Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 895:

After letting the intelligence drive away those panicked humans, Wang Ming could not see any expression on his face. Although he lacks an emotion module, he can sometimes imitate emotions such as "smile" and "anger".

But after all, it is just imitation, not naturally issued.

Naturally, the smiley face just prepared in advance. Otherwise, it would be impossible to make him laugh at humans.

And that mysterious voice, Wang Ming has never known the identity of the other party. The first contact with the other party was when God was just defeated.

But that was the first time, and this was only the second time!

After a long while, Wang Ming asked again, "Smart, where are those humans now?"

Smart: "Still in the city, do you need to continue?"

Wang Ming thought about it for a long time, and some were unsure. According to the other party ’s statement, he has been noticed by the other party, which means that no matter what he does next, the other party will come to you?

With this in mind, Wang Ming made the decision: "The plan continues, but we need to change it. Record their physical appearance, and I will see if I can avoid his investigation by changing his identity."

Intelligence: "Okay, commander, what do those people do?"

"Kill ..." Wang Ming's cold voice echoed in the underground base.


Space portals, Cheng Yuan and Zero took the spacecraft through the portals and returned to Donghai City.

The two looked excited and looked forward to the technology mastered by the intelligent robot.

"Zero, point our satellite at Tokyo and see what's going on there." Cheng Yuan walked out of the spacecraft with a smile on his face.

Zeroed his head: "Okay."

Soon, the picture from Tokyo appeared in front of Cheng Yuan. With the support of strong scientific and technological strength, the pictures taken by the satellite are as clear as before.

Coupled with the good weather in Tokyo, the greening there is also perfect, which makes satellite photography unaffected.

But when Cheng Yuan saw the situation in the picture, the smile on his face instantly freezes.

"what's going on?"

In the picture, a group of about 8 rags and ragged people are running wild. Behind these people, a group of intelligent machines with a height of about 5 meters is chasing after them like cats and mice. From time to time, they also deliberately empty two shots to let them burn. Energy rays rub against the feet of those people.

This scene made Cheng Yuan's eyes slightly cold.

"Zero, did you mention that there are still living people in the information given to us above?" Cheng Yuan did not know where these people came from, but he is not an extreme hatred, and in his eyes, it does not depend on whether it is good or bad Based on each other's origin.

Zero is also surprised that there are still living people in Tokyo. He quickly said: "There is no mention in the information that there are still living people in Tokyo. We need to help ..."

As soon as he had finished speaking, a dashing man was hit by the hot red energy ray, and the hot heat passed through the man's back instantly.

There was no time to breathe. The man fell to the ground like a flop, and his tattered clothes and flesh were puffed with a light yellow smoke.

"At this speed, we seem to be unable to catch up with the rescue." Zero sighed, there was no regret in his tone.

After all, these strangers don't have much to do with him. Being able to rescue them should be a humanitarian spirit. Not saved, indicating that they are out of luck.

Cheng Yuan was helpless about this. He shifted the topic: "Looking at the information of these people, you first dispatch a fleet to make a past trip. I did not expect that there are so many intelligent machines in Tokyo."

Speaking of which, Cheng Yuan's eyes flashed with doubt. He didn't remember that there were so many intelligent machines in Tokyo.

Although he is very concerned about the technology of nano-molecular reorganization of intelligent machinery, Cheng Yuan does not intend to pass by himself.


Zero responded, and when he was about to dispatch the fleet, suddenly a strange call signal interrupted his movement.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, zero." The melodious and peaceful electronic synthesizer sounded, and after listening to it, a sense of tranquility was produced from the bottom of my heart. The owner of this voice was thought of in an instant.

"It's been a long time, and it's been almost four years, Zen." Zero replied.

"Yes, exactly four years, ten months, and sixteen days." Zen replied in his unique, peaceful voice.

"Anything? I'm working now." Zero asked, while controlling the fleet outside the atmosphere to fly to Tokyo.

Maintain full respect for Zen Null.

Because the two of them are currently the only intelligent beings, they are equal in status and mutual respect is taken for granted.


Deep in the Daxue Mountain, Zenpan sat on a humble futon. He said, "Sorry, I do have something to do with you, and it has something to do with the job at hand."

"What do you have to do with those intelligent machines?" Zero didn't stop his behavior ~ ~ He only obeyed Cheng Yuan's orders. Although he and Zen were treated equally, zero would not be because Zen's words went against Cheng Yuan, but his voice was a little dignified.

If the opponent this time is Zen, then even he has to be careful.

After all, Zen and God are completely different. Zero can despise God, because he can easily destroy God, but he cannot easily destroy Zen!

"I just want the two sides to coexist peacefully, and the intelligence equipment needs a living environment." Chan's voice remained unchanged, and he answered very calmly.

I glanced at the screen in front of me with a slight cold tone: "But what I see now is that intelligent machines are hunting humans, although there are only a few."

After hearing Zen's words, he quickly answered: "Wait a moment."

Later, Zero and Cheng Yuan saw that the intelligent machines that were still chasing humans on the screen stopped the chase uniformly, one by one, standing like straight soldiers.

"You can control intelligent machines!" Zero saw this scene and couldn't help shouting.

He suddenly yelled, and Cheng Yuan, still watching the situation on the screen, couldn't help but look up to zero: "Zero, what's going on?"

"It's Zen. He controls those intelligent machines!" Zero looked serious.

Cheng Yuan's eyes narrowed: "You mean, another intelligent life?"


Cheng Yuan frowned. This was an extraordinary event. To know that in order to control advanced robots of several intelligent machines, they could only control it through physical docking. Reason for smart machinery.

But now it seems that this Zen can easily control the behavior of intelligent machines, which is intriguing.

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