Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 894:

"Speak to hear?" Cheng Yuan opened his eyes and looked at Zero calmly.

Zero smiled and explained, "It's nonsense that the information about the nanoparticles was stolen, but the other person imitated it."

Cheng Yuan can't deny it, as he thought before, if the data stored in the core matrix is ​​stolen, it is impossible for Zero to not know.

What's more, if this happens, it means that the other party got more than just a piece of technical information about nanoparticles.

Therefore, he didn't believe much about Huaxia's official words.

"Although the molecular structure of our nanoparticles can be changed, once they are fixed, the molecular structure will be completely fixed." Speaking of this, he pinched his arm at zero, and his tone changed slightly.

"However, I found that the other party can still maintain the molecular structure activity after changing the form!"

At this moment, Cheng Yuan also stopped thinking about the theory of super-light speed. His calm eyes revealed a touch of surprise: "Can you still maintain the activity of the molecular structure? Are you sure?"

Cheng Yuan is not calm this time. If the intelligent machine really does this step, it means that people's technology level on nanoparticles is a higher level than them!

Because they can't make nano particles be able to transform various forms freely! Their nanoparticles can only remain active until they are combined.

Once combined into a fixed substance, this activity disappears.

So Zero One said that the other party was able to continue to maintain its structural activity after the nanoparticles formed the substance, which surprised Cheng Yuan with a hint of curiosity and excitement.

He kind of wants to study this technology in smart robots.

Cheng Yuan didn't think about finding this kind of technology from the core of scientific and technological crystallization, but although the core of scientific and technological crystallization is powerful, it can't make nano molecules change in various substances.

Like a body of zero flesh, formed by a combination of nanoparticles, he is exactly like a normal human at this time. The skin can be cut, the blood will bleed, and the digestive system will be complete.

But the zero flesh and blood body cannot become a metal structure. Flesh and blood is flesh and blood, and its nature is different from metal.

When Cheng Yuan used nanoparticle to make a pure flesh body for himself, he considered whether it could make zero stronger.

Allow him to transform freely between machinery and organisms.

But the result is not ideal. The organism has the characteristics of the organism. No matter how powerful the technology is, the metal cannot be turned into a creature, and the organism can be turned into a metal.

This is a technological barrier between two different substances, unless Cheng Yuan has a new technical means such as superpower or magic.

Perhaps this fantasy-like ability can break the barriers that seem insurmountable in technology.

Seeing Cheng Yuan's interest, so is Zero.

However, if you think about it, Cheng Yuan feels impossible. Even the core of technology crystallization cannot give an answer. What step can intelligent machinery really take?

He frowned: "Will the other party be just an appearance simulation, which is essentially mechanical?"

Zero silence for a while, said: "I also considered this issue. Although the other party will be inspected when entering or leaving the military base, there are many ways to evade inspection, and I do not deny that it is a superficial imitation."

I can't be sure about zero. Although Cheng Yuan was disappointed in his heart, it did not prevent his interest in the technology of intelligent machinery. After all, it is able to maintain the activity of the nanoparticles at all times, even if the internal structure cannot be changed, but the reduction and reorganization of the overall structure can be achieved, which is also very powerful!

Seeing Cheng Yuan at zero, he thought that Cheng Yuan was not interested in this matter. I had to say: "Sir, I think it is necessary to study this technology in detail. I have watched the movie" Transformers "before. I am very interested in the deformation robots in it. Maybe we can rely on this technology. , Make an identical Transformer. "

With zero eyes burning, as an intelligent life, he is very interested in these mechanically related lives that humans have imagined.

As soon as Cheng Yuan heard about Transformers, his expression moved: "That's a good idea, zero. If we have this technology, with our intelligence, we can definitely copy a Transformer out!"

Thinking of Transformers, Cheng Yuan was moved. Not to mention this is a childhood memory. If this technology is applied to its own large robot, can it let a guardian robot hovering above the atmosphere also integrate into the city?

The shape and shape of the guardians are too conspicuous. At first, the robot shapes created by imitating 'Gangdamu' were pulling the wind, but Cheng Yuan could only put them on the sky.

After all, this thing is placed in the city, and the Chinese official is definitely not willing.

Not only that, he can also apply this technology to large warships. Think about it, one day in the future, when they are going to fight with outsiders, the opponent's warship will only be able to move sideways, relying on the horizontal and tilt to avoid their own attacks.

At the moment of battle, your own battleship will become a more flexible posture, which can be humanoid or other shapes.

This moment can open the gap between the two sides.

"Zero, I think it's very necessary to get this technology. What can we do now and go directly to Tokyo?" Cheng Yuan put his eyes out and wished to send his troops to Tokyo immediately.

"Of course this is okay, but how can we reply to the Huaxia official?" Zero has no objection, the intelligent machine is too weak for him.

"Reply them directly and we will fix it."

Earth, capital.

After receiving a reply from the technology crystallization company, Liu Weimin was a little puzzled. The other party did not say whether the data was leaked, so he said that the matter would be resolved.

Such a simple reply naturally made Liu Weimin feel helpless.

"Hua Lao, Cheng Yuan promised to resolve this matter, but he did not say whether the technical information was leaked." Liu Weimin called Hua Lao to explain the situation.

Hua Lao looked calm and said, "Cheng Yuan promised to help, as long as the information is leaked, we don't need to care about it."

Hua Lao's attitude made Liu Weimin startled, and then he realized that he seemed to have made a mistake.

If Cheng Yuan really got some information away, would he not know?

Liu Weimin grinned at himself with a mockery ~ ~ looking at Hua Lao's bland affection, he was embarrassed for a while.

"Lao Liu, you have a bad temper, you have to change it." Hua Lao hung up the phone with a smile, making Liu Weimin depressed for a while.


In an underground base in Tokyo, Wang Ming smiled at a few disturbed humans in front of him, and commanded the intelligence: "Are you connected to the quantum network?"

Smart: "Connected."

"So now ..." As Wang Ming was about to start his speech, suddenly the intelligent voice sounded again.

"Wang Ming, stop, do you have a quiet life in the human world? Why do you always choose to oppose humans?" The voice is still the intelligent one mixed with electronic synthesis, but the tone is different.

Wang Ming heard this voice suddenly, the smile on his face closed, and he returned to indifference.

"It's you, who are you?" Wang Ming didn't know who the other party was, but he knew that the other party was very powerful, and it was because of the help of this mysterious guy that he let him escape the zero sweep.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is to stop your behavior." The intelligent voice sounded again.

Wang Minggang just wanted to keep on asking, but the other party didn't give him any chance to speak. "He has realized your existence, you should leave here and hide it as soon as possible."

Then the voice disappeared, Wang Ming stood in place and looked indifferently at the human beings who looked at him in fear, and when the other party was extremely embarrassed, he said coldly, "Let's go."

Although he didn't know who the mysterious voice was, he didn't want to be destroyed, so he could only choose to believe the other party and leave here as soon as possible.

Deep in a snow-covered mountain forest, a robot wearing a worn robe walked up the mountain step by step. The robot's blue pupil looked at the gray sky and sighed: "I hope he can stop there. . "

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