Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 884:

Cheng Chengyuan can only helplessly scratch his head about such a thing. Can he say that as long as he uses a gene enhancer, he will have no worries? This is just like selling your own product.

He doesn't want to do this kind of thing, and he doesn't have to do it.

Rather than caring about things that have no effect on him, he cares more and more about the approaching Titan Fortress.

The appearance of the Titan Fortress not only represents that they can master alien technology, but more importantly, its existence is to show everyone that there is an alien civilization in the universe, and it is also an extremely powerful alien civilization!

He doesn't know how many people can accept this, and the consequences of the existence of aliens. This is all unknown. Cheng Yuan was uncertain for a while and did not know whether his approach was right.

It was not long before the intelligent machinery crisis passed. Everyone was still licking the wounds left by the war. Cheng Yuan was worried that another wave of alien news would crash many people.

He felt that he needed to sum up with Zero. Before, they only looked at the positive impact of the appearance of the Titan Fortress, and did not consider the negative impact of this matter.

The incident on Mars this time made Cheng Yuan realize that he must consider the quality of things when he is doing things now. He can no longer do what he wants to do as willfully as before.

Because his words and deeds will affect the lives of countless people.

"Is this the so-called higher the greater the elbow?" Cheng Yuan's eyes showed a strangeness, then shook his head and left the company.

Uh ...

On Mars, Cheng Yuan came back and followed by zero to explain the situation on Earth.

Pluto Mars has completely different bacteria or unknown microbes from the earth, and naturally needs attention. But without affecting the human body, this matter can be explored slowly.

零 Zero's view on Titan Fortress is similar to Cheng Yuan. After all, the thinking of the two is very similar. Maybe they don't have to worry too much, after all, the development of Mars has just begun and has not even started.

And suspending the appearance of the Titan Fortress can also give more people a buffer time, otherwise these things are crowded together, and people with poor mental capacity will not blame.

At that time, some people will definitely be in trouble and take the opportunity to do some damage.

This is not alarmist. Don't think everyone is too good, don't think everyone is too bad. Some vigilance and vigilance are necessary.

"Sir, let's postpone it, we can first leave the Titan Fortress 10 light years away from the solar system." Zero said.

Wu Chengyuan groaned for a moment. He had no choice but to nod and agree: "Just do what you say."

The technology crystallization company on the far side of Cheng Yuan did not express any opinion on the Mars issue, and the country did not know why it had not stopped it.

This also allowed the Mars virus incident to continue to ferment on the Internet, and soon replaced Mars immigrants as the first topic of concern for everyone.

On this matter, there is agreement that Mars has an unknown virus that can affect the body and cause death. There are also disagreements, because Cheng Yuan has gone to Mars many times, and he has not seen any problems.

There are still some people who eat melon. They don't care if the so-called virus exists or not. He prefers to watch the two sides spray against each other, and then stirs the flames to watch the excitement.

I am outside China, and I am a country.

国家 This country, which seems to have been forgotten, is not like people imagined that sand and dust are everywhere, and ruins are everywhere.

Perhaps in other cities of the country, collapsed buildings are destroyed everywhere, but Tokyo, the country's capital, not only does not have collapsed ruins, but is a city with a high degree of science fiction.

Tall towers, wide streets, and driverless suspension cars stay on the road, running through the city's elevated suspension railway tracks.

一切 All this stunned a group of people with different skin colors and clothes. They opened their eyes and looked at the city. Some people showed joy and others looked shocked.

"Boss, why don't you accept the country here, isn't it good to be empty?" A middle-aged man with a little dust on his face looked at the empty city and couldn't help but swallow saliva.

This is an unmanned city. If he chooses to live here, he can just choose a house he likes, and then choose a floating suspension sports car.

And this does not require him to pay for it, because it is all ownerless things!

的 People who are called bosses by middle-aged men are relatively young, in suits and shoes, with diamond-set watches on their wrists. There was a touch of shock in his eyes as well, but he was calm.

"Why don't you accept here, Huaxia has never done anything forcibly grabbing, here is not the territory of Huaxia!" The man glanced at the middle-aged man beside him, showing a meaningful smile.

The middle-aged man apparently did not understand the meaning of what the man said just now. He stared at this science fiction city with a burning gaze and said, "Boss, will we live here in the future?"

当然 "Of course." The man's mouth raised slightly. "But there are a lot of things left behind by intelligent machines. Maybe it will be very helpful to our future career."

As soon as the man uttered this sentence, he immediately calmed down the originally turbulent crowd. These people were dressed well or badly. Some of them were very ordinary and even sloppy, and some were bright and bright.

But at this time, the look on their faces was very similar, that is, tangled.

Looking at the tangled faces of the crowd, a cold gleam flashed in the man's eyes, and he said aloud, "Everyone, we all hate intelligent robots. They bring destruction and make us displaced."

The man focused his eyes on those whites and blacks, with a sympathetic tone: "Some of you have lost your parents, wife and children."

He looked again at people with the same skin color as him: "Some people have lost their jobs and cannot survive."

"All these are brought by intelligent robots. Their appearance not only brought war, but also made us unable to survive!" The man shouted indignantly.

He encouraged the crowd, and his explanation gradually strengthened the original tangled expression of these people. Everyone showed more or less hatred.

Seeing that his words worked, the man continued to exclaim: "Today, if you let you use intelligent machines, you may be unacceptable and may be shaken. But have you ever wondered how you would not be armed without strength? Going against more and more people who support smart machines? "

Under the man's speech, the crowd turned out to have a feeling of anger with the enemy. Some people in the crowd shouted, "Down with the robot!"

"Down with the robot!"

"Down with the robot!"

The crowd was stunned and shouted slogans.

The uncle looked at the crowds who were excited, clapped his hands, and calmed them down. He said: "This city is a legacy of intelligent machinery. It must have the weapons we need. Now you have to discover it by yourself!"

Then the man arranged for everyone to search the city. He found a bench by the road and sat down. Looking up at the blue sky, he murmured, "The country's air is pretty good."

Sorry ~ ~ The man looked around and found that there was no one around. Then he took out his smartphone from the pocket of his shirt and dialed the phone: "The fishing bait in Zone 3 has been released. What about other areas? Alright? "

那 On the other end of the phone, a cold voice sounded: "The bait in other areas is already in place. We immediately arranged a planned route for those bait to successfully open the institution."

After listening, the man was silent for a long time, and then whispered, "What will happen to those bait when the mechanism is opened?"


The phone was also quiet for a long time. When the man thought that the other party was not ready to hang up, the voice sounded again: "The transport aircraft spacecraft is ready to go to the designated place to meet."

The other party did not say what the result would be, but the man understood that there was no difference between saying and not saying. When the fishing bait was opened at the end of the schedule, the whole plan had begun.

Hang up the phone, the man looks up at the sky again, the sky is still so blue, but his heart is heavy.

"Hehe." Suddenly, the man shook his head and laughed, and whispered, "Pretend to be the Virgin, you brought them here to die, and now it's pitiful and pitiful!"

After saying that, the man got up and tidy up the suit that was wrinkled because he was sitting on the bench just now, and quickly left the place.

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