Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 834:

I do not blame Cheng Yuan for having such an idea. After all, it is easy for the country to block some news.

But Ke Xiaolian obviously did not believe what Cheng Yuan said.

这么 So magnificent buildings in front of you are all blind in Donghai City? But Guo Xiaolian didn't keep asking. Instead of thinking about it here, it would be better to go to Mars faster!

Compared with the portal in front of me, is obviously more attractive to Mars!

"No matter what the matter is, we are now going to meet with Zheng Zheng and go directly to Mars!" Guo Xiaolian said a little excitedly.

Cheng Cheng nodded, glanced at the side beside him, and motioned: "Lead the way."

He and Guo Xiaolian are here for the first time, and they can only recognize the road.

"Okay." Zero was polite, and several strode in front of the two to lead the two.

However, as soon as the three men walked into the branch building with their front feet, they saw Zheng Jia stepping on his heels.

"Cheng Yuan, Xiao Lian, why do you think of coming to Donghai City?" Zheng Jia's voice increased by two points when he saw Cheng Yuan.

She was surprised to carefully scrutinize Cheng Yuan for a few seconds, then she said with sorrow: "I thought Xiaolian would be here alone."

Yi Chengyuan drew a corner of his mouth and looked at Zheng Jia in a depressed mood: "Sister Zheng, what do you mean, wouldn't I go out?"

Looking at Cheng Yuan's anguish and sorrow, Zheng Jia laughed involuntarily: "I'm not saying you won't go out, but you haven't been out at all before!

Cheng Chengyuan was helpless. Where was the situation in the past, where did he dare to go out? There is also the protection of the country at home, and when abroad, people will not care what you are.

Especially people like him, many forces have much less scruples.

For other rich people in the world, which is not to invest everywhere, add various identities to increase chips, so that many forces dare not move them casually.

At least the forces on the bright side dare not mess up, and those hidden forces can basically resist most dangers with bodyguards.

But in Cheng Yuan, these are completely untenable.

He is only the chairman of the technology crystallization company, and the sole owner of the company! Although the technology crystallization company was already the world's largest technology company at the time, he himself also ranked among the world's richest people.

Yun Ke is just such an identity. In other countries, his identity is valued by the country, and the impact of technology crystallization companies.

But when abroad, who cares about you?

You are only the chairman of a technology crystallization company. Without this company Cheng Yuan, we are too late to be happy! Maybe it can also take a heavy blow to China.

Of course, it would be more in their interest to get Cheng Yuan back!

Therefore, Cheng Yuan didn't dare to run abroad at that time. Even at home, he didn't dare to walk around at will, just because he was afraid of something unexpected.

The reason for this is that his background was too poor and the company's development speed was fast.

If it had not been for the country to guarantee the survival and development of his company, he was sure that even if he stayed in the country, he would be completely embezzled by domestic capital.

Especially the special domestic environment will be even more serious than foreign capital, because there is a special layer of people in the country itself.

This is also the first time Cheng Yuan will cooperate with the country no matter what the project is. Although it will not be a fool to give up the big head, but it will also let the country follow.

He thinks that he is not an ungrateful villain. He can see clearly for the reason today, so he doesn't mind pulling his country.

What's more, the stronger the country, the better it is for himself.

Even for the sake of intelligent machinery, the world has undergone a major shuffle. But there are still many people around the world who survive the war.

Cheng Cheng is sure that in less than ten years, these countries will soon recover and will be stronger than they were.

The outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis brings more than just destruction. They still have many more advanced instruments.

These things will bring a strong boost to the new students in these countries!

But in any case, Cheng Yuan is not famous for not going out!

So now Zheng Jia is joking like this, he can't find any reason to refute. After all, this is the case. How can he refute it?

"Well, just laugh whatever you want." Cheng Yuan shrugged, saying he didn't care.

After Zheng Jia laughed, she no longer made fun of Cheng Yuan. She asked, "Why are you coming out this time?" She said, and looked at Guo Xiaolian beside Cheng Yuan, a little curious.

Seeing that this topic was finally set aside, Cheng Yuan was relieved in his heart. He quickly replied, "Xiao Lian and I are going to Mars. The transformation has been successful there, and the animals I stocked can live well on Mars.

It's really a no-man's land, so it's safe to say that Xiaolian and I can enjoy the beauty of Mars. "

Cheng Cheng laughed a little, and was a little proud.

Whenever Mars is mentioned, he will be proud and proud!

Because he created Mars today, he is a creation **** in fantasy novels!

Creating a world, who can make such achievements?

Zheng Jia heard that, and for a long while.

