Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 866:

When Wu Yonghuan returned to the conference room, he looked a lot better. Although he was very happy at the bottom of his heart, his face didn't show clearly.

However, the group of people behind him were sternly, ugly.

Seeing these people coming back, Zheng Jia didn't wait for Wu Yonghuan to speak and asked in advance: "Director Wu, what did you say above?"

Wu Yonghuan laughed: "The above naturally agreed with Zheng's opinion. After all, the basis of cooperation is based on the satisfaction of both parties, doesn't it?"

Wu Wuhuan said lightly, but the people behind him were even darker.

What does it mean that both parties are satisfied? Neither they nor the department behind them will be satisfied!

However, at present they are afraid to stand up against it. After all, Wu Yonghuan actually reported in front of them. It is conceivable that if these people did not agree at that time, Hualao could not only be held to represent Hualao but the nine together Blame it!

After all, Mars represents the interests of the entire country. No matter what those nine think, they will definitely take this interest as the premise. At this time, they are a hindrance!

后果 It's chilling to think about the consequences.

As for their mission failure, their leaders will not say anything. After all, this matter really needs to be investigated, they are behind the scenes. He is just a soldier, and he will retire in his current position.

Zheng Jia ignored the dispute over the interests and rights of Wu Yonghuan. She smiled slightly: "Since this is the case, let's continue to talk. The previous conditions are naturally no problem."

Wu Yonghuan nodded, and then thought about it. Mars development is supported by the whole country. To be honest, there is really nothing missing.

The only thing needed is a super-large express transport spacecraft and a map of Mars for the National Geological Bureau to detect resources and select the initial construction address.

And when he first came, he knew that he couldn't be the master completely, so he didn't think too much. Now it is really difficult for him to say all the needs at once.

Looking at Wu Yonghuan's embarrassment, Zheng Jia's eyes glanced at the silent team behind him.

"Since there is no other need, then I will talk about our requirements in this regard." Zheng Jiake would not kindly give Wu Yonghuan something.

Wu Yonghuan and the whole team behind him are embarrassed. Need to ask for the development of Mars Technology Crystal Company?

Is it related to the leased transport ship?

"You said." Wu Yonghuan quickly said.

佳 Zheng Jia smiled and said solemnly, "During the entire process of Mars development, we refuse to use all polluting energy. This is also our chairman's request, and he also attaches great importance to this.

After all, Mars is a pure natural and pollution-free planet. He doesn't want Mars to become the second earth. Can you understand what I mean? "

Wu Yonghuan paused after listening, and the people behind him also paused.

"This, this, President Zheng, is this embarrassing?" For a long time, Wu Yonghuan sighed with a bitter smile.

Now there is no pollution in the construction. Excavators are needed to dig the foundation. The excavator burns oil, and it will emit polluting gas. How can the foundation be laid without the excavator?

In addition to base construction, future ore collection, transportation, etc., which does not require a large number of machines to run, and these machines can all be oil-burning!

This requirement is simply embarrassing!

Although many aspects have begun to use new energy equipment, the penetration rate of new energy is very low. Most machines still run on petroleum.

What's more, it's only the initial construction, so such a little emission will not have much impact?

"Difficult?" Zheng Jia shook her head gently and said, "This is not difficult. If you don't have the relevant machinery and equipment, we can provide it for you, of course, there is a fee."

Wu Yonghuan drew a corner of his mouth and was just about to open his mouth. One person beside him suddenly patted the table and stood up: "General Zheng, don't you think your request is too much? This is simply a strong buy and a strong sell! Besides, Mars is not your company, Why is it that we have a lot of care about the development process, so many requirements? "

Yang Hongwei looked at Zheng Jia with an angry look and couldn't help but scream, "You just have to manage your own development! The affairs of the country are not up to you!"

Wu Wuyonghuan stayed, he looked at Yang Hongwei who was surprised. Although he also felt that Zheng Jia's request was excessive, it did have some meaning in Yang Hongwei's words.

But is it really good to say so directly?

After Yang Hongwei finished speaking, he looked at Wu Yonghuan, who had no squeak, and was relieved.

He is not raising the bar with Wu Yonghuan, but Zheng Jia's request really makes people angry.

Zheng Jia accidentally glanced at the young man who broke out unexpectedly. Instead of being angry, she calmly waited for Yang Hongwei to finish speaking, then took the cup in front and took a sip of tea.

"Sorry, although my request seems excessive. But you are right in one point." Zheng Jia looked at Yang Hongwei with a lot of time.

