Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 865:

Wu Wuhuan said at this time that it was impossible to say that he was not depressed. It was clear that he had been put together by his boss, and he had to continue.

He accompanied the smiley face and said inadequately, "General Zheng, I didn't mean that. It's just that many things are not for me to decide, so ..."

"That's the decision to come over!" Zheng Jia coldly interrupted Wu Yonghuan's words.

Wu Yonghuan's mouth twitched, if those people could come over, they would have liked to come directly, now he knows that he is a pawn. It is used to find out Zheng Jia's attitude towards this matter.

I never let Wu Yonghuan ask such people honestly as a road stone, but he didn't want to.

This time he was pitted by Ruan Zhongming. Besides, if you think about it carefully, Ruan Zhongming didn't tell himself all the details, obviously Ruan Zhongming was also embarrassed to speak directly.

Since Wu Yonghuan is so, there is no need to worry too much.

Anyway, his immediate superior is Ruan Zhongming, and other agencies and units have no right to rebuke himself. Even if he wants to say something, he must pass through Ruan Zhongming.

After thinking so much for a moment, Wu Yonghuan considered the impact of this failed negotiation. He suddenly discovered that he really couldn't make too many decisions.

Is this irrelevant?

Though I think so, it seems very useless to myself. But Wu Yonghuan also didn't want to be used as a gunman for unknown reasons. Besides, he didn't do any good by doing this.

This makes him even more upset.

"Well, why don't I ask the meaning above?" With a decision in mind, Wu Yonghuan smiled again on his face and discussed it.

"This is your own business, you don't need to ask me." Although Zheng Jia was curious as to how Wu Yonghuan suddenly seemed relieved, she did not go into it and continued her stance.

"Okay!" Wu Yonghuan nodded when he saw this, then his eyes motioned to the restless team members behind him, and the group got up and went into the rest room next to the conference room.

"Director Wu, wouldn't it be nice to explain to you?" As soon as he entered the lounge, a young man asked immediately.

"Why not explain?" Wu Yonghuan raised an eyebrow and looked at the young man who couldn't wait to open his mouth and questioned his youth, although the other party didn't show aggressive attitude and tone.

But the whole team was led by him. No one else spoke and questioned himself, and he jumped out.

Wu Wuyonghuan stared at each other expressionlessly.

When the young man saw this, his heart jumped fiercely. He understood that he was too anxious just now, but at this time he must not pretend to be dumb.

Toughly stubborn, the youth said awkwardly: "It allows us to complete the preliminary negotiations with the technology crystallization company. If it is not completed, all of us will be labelled badly."

He talked about Ai Ai, then glanced at the people in the room. He wanted to come, as long as there are people who are slightly interested in the system, who does not want to go further.

But once the leader looks down, can you climb up later?

However, when he looked at it in the past, he found that everyone around him looked at him with a special look, and no one changed his attitude because of what he had just said.

It makes him even more embarrassed.

"Oh?" Wu Yonghuan smiled coldly: "This little comrade is very determined, but now the technology crystal company does not agree with us this way, how do you say how to solve it?

If you can solve this problem, how about I let you in my position? "

He was so excited by Wu Yonghuan's words that the youth's face turned red, but he couldn't say a word.

Seeing that the young man couldn't come up with a word, Wu Yonghuan snorted coldly, took out his mobile phone and dialed his leader directly, Ruan Zhongming.

"Wu Yonghuan, what happened to the discussion?" The call was connected, and Ruan Zhongming's mellow voice came. He looked at Wu Yonghuan with a smile on his face as if he knew nothing.

Wu Yonghuan pulled his face a bit, and said badly: "Leader, this is not possible."

The smile on Ruan Zhongming's face suddenly closed. He glanced at the people in the room, and asked with a stern face: "What's going on? This is the top issue of concern above. What's wrong with it? Did someone make things difficult for you?"

Ruan Zhongming rightly inquired that his gesture made everyone in the lounge tight, and the atmosphere did not dare to show it.

However, Wu Yonghuan looked at Ruan Zhongming in amazement. Ruan Zhongming asked him if he had embarrassed him, and never mentioned any questions about the technology crystallization company.

After letting Wu Yonghuan stunned, he reacted. He responded very cooperatively: "Leader, Zheng Zheng, a technology crystallization company, wants us to talk to someone who can make a real decision. I can't be the master!"

At the end of the video, Ruan Zhongming first showed shock, then looked curiously at Wu Yonghuan, and asked knowingly: "Director Wu, what do you mean by this, Hua Lao gave the logistics department full authority to our logistics department. You are I appointed the negotiation leader, you can completely decide everything, how can you not be the master? "

"Leader, if other departments don't cooperate, what can I do?" Wu Yonghuan cooperated to make a helpless innocent look.

Ruan Zhongming was “shocked” and shocked: "There is still such a thing, I immediately report to Hua Lao and ask what is the situation!"

In the two questions and answers, those people behind Wu Yonghuan changed their faces one by one.

永 Wu Yonghuan in the logistics department of the entire negotiation team, although it plays a leading role, also includes people from other departments to cooperate in it.

But now the meaning of the two words ~ ~ It is clear that they are dragging the logistics department!

Immediately someone couldn't stand, immediately got up and refuted: "Director Wu, you must speak with conscience. We haven't said a word since the beginning of the negotiation. The technology crystallization company doesn't agree, how can you push the responsibility to Us! "

As soon as this person said something, the others also agreed, saying that these people were very innocent, and they had to put the responsibility on themselves by not doing anything.

"Well?" Wu Yonghuan listened to the explanations of these people, smiled in his heart, and uttered a frivolity in his mouth, looked at these people in surprise: "If you say so, is it the entire negotiation that I do?"

After he said this, the voice in the room came to an abrupt halt.

"It seems that there is still a problem." Wu Yonghuan sighed and cast his eyes on Ruan Zhongming with a grievance.

When others saw this, they were in a hurry. If Ruan Zhongming made a report, would they still be alive?

Old Hua was censured, and the people above them could not keep themselves.

I thought of this, and my heart was panicking. However, under Ruan Zhongming's gaze, they couldn't think of any good way for a while, and nodded in agreement.

Wu Yonghuan nodded with satisfaction after all these people were subdued. He signaled Ruan Zhongming, and then led the group back to the conference room.

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