Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 893:

"Well, why do you think of intelligent machinery? If it is just a perfect camouflage ability, shouldn't it be related to intelligent machinery?"

Before Wen Jinnian left, Liu Weimin asked suddenly. This doubt came out of his heart just now.

When Wen Jinnian stepped out of the door, he grinned: "This is not a movie, it allows a person to change status so quickly.

When I saw zero appearing before the public, I was thinking, what if this technology imitates others to make another? "

Liu Weimin knew it, and he groaned: "We thought about this problem at the beginning, but unfortunately it was not possible because of the special circumstances at that time! I didn't expect it ..."

Wen Jinnian didn't care about it, he laughed: "It's not too late to know now, I think it's necessary to talk to Cheng Yuanzhi and let him see if his technology has leaked."

Liu Weimin heard the words, his eyes brightened: "This suggestion is good, not only will make us a lot easier, but also let Cheng Yuan go and solve this problem for us!"


The next day, Liu Weimin and Wen Jinnian walked into the conference room together.

"How is it going?" When Hua Lao came, he asked immediately.

Liu Weimin and Wen Jinnian looked at each other, and Liu Weimin immediately recounted all the information he knew with Hua Lao and everyone present.

In particular, he also spoke out the findings and views of himself and Wen Jinnian.

After Liu Weimin finished speaking, Hua Lao could not help frowning. If they are organized artificially, they still have a bit of certainty, but when it comes to intelligent machinery, it is completely different.

What's more, if this matter is really done by intelligent machines, does it mean that there are more similar intelligent machines lurking throughout China?

"What are you going to do?" Hua Lao asked.

Liu Weimin smiled aloud: "I'm going to inform Cheng Yuan and ask if his technology has been stolen. After all, it can make intelligent machines similar to real people. This technology has no second company except for technology crystallization .

Moreover, Cheng Yuan will definitely follow up after he knows this. After all, he values ​​his technology very much! Speaking of which, Liu Weimin praised his thoughts.

Looking at the proud Liu Weimin, Wen Jinnian shook his head helplessly. He knew too much about his old friend's temper, but he was too lazy to correct it. It was not important who made this idea. What was important was that That's it.

This is Wen Jinnian's attitude.

Hua Lao thought for a while, and thought that Liu Weimin's proposal was quite good.

First of all, to disclose this matter to Cheng Yuan, they are equivalent to sending a personal favor to Cheng Yuan. Regardless of the final result, Cheng Yuan has to acknowledge this humanity.

Secondly, with Cheng Yuan's help, they don't need to spend a lot of resources and manpower to do this, just wait for the news.

Finally, if it is determined that it is an intelligent machine, 80% of Cheng Yuan's character will directly extinguish the source, and at that time they will be able to go directly to Tokyo to receive the site.

With so many benefits, why don't they do it?

"Lao Liu, I'll leave it to you. Go and inform the technology crystallization company, and we'll just wait for the news." Hua Lao also laughed.

This feeling of waiting to be done is very good.

"No problem, leave it to me. Since using the gene fortifier, this leg is no longer painful, my waist is not sore, and my body is full of energy. Everyday, old man thinks about going out and walking once Donghai City is just right. "Liu Weimin looked at the crowd with a smile, his face full of rosy spirit.

Then a few people discussed the matter on Mars for a while, and made some analysis of the situation in Tokyo, and then ended the meeting.

After the meeting, Liu Weimin hurriedly left the capital and went to Donghai City.

And Cheng Yuan, who is far away from Mars, didn't know that someone was thinking of himself. At this time, he and the Titan Fortress carefully controlled to choose his own flight path.

Although there is a very wide space between Mars and Jupiter, Cheng Yuan needs to calculate the orbital route of Mars and Jupiter, and then choose one of the orbital rings in the middle of the orbits of the two planets, which will not disturb any A new orbit for the planet.

And he also needs to carry out a comprehensive cleanup of this orbital route.

Although the whole process is not complicated, the workload is very heavy, but this is left to zero, and Cheng Yuan has to do another thing.

Related information on super-light particles.

Super-light-speed particles can produce a large amount of dark matter in the process of movement. Whether or not the birth of dark matter is caused by this is closely related to the theory of the Big Bang.

This incident will affect whether the theory of the Big Bang is correct, whether it is rejected or further confirmed, which requires Cheng Yuan to slowly describe it himself.

For the past week, Cheng Yuan has been obsessed with the study of this theory. To this end, he also uses the crystals of science and technology that have not been used for a long time.

The core of Jin Chancan's technological crystallization is still shining, and the unknown runes run randomly around.

For a long time, he has not used the core of technology crystallization. When Cheng Yuan saw it again, he didn't feel the slightest strangeness. Integrate the ideas in your mind with the core of the technology crystal, and then quietly wait for the feedback from the core.

However, the results of the feedback were not very satisfactory.

When Cheng Yuan transmitted information about the super-light-speed particles and dark matter that he knew, the core feedback of the crystallization of science and technology was all about the applied technology of these two substances.

There are many applications of these two substances in various aspects, but most of them are not understood by Cheng Yuan, and the only ones that he understands are beyond his ability to make.

From weapons, we can understand the application of technologies such as super-light particle annihilation guns, super-light particle cutters, and super-light particle strikes, and other weapons applications.

In life, super-light particles are used in various information transmission and power furnaces.

Dark matter is mainly used for energy. Among them, Cheng Yuan already relies on the Dark Matter Reactor, which has been mastered by the centaur civilization. However, the information given by the core of scientific and technological crystallization is very much the same as the data he obtained from the centaur civilization. the difference.

The information provided by the core of science and technology crystallization is more in line with his current basic carrier of science and technology, but the Centaur Marvin star system is very different from Cheng Yuan's scientific system.

After all, it is the technology of the two civilizations, which are different from the most basic industrial systems. Therefore, even if Cheng Yuan had mastered the dark matter reaction furnace, he could not improve it smoothly. He could only use nano particles for analysis and replication.

Regarding other applications of dark matter, Cheng Yuan said that he could not understand any of them, but one kind of annihilation weapon was to use a combination of disordered dark matter particles to attack.

Although these things are not what Cheng Yuan wants now, he still wrote down the information honestly and then passed it to the core matrix of zero.

"Sir, there is news from Earth that our nanoparticle technology may have leaked." Zero suddenly said to Cheng Yuan with a frown on his side.

Cheng Yuan heard a word of silence and then said, "Nanoparticle technology leaked? Are you sure we leaked, not the Huaxia official?"

For the application of nanoparticles ~ ~ Cheng Yuan didn't hide it. Huaxia officials didn't know how much they bought from him. It is impossible to say that they did not research it by themselves.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan's first reaction was not to leak information on his own side but to doubt the other side. Because he is very confident in his technical strength.

And important information is placed in the zero core matrix by Cheng Yuan. If the zero core matrix data would be stolen, but he did not respond, it is simply heaven and earth!

"I think so too, but the other person thinks we'd better check it." Zero shrugged his shoulders, with a little helplessness in his tone.

"By the way, they also prepared some videos and materials for me. I took a look and found something quite interesting."


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