Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 885:

制 In the deserted suburbs of Tokyo, a standard spacecraft quietly stopped there, surrounded by armed personnel who could not see their faces.

These men were wearing uniform black combat uniforms, and a bulletproof jacket was worn on the outside. The sign on the arm of the clothes had been ripped off. The three of them patrolled around the spacecraft.

In addition to patrol personnel, there are five or six personnel carrying individual armor near the spacecraft.

Single-armor armor, which is the highest level of combat equipment in China. An ordinary soldier wearing single-armor armor can easily destroy an infantry regiment without single-armor armor.

However, the appearance of these individual armors was potty, and some parts even seemed to be combined together.

About five meters away from the spaceship, there was a simple square table with a black box, about the size of a washbasin. A man in the same uniform was bored sitting on a small bench at a square table and smoking a cigarette.

在 At this moment, the sound of a car driving in the distance. Then the man turned his head and looked in the direction of the car.

Here came a dark green off-road vehicle. In addition to the driver, there were five people.

After these people got out of the car, the man stood up slowly and grinned, "Oh, they're all back? Are things going well?"

As soon as the puppet man opened his mouth, there was a savage bandit smell in his mouth.

The five people who got off the bus all wore different clothes. Some wore burly shirts, while others wore clean suits.

"The fishing bait is over, how is the situation now?" A young man in his early twenties looked at him, wearing a dusty and greasy white shirt, and a smell.

But the young man with a grin on his face didn't care about the smell on his body.

"There is no new news from the base, indicating that those people are still in the area we arranged. Specific circumstances, you are watching yourself." The man in the combat suit raised his finger and pointed at the black box on the table.

Everyone heard the words, came to the table quickly, opened the black box, and five brand new surveillance consoles appeared in front of them. The console is not large and is about the same size as previous smartphones.

The silver-white matte shell makes them look bright.

"I'm going to take a bath and change clothes. This is the latest product. I've been listening to people in the logistics department. It's the first time I get a hand." The youth's eyes brightened, he couldn't help but caress, and couldn't wait for the control in his hands. The table was crushed.

"Zhao Yang, close your stinky mouth, beware of disciplinary violations!" At the side of the youth, Shen was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. After hearing the words in the mouth of the youth, he yelled at the other person with a cold face, and then carefully examined the control in his hand station.

阳 Zhao Yang poked his lips, he understood that he was too excited and said he had missed his mouth. Put down the console in your hand honestly, go into the spaceship to take a bath and change clothes.

When I saw the youth entering the spacecraft to change washing, Shen Ye didn't keep staring. After all, here are all his own people, and there are so many soldiers watching around, the possibility of an accident is very small.

抬 He looked up at Gao Cheng who smoked across the table and asked, "Lao Gao, this thing can really control all the monitoring equipment in Tokyo?" He shook the console in his hand.

"Of course!" Lao Gao glared, "This is one of our highest technology products. It was originally used to interfere with the theft of local internal network communications, but our task this time is special, and the experts specially customized it for us. This feature. "

Gao Cheng smiled and took the lead to open the console, a blue light emitted from the four edges of the console, forming a block holographic screen.

许多 A lot of text flashed on the screen. There is no need for a rough man like Gaocheng to do anything, just cut into the monitoring screen.

Through the picture, they can see many people walking around the streets of Tokyo.

A lot of “bait” turned boxes in some stores, and some people went directly to the gold store and took the jewelry and jewellery in their arms.

Shen Shen and Gao Cheng watched the performances of these bait through the monitor. "These people ..." Shen Yan looked intricately, without knowing what to say for a moment.

Before he was awkward, his heart was quite tangled. Although these people had a problematic mentality, they were tempted for no reason and then sent here to die. As a soldier, he was somewhat resisted.

But the army made him dare not disobey!

These people are the victims of intelligent machines. But they reject intelligent robots because of intelligent machinery, which is understandable.

The so-called love houses and blacks are harmed by intelligent machines, and it is understandable to hate intelligent robots.

他们 They can understand them, but just because they hate intelligent robots, they encourage others and hurt others, which is not justified by personal emotions.

At first, these people encouraged some people to illegally organize to harm others. Although being arrested in time did not have much impact, everyone knew that there was such a thing.

According to the situation at the time, the government quickly released these people. They also give them some help in locating their houses and a job to support themselves.

However, some people think differently from others. Under the government's arrangement, most people choose to work with peace of mind. Even if they see that the intelligent robot is unhappy, they will swear a few words.

There is one person who is unwilling to reconcile, they think that their lives would be better without intelligent robots.

They choose to abandon the work arranged by the government. After all, there are a lot of people in this part, and the government cannot arrange too good work.

If that's the case, you don't choose the work arranged by the government and have your own ideas to be self-reliant. The government is too late to be happy.

After all, you are not willing, and there are a lot of people who want to let them arrange a job for the sake of life!

当时 At that time, Huaxia was overcrowded, not to mention the citizens of the country and the influx of refugees.

The country will not go to help refugees unconditionally for a long time. Even if they do this, each replenishment will definitely be stuck at a good level.

I will not provide these people with three meals a day, but at least every day to ensure that these people will not starve to death.

So it is conceivable how bad the living conditions in refugee camps are. Even some of the refugees believe that they have lost their hopes for future life, leading to a change of character in the refugee camps. Crimes such as murder, robbery, and obscenity often occur.

Maybe someone will ask, what is the hope for the future? This is the inferiority of people. I don't have a good life.

But some people will choose to leave the camp and find a job by themselves.

There are more people, and naturally everything, this also provides demographic conditions for these intelligent people.

When the puppet state discovered this, it also quietly cracked down. Although it destroyed most of them, some organizations were still operating in the dark.

Some of these organizations are really trying to resist intelligence, but some are not just making it in and just seeing if it is profitable ~ ~ and these 'bait' who are lured to Tokyo are among the die-hards . They not only look at the development of the entire intelligent society in a malicious manner, but also commit a lot of crimes.

来 The reason they came to Tokyo was to find a weapon that their organization could use!

This is exactly in line with the minds of the people above. The high-level officials have long wanted to include the country, which is now long empty, into their own territory. Unfortunately, there has been no good opportunity.

After all, the teacher was nameless. At the time, the Southeast Asian Peninsula was occupied in the name of driving out intelligent machines.

This has allowed Huaxia to make other countries criticize for a long time internationally. If this is how to occupy the country for no reason, let alone the rest of the country, people who survive the country alone will make trouble!

Don't look at the country after it is occupied by intelligent machinery, it seems almost nobody, but in fact, according to the exploration of the Huaxia military, many people have hidden it, and so far they are still pretty good.

What they have to do is to let those fishing lures go to open the arsenal of intelligent machines, but there are a lot of intelligent machines and guns and ammunitions in them!

Although they will start the army of intelligent machines at the same time, once these intelligent machines come out, they will have a reason to send troops over.

As for the outcome of the bait, they are not in the scope of their consideration.

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