"What?" Zheng Jia's indifferent gesture made Yang Hongwei a little hesitant.

佳 Zheng Jia glanced at Yang Hongwei's face and smiled slightly: "That is, Mars was originally owned by our technology crystallization company."

一 As soon as this sentence was spoken, it caused an uproar in the entire conference room.

Not only everyone on Wu Yonghuan's side, but even those company executives, legal consultants and recorders next to Zheng Jia looked at Zheng Jia with calm eyes.

Everyone did not think how Zheng Jia, who had always been calm, would say such words of arrogance.

Pluto Mars should not be national, is it Chinese?

的 Everyone who is accustomed to 'common sense, common sense' will naturally not think that Mars is China's, what's wrong. Instead, he looked at Zheng Jia, who gave out mad words.

"you you……"

Yang Hongwei stared at Zheng Jia with speechless words.

Zheng Jia ignored the crowd's uproar and shock in her expression, and still said hurriedly: "According to relevant international laws issued by the universe.

Except for the accident that the moon is owned by all human beings, as long as other planets can plant their own plants on the surface, the land belongs to the growers.

At the time, Hua Xia also signed the agreement. "

郑 After Zheng Jia said such a strange law and regulations, everyone looked aggressive. Soon they took out their phones and looked down.

Soon, they found the relevant legal provisions. After looking at the detailed laws and regulations, each one looked complicated.

不 "No, according to the law, you only have jurisdiction and control, but not ownership. According to the law, even Mars should belong to all humanity!"

Yang Hongwei was surprised that such laws and regulations still existed after reading them, but he also grasped some ambiguous laws and regulations.

Control, jurisdiction, ownership.

These three represent completely different meanings.

But he had just finished speaking, but sat down again.

Although these three types represent three different meanings, in fact, after a technology crystallization company has control and jurisdiction, how is this different from ownership?

Even if Mars belongs to all human beings, the actual controller is still a technology crystallization company!

Because they have control and jurisdiction!


I do n’t know which head has the problem, and the legal regulations that have been made have passed!

This is simply a pit!

After a person or a power has the first two rights, is the third right still useful?

Yang Hongwei yelled in his heart. He may not know that these regulations were originally set under the leadership of the United States. After all, the United States was arguably the strongest country in the development of outer space.

Therefore, these regulations are naturally customized in their own favor, and the United Nations cannot do it even if they do not agree, because other countries can't do it except the United States can explore other planets.

Both China and China have repeatedly stressed that they can also launch satellites to detect Mars, but so far they have not been able to do so.

Moreover, the existence of such laws will also enable the United States to strengthen its exploration of outer space. Everyone knows how much the exploration of outer space burns money and does not get any substantial benefits.

This is also the moment when Huaxia's elderly and famous aerospace expert said in an interview that the Ministry of Finance would not support the funds, and they began to tear.

The sadness of painstaking research without support is really not humane.

所以 And why so many countries agreed to such outrageous laws at the beginning, naturally they also thought that using spaceflight to explore such a costly project would drag the US economic development.

But it turned out that it didn't look very good.

So now when Zheng Jia speaks this law, everyone feels a pain in the egg.

According to the law, no matter whether grassland, forests or rivers and currents on Mars, they are created by the technology crystallization company, that is, the entire Mars is their company.

"Ahem! Calm down ~ ~ We don't need to discuss the ownership of Mars for the time being, let's continue to discuss development." When Wu Yonghuan was quiet in the conference room, he broke this Weird quiet.

"Development, we are here to discuss development, not to discuss who Mars is. Comrade Yang Hongwei pay attention to our goals, don't talk about so many useless!"

Wu Wuhuan criticized Yang Hongwei lightly, and then asked Zheng Jia with a smile: "General Zheng, let's continue, if you borrow your company's machine, how about the price?"

佳 Zheng Jia put down the cup and chuckled: "The price is naturally not too expensive. After all, our purpose is not to make money, but to protect the original ecological environment of Mars.

According to our chairman, we charge a maximum of one machine for wear and maintenance. "

Zheng Jia said this, let Wu Yonghuan breathed a sigh of relief, this kind of words are almost lent to them in vain, this is not unacceptable.

Of course, he would be even happier if Zheng Jia had not said the right to belong to Mars.

He believes that the content of this conference will definitely be spread throughout the entire high-level, and even on the Internet. He will not know what kind of storms will come.

However, he feels that the senior management will never ignore Mars' ownership.

That's an entire planet!

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