Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 883:

There are 12 million square kilometers and 13 million square kilometers. There is a gap of 1 million square kilometers. Naturally, such a large number difference cannot be mistaken.

But this 1 million square kilometers is to be included in the public area, which means that a part of the land with a gap of one million square kilometers is used as input construction area, not for planting.

Another part of it is because of the unsuitable terrain for planting, which has to be abandoned. After all, although the black soil plain is huge, it also contains mountain lakes.

After calculating all this, this is an approximate area calculated by the experts. After all, it is impossible to just calculate an integer area.

Moreover, what they want is 15 million square kilometers of land. Except for 1,200 usable arable areas, others are used to choose suitable places to build urban transportation sites and so on.

This is also due to the characteristics of Mars's continental plate. Compared with Earth, the number of Mars islands is scarce and can be counted with your fingers.

There is only one strait between the east and west continents, and the entirety of the two continents are connected together. The rivers and lakes in the same land also exist, but there is no inland sea.

The main thing is that the ocean area of ​​Mars does not occupy 70% of the entire planet, which is the biggest difference from Earth in this point.

Although the surface area of ​​the earth is larger than that of Mars, the continent area of ​​the earth is even smaller than that of Mars.

In addition to the expectations of the black earth, regarding those geologists who fell ill after returning from Mars, some people's attitudes towards Mars changed slightly.

Although Mars is suitable for human habitation, after all, it is still an alien planet, especially the encounters of these geologists, which makes some people who are already upset keep an eye on this big or small thing.

So the first negative news about Mars appeared quietly on the Internet while people were still talking about Mars.

"There are unknown germs on Mars, and humans may be infected while living on Mars."

Internet media basically rely on titles and current events to attract people. No matter what they are, as long as they can form a topic, they don't care about the authenticity of the content.

After the first check-in came out, various check-ins spread like wanton viruses on the Internet. And the titles are more amazing than one.

What are the deadly viruses on Mars? Mars virus human beings may die, etc. How to attract people ’s attention? How to write content?

This is the time when people are most concerned about Mars. Every news article about Mars will be opened for viewing and commentary. Negative news like this will naturally attract more attention.

自然 Naturally doubtful about such news. After all, no one is a fool. There are more people going to Mars, and fewer people going to Mars through the portal that day?

It's well-known that the female anchor of the poem Shi Yun has been to Mars, but no one knows that those geological experts have been to Mars!

What's more, the major anchor of the poet's poet is still broadcasting live now, how could he be infected by any Mars virus!

Purely nonsense!

Of course, even if there is no such thing, there are still many 'experts' in the comment area, saying that the harm of unknown bacteria to human beings, there are really a group of people who believe this.

There is only one reason, Mars is not Earth! Even if the transformation looks like it, it is not the earth!

一 Once this incident spread through the Internet, it naturally attracted the attention of people from all walks of life.

Those who regret their lives naturally do not want to go to Mars and be infected by the virus, while the curious people check the information themselves to see if Mars is the same as those commented by the great gods.

Lu'anhe City.

Cheng Cheng is accompanying her daughter to do her homework at home. To be honest, Cheng Yuan looks at her daughter's primary school math problems like a sharp turn in a brain machine.

When he was in elementary school, most of the math problems were simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Some of the more difficult ones were more advanced ones.

Now, looking at a thick book near his daughter's desk, he felt that the country had shouted for so many years to reduce the burden.

Looking at her daughter doing her homework seriously, Cheng Yuan felt a little distressed. Perhaps in ordinary families, children must study hard to change their future.

He was like this at first, but Cheng Yuan didn't need his daughter to use this kind of learning to change his future. He also hoped that his daughter would have a broader thinking and insight to understand knowledge and society.

At the same time, she can leave the best memories of her childhood.

At the beginning, he and Guo Xiaolian both flung themselves into the book, because they were born into ordinary families, so they could only arm themselves in the general trend.

Perhaps with the development of society, such topics as brain teasers can allow children to think more flexibly, but most of these topics are not useful for life.

However, in terms of education, Cheng Yuan can't blame the other party's good or bad, because education is not taking you alone as a reference standard, this needs to be nationwide!

He can only see the good and bad of this matter from his own point of view, and change his daughter.

"Ya Ting, shall we go to find my mother?" Cheng Yuan held her daughter on her lap and asked with a smile.

Cheng Yating first looked at her dad, and then glanced at the unrolled paper on the table, hesitantly: "Can you? Will it not disturb your mother's work?"

