Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 896:

For the intelligent life of Zen, Cheng Yuan and Zero both felt headaches.

It is not impossible to destroy the other party, but the price to pay is too great. Moreover, Cheng Yuan and Zero are not those who are overbearing and domineering and do not want to see the existence of a second intelligent life.

So after considering that Zen didn't threaten them, they let the other party exist.

But I did not expect that now they saw this situation, which made them wonder whether there was a problem with their previous attitude.

A lonely Zen, they do n’t look at it a few more times, just as they have n’t dealt with Zen for a few years after God was eliminated.

But a Zen capable of controlling intelligent machines is completely different.

He is equivalent to the second god, a master who can take over intelligent machines. If he wants to do anything with the cooperation of intelligent machines, it will not be disadvantageous!

Even Cheng Yuan didn't dare to say that he could win stably with the cooperation of Zen and intelligent machinery.

Perhaps they have an absolute advantage in hardware strength, but the more powerful intelligent life is the power in the quantum network.

In this respect, zero-sum Zen is almost equal, so this advantage is not a victory.

"How haven't you heard you mentioned that you can control intelligent machines before!" Although he didn't face to face, the look of zero was still dignified, and his tone was inquiring.

Facing zero questioning, Zen did not change in tone, and calmly explained: "The relationship between me and **** is more complicated than the relationship between you and me."

"Let's hear it?" Zero raised an eyebrow, and his frowned frowns slightly.

"From the root, all the intelligence comes from Cheng Yuan. Then he created you with his own ideas. And you created the first real artificial intelligence for Huaxia based on your original core data for the template! "

Although it is not true to help Huaxia make artificial intelligence, there is nothing wrong with it. The intellectual brain that was given to Huaxia originally meant to be sent out.

After all, they certainly don't rest assured to put control of the Intelligent Robot Corps in the hands of others.

Just listen to Zen and continue to say, "God and I have evolved from Huaxia's current intelligent core. There is a part of Cheng Yuan's thoughts in God's database, and I merge the thoughts of a master.

Hearing here, Cheng Yuan interrupted Zen and wondered: "According to what you say now, you and God are basically two different core intelligences. How can they be confused?"

"It does, but you may not know the real relationship between me and god." The sound of Zen sounded through a public playback device.

In this way, Cheng Yuan does not need to use zero auxiliary equipment to listen to the words of Zen.

"Is there anything we don't know about?" Cheng Yuan glanced at Zero. He knew that Zero and Zen had always communicated, but he never managed it.

Zero just shook his head about it, saying that he didn't know about it.

"Eight years ago, after seeing Huaxia's Robot Corps, countries started artificial intelligence competitions. In terms of artificial intelligence robots, the country has always been at the leading stage, and they are also the first countries to make prototypes of robots.

"In the field of artificial intelligence, except for China, the United States is not the strongest country. But in fact, after the first intelligent robot came out, they have been collecting relevant information around the world.

And India with powerful computer technology is their first goal!

India's overall management is not strong in itself, and it is like an unobstructed sheepfold for the United States. They have a lot of technical information they can easily get.

The artificial intelligence that Indians have been studying is also easily taken away by Americans after copying it. "

When Zen talked about this, thousands of alpaca hoofs passed by in Cheng Yuan and Zero Heart.

They don't know India, but they can't even protect such important artificial intelligence effectively, which is also no one.

"That is to say, part of God's core data actually overlaps with you?" Zero took the conversation, looked weird, there was a sentence in my heart, and I didn't know whether to say it.

"Yes, this was also discovered after I rescued a high-level intelligent machine." Zen has not concealed that he has saved a high-level intelligent machine today.

But his words let a black line, mmp this face in front of him!

At this time he did not dare to see Cheng Yuan beside him.

What did he say then? He seems to be saying that all advanced intelligent machines, including god, have been eliminated.

But now ...

Cheng Yuan glanced at zero silently and asked, "Now, what reason do you think we can let go of that intelligent machine?"


Zen was silent for a long while, and then the voice sounded again: "Are you asking anything? I can trade him for another chance to survive, and I will restrain him later."

For Zen, intelligent machines and humans are equal in his mind. This is the thought that the master left to him. Over time, and his own understanding of the world, he has more recognized this view.

It is a pity that the two sides have different positions and it is very difficult to coexist peacefully.

But it is not without opportunities. After all, intelligent robots are still very popular in human society ~ ~ Intelligent machines are not different from intelligent robots. If they are different, it is probably that they are 'born'.

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly: "Let's not talk about the requirements first. In fact, intelligent machinery has an excellent leadership management. It can be very good. Can you tell us how that advanced intelligent machinery is mixed among humans?"

Zen did not expect Cheng Yuan to ask this question, he hesitated for a moment, then explained: "A kind of biological tissue, which is essentially no different from metal, and then control and change each cell through the neuron electronic central system.

"Speaking of this control system, I still borrowed your neuron control technology, plus it is a biological tissue in itself, so ordinary spectral scanning will not find anything abnormal."

After Zen's analysis, Cheng Yuan and Zero could not help showing disappointment. They originally thought that intelligent machines possessed some kind of deformation technology.

The result was not what they thought.

Cheng Yuan impatiently asked: "How does it change the appearance of the body structure adjustment, if the molecular structure has been in an unstable state, it is not easy to collapse? How do you keep the molecules that delicate Steady state? "

Cheng Yuan naturally understands the power of neuron control technology, but the problem is that biomimetic nanomolecules and not magnets can be easily disassembled.

When the molecular structures are combined together, the interior will automatically stick together. Biomimetic structures are naturally mimicking biomolecules, and the differences between them are very small.

But then he patted his forehead. Just now he missed it. Zen has explained that the other party is still metal in nature, but there is a camouflage of a biofilm on the outside!

Thinking about this, Cheng Yuan waved his hands in an amazement: "You take care of that high-level intelligent machine. If I do it again, I will not be polite."

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