all over the world when he was stunned by intelligent machines. Of minerals. "

In this regard, Hua Lao is in the heart of Men Erqing. After all, many of the mine sites where they have records, after the intelligent machinery is driven away, they can't wait to prepare for mining.

But the results were not very good, because many precious veins had been mined when they rushed past.

Through Feng Zhang, Cheng Yuan also received the answer from Hua Lao. Looking at Feng Zhang with an embarrassing smile in front of him, Cheng Yuan waved with a smile and comforted: "Mr. Feng, don't be nervous, my requirements are not high Just two platinum group metal mines. "

Feng Zhang's mouth twitched, although he didn't know much about metals, but after Cheng Yuan proposed to use metal ore as a condition, he went to study it.

Platinum group metals, the first impression people hear of [platinum] is platinum. After all, this most famous is also valuable. But he has checked the information, but he knows that the platinum group metals also contain precious and rare metals such as palladium, iridium, osmium, ruthenium, rhodium, and most of them are mostly used in the aerospace industry!

Since the announcement of the Mars development plan, the aerospace market has been hotter every day, and the prices of related basic materials have naturally gone crazy.

And the price of platinum group metals is precious every day!

However, since Hua Lao decided to agree to Cheng Yuan's request, he would naturally not act against it.

"I see, Mr. Cheng. I will report to Hua Lao for your request, then I will leave first." Feng Zhang nodded, and solemnly nodded to Cheng Yuan, then got up and left.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if a platinum group mine could bring a profit of one billion yuan to a person, now a platinum group mine can bring a profit of 10 billion yuan.

This is a benefit that has increased by a factor of 100, and may become even higher over time.

Feng Zhang left in a hurry, and Cheng Yuan commanded Zero after he left: "Zero, get ready, two warships and a team of guardians."

"Okay." After zero, he wondered: "But sir, why do you want two platinum group mines, this is not important to us, and you are not even sure of the size."

Although the platinum group mines have great application value in aerospace, for him, the two platinum group mines cannot compare with two battleships and a pair of guardians at all.

Cheng Yuan didn't give zero explanation, he shifted the topic and said, "I won't talk about this anymore, I have recently thought of some new technologies based on dark energy and quantum energy."

Cheng Yuan didn't explain zero and didn't follow up. He just stumbled and wondered: "Dark energy and quantum?"

"what happened?"

"I thought it was dark energy and super-light particles." Zero smiled.

Cheng Yuan shrugged his shoulders with a hint of helplessness: "No way, there is too little research on super-light particles, or there is more research on dark energy and quantum."

"Which idea is involved this time?"

"In terms of energy, although fusion energy allows us to have clean and efficient energy, it is still insufficient for us at present."

Zero paused for a moment, nodded slightly, and agreed: "You are very reasonable. As long as the volume of nuclear fusion energy is large enough, it is equivalent to the energy of a star, but this is not realistic.

"We need new energy with moderate volume and powerful energy. Dark energy is indeed a very good substitute, but this has something to do with quantum?" Zero still hasn't figured out the relationship between dark energy and quantum.

"Do you know wireless charging technology?" Cheng Yuan asked back.

Zero's eyebrows raised: "Do you plan to connect dark energy to the device through quantization?"

It is hardly necessary for Cheng Yuan to explain in detail. Cheng Yuan only thought about the relevant information when he opened his head. He frowned and thought: "This method is very feasible, but first we need a sufficient dark energy energy center . "

Regarding the use of dark energy energy, they have very comprehensive technology in their hands. The application of dark energy by the centaur civilization can be said to be the best.

Cheng Yuan did not deny it, saying lightly: "I intend to build a power plant on Mars that can directly provide global power, and quantize the dark energy to be transmitted through a specific frequency."

Although Cheng Yuan said easily, it is not easy to quantize dark energy. Dark energy is a kind of 'vacuum energy' for contemporary people.

The explanation is also very intuitive, which is what we often call a vacuum. Scientists think that this void is also a substance that should have been filled by something.

What fills the vacuum area is what we call dark energy, this ubiquitous energy.

This is our interpretation of dark energy, but in the centaur galaxy civilization, the interpretation of dark energy is not the case. The centaur civilization believes that what we call dark energy is actually the first in the periodic table of the elements.

However, unlike the element h we have described, it is very different in terms of material state and atomic properties.

The biggest feature is that dark energy can easily react with other substances and change its atomic structure.

Through the research of Centaur civilization, they found that when dark energy reacts with perseverance, a fusion reaction occurs. When it is combined with other fine dust in the universe, it will produce frozen ice, and when it reacts with asteroids, it will become a large amount of impurities and combine into stars.

Dark energy is very complex, it is changeable and stable. It can maintain its purest nature until it comes into contact with other substances ~ ~ plus its own density is extremely high, which can be said to be the basis of the entire universe. .

Dark energy carries everything in the entire universe, and it is closely related and distinct to all matter in the universe.

But it is this property of dark energy that makes it more difficult to quantify it.

Fortunately, Cheng Yuan does not need to use the Brain Classics in this regard, because they have ready-made products that can be used with only a little improvement, which makes Cheng Yuan have to be lamented about the strength of the technology crystal core.

"Zero, go to Mars and get ready. I'll say hello to Xiaolian."


Five days later, the capital of China.

In a tight military base, two huge and extremely incomparable warships are docked in the huge square. The warships are as shocking as two giant beasts dormant on the ground.

On the side of the battleship, six ornate guardians are lined up in a team, and the guardians are like statues, making the surrounding soldiers unable to bear their eyes.

Compared to huge battleships, the gorgeous guardians make them more enthusiastic.

"Hua Lao, Cheng Yuan delivered things on time, we can start!" A military general looked at the battleship and the guardian with his eyes brightened, rubbing his hands without image.

When Hua Lao saw this, he could not help but he didn't blame him. Although he also had a smart robot with a considerable volume, he was not as gorgeous and powerful as the guardian in front of him.

Because in front of both warships and guardians, their power source is nuclear fusion energy, not the 'backward' nuclear fission they use!

"Leave a battleship and a guardian, and you drive to Tokyo for the rest!" Hua Lao gave a little command and left with joy.

In 2026, at the end of October, Huaxia officially announced the cleaning of Tokyo intelligent machinery!

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