当然 "Of course not, mother must be very happy to see you." Cheng Yuan touched her daughter's head, and the soft hair felt very good to the touch.

"Let's go find my mother!" Between homework and mother, Cheng Yating chose the latter, and happily stretched her arms around Cheng Yuan's neck.

I greeted my parents and Cheng Yuan took his daughter on a spaceship and flew to the company.

"Boss, you have less and less time in Anhe City." In the spacecraft, the tension first touched Cheng Yating's hair, then looked at Cheng Yuan helplessly.

When Cheng Yuan's bodyguard is really easy, sometimes he feels like he is doing nothing all day.

Cheng Chengyuan hugged his daughter and laughed: "No way, the space portal over Donghai is very important. I have to go there, and I will slowly shift my focus to Mars in the future."

"Where are we going?" Zhang Li asked without changing the subject.

"In the company."

Wu Chengyuan's answer was not unexpected, because Cheng Yuan's previous travel routes were the company and his home, two points and one line.

When the three of them came to the company, Cheng Yuan took his daughter directly to Guo Xiaolian's office.

I encountered a lot of company employees along the way. These employees were more interested in Cheng Yating, who was unexpectedly embracing Cheng Yuan. Because no accident, the future technology crystallization company may be handed to Cheng Yuanhuai ’s young girl.

If Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian have a second child, and the second child happens to be a boy, then it is the boy who inherits the technology crystallization company.

But no matter what will happen in the future, the children in Cheng Yuan's arms will not be ordinary. After all, even if the son inherits the family business, the daughter will not get less.

Cheng Chengyuan doesn't care what his employees think. As soon as he enters Guo Xiaolian's office, he sees Guo Xiaolian sitting in a chair watching the news with interest.

"Look who's coming!" Cheng Yuan glanced at the holographic screen. At the tip of his eyes, he saw the word 'Mars virus', but he didn't care.

"Cheng Yuan!" Guo Xiaolian looked up and found that not only Cheng Yuan, but even her own daughter came.

"Mom!" Cheng Yating shouted tenderly.

"Yating came to her mother." Guo Xiaolian quickly got up and took Cheng Yating from Cheng Yuan's hands, then looked at Cheng Yuan with a doubt: "Why did you bring Ya Ting together today?"

Cheng Cheng smiled and replied, "This is not so much to see the children's homework, I wrote it very hard, so I will take her to play for a while."

晓 Guo Xiaolian gave Cheng Yuan a white look. Although she also felt that Ya Tingcai had so many primary school assignments, it was not good, but she could not do anything special because Ya Ting was her own daughter.

Her daughter has to write so much homework, and other children's children have to write the same. If the daughter ca n’t do the homework, what will the other children in the class think?

In the eyes of children, it is very simple. You can't do what I can do, and I'm better than you.

However, everyone was brought by Cheng Yuan. Guo Xiaolian had no choice but to accompany the father and daughter to the playground in the company park.

There are still a lot of people in the company's playground. Although most of them are at work, there are still employees who take a rest to bring their family to play here.

The three of them played in the playground for an afternoon, and Guo Xiaolian went home with her exhausted Cheng Yating, but also told Cheng Yuan before returning home. There was also negative news circulating on the Internet.

The action on the national side is very simple. Hua Lao has decided to send soldiers and some scientists who have used genetic enhancers to Mars after National Day.

Although those geologists became ill after returning from Mars ~ ~, they recovered immediately after using the gene fortifiers. All of them are not blind and can see the problem at a glance.

Moreover, there is Cheng Yuan, a benchmark that is okay to go in and out, and it is almost clear without thinking why the geological experts fell ill.

The physical condition is too poor to adapt to the Martian environment!

It is only a matter of physical conditions that naturally will not hinder the development of Mars, so things still go step by step according to the original plan.

As for the negative impact on the network, neither Cheng Yuan nor Hua Lao care about it.

This unfounded statement will soon be broken. However, the state is still preparing to send more relevant personnel to Mars to collect water, soil and air for detailed inspections.

After all, Mars is not the Earth, and if it is suitable, there will definitely be a place different from the Earth. What harm the bacteria breeding on Mars will bring to humans, and how to solve it, this must be prevented.

Another point is that what kind of changes will happen to the bacteria brought to Mars by people themselves, and how they will affect people, all of which require them to prepare measures in advance.

Therefore, it is not so simple to go from one planet to another. You have to take all aspects into consideration, otherwise it is very likely that danger will be caused by carelessness.

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