Although Mars hasn't paid close attention to Mars, Mars is too far away from the earth, so you have to use special tools to observe it.

Anyone who is okay will pay attention to the situation on Mars. If it is the moon, occasionally looking up at night can still look at it!

I ca n’t stand the condition of Mars. She also heard Cheng Yuan mentioned that she has some understanding of the situation of Mars. But in her cognition, Cheng Yuan has only greatly improved the environment of Mars, which can make people go to Mars to extract some resources.

不 Isn't the purpose of the establishment of the space portal just for this?

But what she didn't expect is that Mars is already suitable for human habitation! Especially what Cheng Yuan meant in the words just now, he even sent some animals on the planet to adapt to life on Mars in advance!

自然 This naturally surprised and shocked her!

After returning to God, Zheng Jia didn't ask too many questions on Mars. She took a deep breath and said sincerely: "Then I wish you a good time in advance here."

"Thank you." Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian glanced at each other, and they spoke politely, and then Guo Xiaolian said, "Sister Zheng, I and Cheng Yuan have gone to Mars, and the company's affairs will bother you."

Speaking of this, Guo Xiaolian was also very embarrassed. She also patted her chest to ensure that she could manage the company's affairs well.

It turned out that it was just a few days before I became a shopkeeper.

Zheng Jia heard the words and shook his head with a smile: "It's okay, most of the company's affairs are in charge of the department manager. If it's a big thing, can't you contact me if you go to Mars?"

Guo Xiaolian put out her tongue and was embarrassed, "Hey, this is not to say hello in advance, you are in Donghai City, Fang Jing is in Nanhai City, the management of this company is more or less inconvenient, isn't it? "

佳 Zheng Jia smiled softly: "Why is there any inconvenience, you still go to Mars, take more photos and videos by the way, so that I can see what Mars looks like now."

"Yes, from Earth to Mars, how long will it take you to take the spaceship?" Zheng Jia suddenly asked, she had never considered using a portal.

The portal is not completely built or tested. It is impossible to use the portal!

She looked at Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Chengyuan thought for a moment, and replied: "According to the speed of our spacecraft, the ideal time will take about 45 hours, and if it is faster, we can't stand it."

However, just after he finished speaking, the zero on the side immediately spoke and corrected: "Sir, your estimation is wrong, and our spacecraft is traveling at sub-light speed.

虽然 Although the pressure inside the spacecraft will increase when moving at the speed of sub-light, we have a special movable protection warehouse, so it does not take 45 hours, and we only need about 1 hour to reach Mars orbit. "

Zero looked at the watch on his wrist and said seriously: "The time is now 10:04:22 AM. If you don't need to modify the track midway, you can arrive before 11:00."

As soon as Guo Xiaolian heard it, she was not even an hour, and immediately pulled Cheng Yuan's arm excitedly and said, "What are you waiting for, let's go now!"

He then gave Cheng Yuan no chance to respond, waved his hand at Zheng Jia, and dragged him towards the spaceship.

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan also gave Zheng Jia a weak look, and was dragged into the spacecraft by Guo Xiaolian.

After watching the two enter the spacecraft, Zero gave Zheng Jia a subtle smile: "Then we leave first, I will monitor the company's intelligent management remotely, and I will screen out for you what you need to handle."

Zheng Jia was kind to zero: "Thank you, zero. You should go first."


After entering the spacecraft at zero ~ ~ The spacecraft slowly floats up, and after the spacecraft is at a certain height from the ground, the energy ejectors at the bottom and rear end are activated instantly.

The blue energy tail flame burst from the mouth of the ejector, pushing the spacecraft to fly away quickly, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

愣 After the spacecraft left, Zheng Jia 愣 愣 for a long time, she did not expect that the company's technological strength is already so powerful.

It's not even an hour from Earth to Mars!

This is faster than Hangzhou to Donghai City. After all, except Hangzhou to Donghai City, except for the high-speed rail that can guarantee less than an hour, other means of transportation are more than an hour! Moreover, even if it is a high-speed rail, it will take a lot of time before taking the high-speed rail.

This must add up to more than an hour, so it does n’t take an hour to hear the spaceship ’s flight time, which makes her feel very unreal!

But when she thinks about such untrue things, she also doesn't know what to say. Because in the shipyard of the space portal base, there is an identical spacecraft parked there!

The spacecraft she took when she came from Anhe city! It was Cheng Yuan who specially assigned her. She had never thought that this spacecraft of hers could even go to space!

"Would you like to try a trip to Mars yourself?" When Zheng Jia turned and walked towards the office, she couldn't help but have such an idea.

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