Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 836:

The spacecraft rushed straight into Mars under zero control, and its powerful performance allowed the spacecraft to enter the atmosphere without any slight bumps.

Because of the speed of the spacecraft, in just a moment, the scenery in front of Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian instantly changed from a black cosmic background to sky blue.

After Pluto entered Mars, the spacecraft reduced its speed. At this time, Guo Xiaolian seemed to see a dark spot in the sky far through the porthole.

"Cheng Yuan, what do you think that is?" She asked curiously at the black spot that was very prominent against the blue sky background.

Cheng Chengyuan looked in the direction pointed by Guo Xiaolian and was silent.

Seeing Cheng Yuan not talking, Guo Xiaolian was a little surprised: "What's wrong, you don't know?"

她 In her opinion, Cheng Yuan's affairs should be clear. After all, this planet, which has an amazing similarity to the earth, has been transformed a little bit.

If Cheng Chengyuan is not familiar, who dares to say that he is familiar?

Even those institutions that observe Mars every day, when they see Mars at this time, it is absolutely impossible to distinguish that they see Mars with a little similarity to the previous Mars.

Cheng Cheng shook his head and sighed longly: "Xiao Lian, something so far away is a black spot, you ask me, who do I ask? I don't have a telescope in my eyes."

He then waited for Guo Xiaolian's expression, and Cheng Yuan continued to guess: "Although I can't see clearly, I can almost guess what it is."

"What?" Guo Xiaolian asked blurtly.

"Air reformer, Mars' atmosphere is very weak, and to this extent, it can only be achieved with this instrument."

Guo Xiaolian was a bit surprised when she heard the words, and looked at the black spots in the distance in disbelief: "It can only be done with such an instrument, and it is too powerful. Why don't you build one on the planet and improve the air of the planet All right? "

"It can't be done." Cheng Yuan gave a stun, said with two hands in one hand.

晓 Guo Xiaolian didn't expect Cheng Yuan's answer to be so crisp and sharp. She stayed a moment before she could understand and asked, "Why? Can this instrument only be used on Mars?"

I said she frowned and was not convinced. After all, such an instrument should not be too restrictive.

Wu Chengyuan shook his hand and explained, "It's not that it can't be used on the earth, but that the pollution emission rate on the earth can be improved much faster than my instrument.

Moreover, the transformation of Martian air can not be done with just one instrument. At that time, in order to change the Martian air as soon as possible, this type of instrument was overwhelming! "

After a moment's pause, Cheng Yuan continued to say, "Where do you think this thing is placed on the earth, who would like to keep this instrument flying above your head? You can rest assured that others are not assured!"

晓 Guo Xiaolian thought carefully: "Oh, oh, if this thing is flying on others, no one will be willing."

Of course, Guo Xiaolian thinks that the instrument can still be placed in an unoccupied area to slowly improve the air, but she did not continue to say it. After all, Cheng Yuan was reluctant, and it was boring to continue.

Between the two of them, the spacecraft had hovered over a small base and started to land slowly.

"This is the base you built?" Guo Xiaolian looked outside and found that this base can be called a small city!

The wide, clean streets are lined with weird trees that she can't name, and high-rise buildings stand among them. Not only that, she can also see some floating cars quickly shuttle on the street.

What attracted her most was that she also saw a building identical to the laboratory building of a technology crystallization company in this base!

But the building in front of me is bigger than the one in Anhe!

没有 There is no building in the entire base that can be compared with the one in front of her. This scene alone is enough to shock her.

With the intelligent robot walking on the street, if Cheng Yuan is not beside her, she would have thought that she had come into a world dominated by robots!

"Cheng Yuan, are you the base?" Guo Xiaolian was completely embarrassed. This kind of 'base' is completely different from the base she imagined.

Cheng Chengyuan smiled, and Guo Guolian laughed, explaining with a smile: "Of course it is the base. You are surprised because the base in front of you is not an ordinary base."

"Imagine that although the transformation of Mars is already suitable for living at this stage, what people need for life, what should we do?"

"All four things are necessary for daily life! This base contains everything we need, high-fiber materials that can be used to make special clothing, and huge food growing areas and agricultural and sideline products areas."

The wide and clean streets can make our floating cars unobstructed, as for the residence ... "

Cheng Chengyuan pointed to the tallest building in front of him. "We live there. Except for the difference in size and Anhe city, we almost copied it. How about it? Good?" Cheng Yuan smiled proudly.

晓 Guo Xiaolian froze, seeing Cheng Yuan's proud face, muttering: "No idea." Then he did not wait for Cheng Yuan to continue, and went straight down the spaceship.

Cheng Chengyuan and Zero looked at each other, and could not help saying, "Are we not creative?"

"I don't feel that way," Zero frowned, surely.

"What does Xiaolian mean?" Cheng Yuan was puzzled.

"According to the data collected in the past, Guo Xiaolian's posture should be a special way of expressing feelings among loved ones." Cheng Yuan analyzed it seriously.

Cheng Chengyuan looked a little weird: "Special expression? Is that mean?"

Zero thought for a while, nodded and confirmed: "You can understand that too."

"Women are really complicated, even my husband and wife are still playing this set." Cheng Yuan smiled, although he said this on his mouth ~ ~, but he was very happy.

And after saying zero, Cheng Yuan suddenly realized that the relationship between himself and Guo Xiaolian seemed to have been very flat.

There is no passionate passion, and there is no cold war because of emotional problems.

It seems that from the beginning, the relationship between the two people is like a loved one.

"Isn't it a peaceful relationship?" Cheng Yuan murmured to himself, and then secretly said, "But it's not bad, if love does not have a problem, when the two sides form a family, love will naturally evolve into affection over time."

With such an idea, Cheng Yuan laughed softly and followed Guo Xiaolian.

Naturally, Zero does not express his views. Although he is now very close to the attitude of human beings, he is still lacking in emotion in essence.

After taking off the spacecraft, Cheng Yuan saw Guo Xiaolian standing on the tarmac and looking at the surrounding environment.

The tarmac is at the top of the Science and Technology Crystal Building, which is exactly the same building as Anhe City. From here you can see the scenery of the whole base.

"How's it? It's shocking!" Cheng Yuan glanced at the Mars base that he built himself, which is comparable to a small city. He was naturally very proud.

Guo Xiaolian nodded and said, "I can't believe it, you have quietly built such a large project!"

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