Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 867:

Wu Wuhuan thought about this heavy question, and he didn't let up his lips. He continued to ask, "Are there any other requirements?"

I looked at Wu Yonghuan, who was accompanied by a smile, and Yang Hongwei behind him felt uncomfortable again.

Although Wu Yonghuan is not the same as them, the problems between them are internal problems. But once outside, they naturally stand on a line.

And what do they represent?

Is national justice!

But now they can only grin with grievances, but also cooperate with each other's requirements.

怎么 How can this not make them uncomfortable? Except for the internal time, when have they been treated like this?

佳 Zheng Jia smiled, and her serious look softened a little, and said, "There is no other problem. After all, we are only to better protect the Martian environment, not for other purposes.

Wu Yonghuan twitched.

Isn't this targeted?

Wu Wuhuan just wanted to refute, but think carefully that Zheng Jia really didn't aim at these people deliberately!

People are just explaining a fact!

According to the law of that pit, Mars is indeed under the control of a technology crystallization company, and it is only natural for people to have requirements to protect the Mars environment.

After all, they spend no money to transform Mars. They want to ensure that the Mars environment is pure and clean. No one can blame it.

No one will think that the planet that someone has made great efforts to transform can be destroyed for you. Those who dare to say such things are either mentally faulty or intentional.

Obviously, none of the people present was a fool.

"In this case, please trouble General Zheng to give us a map, so I can take it back for the experts to refer to." Wu Yonghuan said politely.

"This is natural." Zheng Jia shook his head and motioned to Qin Qin next to him.

Qinqin handed a mobile hard disk to Wu Yonghuan, and then returned to Zheng Jia.

Wu Yonghuan took the mobile hard disk seriously and put it away.

After Wu Yonghuan collected the hard drive, Zheng Jia continued to say: "You can contact our company's transportation department at any time if you need a large transport spacecraft."

Zheng Jia's words made Wu Yonghuan stunned, how does it feel different from what he said before.

"General Zheng." Wu Yonghuan had to, carefully interrupting Zheng Jia's words. "Isn't the transport ship delivered directly to us?"

佳 Zheng Jia gave a strange glance at Wu Yonghuan and chuckled: "Director Wu, I'm not wrong. The transport spacecraft is leased to you. But will any of you fly the transport spacecraft?"

In a word, he blocked Wu Yonghuan's words in his throat, and he looked helplessly at Zheng Jia. In fact, he wanted to say, "No one will be here. Do you have one?"

With a large spaceship, a team of several hundred people cannot play at all. Technology crystallization companies absolutely do not have this talent.

According to Cheng Yuan's habit, he especially likes to use intelligent control. 100% of the spacecraft of the technology crystallization company use intelligent control.

In addition, neither of you allows us to drive the polluting vehicles to Mars, so the supplies they need to transport will definitely need to be shipped to you.

不 This spaceship does not follow us back, how can they carry the prepared things over?

"I mean, can your company now let us take a transport ship back first so that the prepared materials can be brought up in advance." Wu Yonghuan said arrogantly, no matter what the logistics and other departments have any interests contradiction.

His mission is to return with the map and transport ship, which is the main goal. He couldn't control the rest.

Now that the map is in hand, there are only spaceships left.

自然 He will naturally strive for it.

However, Zheng Jia didn't want to continue talking, her purpose has been achieved.

"Director Wu, you need to prioritize things, and you need to have a clear order. I think you still need to take the map back first, then let your experts study it carefully, and then send a few teams of inspectors to Mars for a site inspection. Main. "

Zheng Jia smiled, and then stood up and said to Wu Yonghuan: "Go here today. After you have determined the location of the first base, contact our company's transportation department directly, and someone will cooperate with you."

Before leaving, Zheng Jia emphasized once again that the department they needed to contact at that time. This led Qin Qin to leave the conference room.

I saw Zheng Jia leave directly, Wu Yonghuan could only secretly sigh in the back. At this moment, he felt very uncomfortable. This time, the negotiation did not follow their ideas at all, and the entire scene was under Zheng Jia's control.

This is not the difference in speech between the two sides, but the difference between the pros and cons of the positions of the two sides. The technology crystallization company that controls Mars and has the only channel to Mars has the absolute right to speak!

Wu Wuhuan didn't know why he suddenly thought of the end of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the negotiators who stood at the negotiating table and faced foreigners were probably the same as he is now.

In the case of absolute disadvantage, you don't even have the courage to refute in the words of the opponent.

Behind is not only to be beaten, you have no right to speak if you are behind!

If, the transformation of Mars was not completed independently by the technology crystallization company, but was jointly promoted by them and the international community? If they have the ability to directly build a spaceship that flies to Mars, they still need to look at the face of the technology crystal company?

At that time, the status of the two sides was equal. Even because of the different nature of the two sides, they could still occupy a certain degree of dominance!

But there is no reality, Wu Yonghuan can be considered deeply aware of this weakness!

"Go back." Wu Yonghuan glanced at Yang Hongwei's despair, patted the other's shoulder, and then took the lead out of the conference room.

Yang Hongwei's face was decadent, he was a bit regretful, why did he mention the issue of Mars's ownership, if he did n’t say this ~ ~ would n’t Zheng Jia just say that ?

When neither side mentioned this, everyone's cooperation was definitely more harmonious. After all, this kind of thing is not mentioned, and everyone should do whatever they want.

But once this problem is put on the table, both sides will pay attention to it!

When the technology crystallization company has the absolute initiative, when talking about this in advance, isn't it obvious that you should find something for yourself!

为什么 Why did Huaxia ‘borrow’ a spaceship from a technology crystallization company?

They are very clear that it is impossible to put their own lifeblood in the hands of others, and they have almost no idea about high-level black technology such as space portals.

They also know their own strength very well. Even if Cheng Yuan placed the space portal at the entrance of their Academy of Sciences and researched them casually, the above people doubt whether they can see anything.

But spaceships are different. As long as there are physical objects, give them enough time to research, maybe someday there will be a breakthrough?

By then, when I have the ability to travel to Mars, I can rely less on the technology crystallization company and can get out of the control of the other party earlier.

Yang Hongwei is very embarrassed now. The content of this meeting will definitely be presented to Hua Lao. He does not know what the future of the nine people will be after watching the report.

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