Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 892:

Liu Weimin's mood is getting worse every day recently, because one week, they can't find even a little useful things!

Through the surveillance video obtained by the military, and through the tracking and inquiry of this person, their only clue was also broken in a hotel.

According to the surveillance video and the description of the hotel staff, the result they got was that there was indeed such a person, but this person disappeared somehow after entering, and this thread was also broken here.

To this end, they also used most of the power to track down the owner of this hotel.

But the results were not ideal.

What makes them feel speechless is that they also tried to confirm the identity of the suspect through the fingerprint left by this person, but strangely, the fingerprint left by that person turned out to be Han Zhaoguo!

If it weren't for the time of the surveillance video, they could be sure that Han Zhaoguo was not present at the time, and they all began to doubt Han Zhaoguo itself!

An individual or organization that can perfectly disguise itself as high-level military personnel is already terrifying. Now they cannot find the shadow of each other, which naturally makes Liu Weimin feel bad.

"Lao Liu, look, shall we start from the other side's purpose?" Liu Weimin's friend suggested, he has also been following Liu Weimin's situation.

After realizing that Liu Weimin could not find the clue of the other party, he naturally began to help.

After all, this incident made many senior leaders feel at ease.

Going forward, if this person impersonates any of them, it will be a disaster for the whole of China. Especially some timid, afraid that this person will use this method to completely replace a person.

In this way, who can detect them?

Thinking about this situation for a long time makes people feel upright and trembling.

"The purpose of the other party? Those people you said to go to Tokyo?" Liu Weimin was the person in charge. Someone had already mentioned this to him. He also arranged for people to follow the character information given by Gao Cheng. Too.

Although they killed many threatening organizations through this clue, the result was just that, and there was no clue about the organization with the perfect camouflage.

"I'm not referring to this." Wen Jinnian's face was full of seriousness, he shook his head and said, "Don't you think it strange, since the other party has such a perfect camouflage ability, why not use this ability to break into our Huaxia High-rise interior? "

With that said, he stopped talking and gave Liu Weimin some time to think.

When Liu Weimin heard such a reminder from his friend, it was a stunned moment. "Yeah, since the other party has such a great ability, why didn't he use this ability to quietly invade our senior management in China?"

Liu Weimin frowned, and he speculated, "Unless this ability is not as perfect as we have traced, maybe there are flaws in it that we don't know yet."

"That's how I think." Wen Jinnian cooperated with Ying Road: "Otherwise, I can't say anything!"

When Wen Jinnian said this, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, ordered one for himself, and threw it to Liu Weimin. Liu Weimin was also rude, reached out and took one out of the cigarette case, and he smoked it.

It turned out he didn't dare to let go of smoking like this, but since he got better, smoking had little effect on him.

"What do you think?" Liu Weimin spit his cigarette.

Wen Jinnian narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I think there are two possibilities. The first is that the other party is not an organization as we think."

"Oh?" Liu Weimin's expression changed slightly, signalling Wen Jinnian to continue.

Wen Jinnian: "Lao Liu, we guess that the other party is an organization because the other party can easily invade the military and have a reasonable time to carry out their own plans."

Liu Weimin nodded, and they thought like that because of this situation. After all, this kind of thing cannot be done by one person. Especially in a country like Huaxia, it is impossible for a single person to grasp all the movements of a high-level military officer.

"The second point ..." Wen Jinnian paused.

Liu Weimin was waiting for Wen Jinnian's second opinion, but the other person stopped suddenly, which made him frown, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wen Jinnian frowned, Shen said, "The identity of the other party may not be human!"

Liu Weimin's smoking action suddenly stopped, and he looked at Wen Jinnian in shock: "You ... why do you think so?"

Wen Jinnian did not explain, but asked instead: "Do you remember the zero around Cheng Yuan?"

Liu Weimin naturally knew that Zero existed, "very great artificial intelligence, perfect. But I don't think Cheng Yuan will do such a thing."

Wen Jinnian quickly explained: "Of course, I don't doubt Cheng Yuan. This kind of thing is not good for Cheng Yuan, but it will also ruin his own reputation. It can be said that it is hard to please."

Explaining it, Wen Jinnian said, "But I think it is the residual force of intelligent machinery. At the beginning, we only solved the main force of the other party. No one knows how much intelligent machinery is left around the world!"

"If it is an intelligent machine, I'm relieved a lot." Liu Weimin's expression relaxed, and what worried him for many days suddenly became simple, and he naturally relaxed a lot.

It is not that he underestimates intelligent machines, but that intelligent machines may be powerful, but they are not human. Even if they can disguise, they can only disguise for a while, and the time cannot last long.

After all, intelligent machines cannot be as arbitrarily as humans in speech and emotion.

"If your guess is correct, I will be more than half relaxed." Liu Weimin finally had a little smile on his face.

Wen Jinnian smiled slightly: "I think my guess is no longer ten, after all, the other person's behavior can explain a lot of problems."

"Well, I will report this to Hualao ~ ~ and let everyone feel at ease for a while. As for the issue of intelligent machinery, we need to discuss it from the long term."

Although smart machines are no longer a threat, they want to eliminate them completely. To tell the truth, Huaxia itself can do it at a high price.

If it were not for Cheng Yuan's fleet to help, the result would be really difficult to say.

"Okay, you can just say this to Hua Lao when the meeting is tomorrow. I want to see what tricks intelligent machines can play." Wen Jinnian also had a faint smile on his face, meanwhile There was a dip in his eyes.

He wondered why intelligent machines were mixed inside Huaxia, but they had to send people to Tokyo. Is it simply to activate those legacy bases? Wen Jinnian didn't believe it. He felt that there must be other functions in it.


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