Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 835:

In the quiet universe, the stars are bright. Compared with the earth, when you are in the universe, you will find that the entire universe is more dazzling and charming in your eyes.

银色 In the solar system, a silver spaceship ran across like a white rainbow.

Inside the spacecraft, Guo Xiaolian looked at the outside through the porthole of the spacecraft with interest, looking at the bright stars outside the window at an unknown distance, she was dizzy.

"Xiao Lian, it's best not to stare directly at the outside like this. If you want to admire the starry sky, we can reduce the speed and adjust it to the viewing mode."

Although Cheng Chengyuan did not want to disturb Guo Xiaolian's interest, he had to remind him of some things.

Especially in their current situation, the speed of the spacecraft is undoubtedly very fast. At this speed, when the eyes are looking outside, although they will not cause visual impairment, it will cause certain negative effects on the eyes over time.

Besides, the portholes of the spacecraft have not been treated and are not suitable for viewing.

"What's wrong? There is a problem with this?" Guo Xiaolian turned back, glanced at Cheng Yuan, and then continued to look out: "Yes, which one do you say Mars, how can I see?

Yi Chengyuan drew a corner of his mouth, glanced at Guo Xiaolian silently, but did not explain, but gave a nod to his side.

Zero knew, slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

晓 Then Guo Xiaolian, who was looking outside, suddenly noticed that the lights in the control room suddenly went out. Before she could react, the color of the wall of the cabin near the porthole gradually faded.

Guo Xiaolian was taken aback by this sudden change. She quickly took a few steps back and looked at the place she was lying on before in amazement.

In just a blink of an eye, the wall gradually disappeared before her eyes! And the vision in front of her suddenly widened. The starry sky, which could only be seen through the porthole, appeared on her head in just a few seconds.

连 Even the deck under her feet became transparent, at this moment she felt like she was really in the universe!

晓 Amazing light broke out in Guo Xiaolian's eyes, she looked at Cheng Yuan with surprise: "Cheng Yuan, what is going on? This, how can this spaceship be invisible?"

晓 Guo Xiaolian was excited and incoherent. She initially thought that the viewing mode Cheng Yuan said was a kind of skylight.

Cheng Yuan gave him a big surprise!

Cheng Cheng smiled slightly: "This is a characteristic unique to active nanomaterials. It can adjust its structure according to instructions."

晓 Guo Xiaolian nodded in ignorance, and Cheng Yuan said that she did not understand at all.

Wu Chengyuan only mentioned a sentence, but did not elaborate. He glanced at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and then said to Guo Xiaolian, "You can enjoy the entire starry sky now!"

晓 Guo Xiaolian didn't echo, but looked at the starry sky very fascinated. Like this feeling of being in the starry sky, she had never experienced it before.

This is the first time!

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan didn't bother her, stretched her lazily lazily, laid the chair flat, and lay back on the soft and comfortable chair.

"Zero, how is the sailing speed now?" Cheng Yuan asked after lying down.

The blue light in Qian Ling's eyes blinked quietly, and said, "Thirty percent at full value, sir."

更改 While changing the active nanomaterial, zero also quietly reduced the speed of the spacecraft. After all, the change of the material will irreversibly reduce the pressure resistance of the entire spacecraft.

In this case, if you still keep flying at high speed, it will definitely kill you!

"Then maintain this speed first." Cheng Yuan glanced at Guo Xiaolian, who was also lying on a chair looking at the starry sky, and said, "Wait Xiaolian is boring, and then resume normal sailing."

To be honest, Cheng Yuan also likes things like watching the starry sky. The quiet and vast universe always makes people somehow calm down.

But if you watch too much, you will gradually lose this feeling.

Uh ...

After about half an hour, Guo Xiaolian rubbed her eyes and felt a little tired.

Although she was shocked by the surrounding scenes at first, this kind of surprise gradually faded away with the passage of time. As the stars became the same, she calmed down.

"Cheng Yuan, it's okay, it's a rare experience." Rubbing his eyes, Guo Xiaolian said to Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Cheng shrugged and looked at zero.

Zero nodded slightly, and then the color of the whole cabin reappeared.

"You can go at full speed." Cheng Yuan sat up and said to Zero: "Reset the trajectory and arrival time."

Although it has only been 30 minutes in the past, a lot can happen in 30 minutes.

Mars is not fixed. It will also move with time, especially with revolutions and rotations. Cheng Yuan will naturally adjust his orbit according to the changes of Mars.

Otherwise, after they reach Mars' orbit, they will need to continue to change directions to find the landing base. They cannot fly to the base in one breath.

零 After adjusting the route according to the coordinates of the spacecraft and the Mars base at zero, the spacecraft will increase the speed and go directly to the end point.

On the next voyage, Guo Xiaolian was lying there with her eyes closed to rest. After all, the spacecraft is flying very fast. Although the quantum signal is very powerful, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot guarantee that the network can be smooth at such a fast moving speed.

So at present, although the mobile phone has a signal, it cannot connect to the network normally, and the network signal will always be in the search state.

Cheng Chengyuan also knows this phenomenon, but he can't improve it at present. After all, at such a fast speed, he could not think of how to deal with the problem of stably capturing the wavelength signal.

Especially on small devices like mobile phones, this is even more difficult!

He flashed this question in Cheng Yuan's mind, and he didn't consider it carefully. After Guo Xiaolian closed her eyes and rested, he closed his eyes.

When people are bored, they always choose to sleep. Some people may find this process a long one, but others may find it short.

Cheng Chengyuan's feeling was the latter. He just felt that he just closed his eyes for a short time, and then heard zero calling him.

"Sir, we're here." Zheng Zhongzheng's peaceful voice sounded in his ear, and Cheng Yuan opened his eyes a little confused, and asked, "When is it now?"

"It is 12.37 noon. We are now in Mars' orbit. We are about to enter the atmosphere of Mars. Do you need to stay here for a while and enjoy the new Mars?" Asked with a smile.

Cheng Yuan froze for a moment, and murmured in his mouth, "Now Mars?"

He is still a little confused, doesn't Mars himself often see it, and he still needs to stop in the orbit and squint?

As soon as the thought came to Min's heart, he heard a whisper.

哇 "Wow! Isn't this true, Cheng Yuan! Is this Mars? You didn't lie to me, wouldn't it be another earth, right?" Guo Xiaolian's exclaimed voice made Cheng Yuan instantly sober!

He turned around to look at ~ ~ and found that Guo Xiaolian was awake at some point, this time lying on the porthole and watching the spacecraft outside.

Cheng Chengyuan got up and came to Guo Xiaolian's side, and looked along Guo Xiaolian's eyes.

水 An aquamarine planet that is slightly smaller than the earth comes into view. From the orbit of Mars, Mars is not much different from the earth at this time.

And Mars is not like the Earth. Except for the blue ocean, white air clouds and a few green trees, mountains and forests leave a large area of ​​yellow land.

Beacon is brighter than the earth, more transparent clouds and blue ocean, and green vegetation that almost occupies the entire planet!

I can say that looking down from Mars' orbit, the entire Mars is three colors: blue, white and green!

"Okay, hurry back to our position, we are about to land soon." Cheng Yuan was so special that he was no longer familiar with Mars. After a slam, he returned to his position by himself. .

晓 Guo Xiaolian heard that she was not dissatisfied. After glancing at Mars again, she jumped back to her position, fastened her seat belt, and showed excitement on her face.

After Guo Xiaolian sat down, Cheng Yuan signaled to zero: "Let's go, land on Mars, let me experience the fresh air of Mars!"

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