Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 833:

nz0XrW + teT ^ [5> \ "J ^ & 3G6c4mQ], Cheng Yuan told his parents about it. Father Cheng and Mother Cheng did not question the decision of the two, they were curious about what Mars is like now , Can make people pass! \\ r

In particular, I heard Guo Xiaolian said that after Cheng Yuan had made a transformation to Mars, the two were stunned for a long time. \\ r

Transforming a planet, they never even thought about it! \\ r

Yun Ke's own son was finished silently, which made them feel incredible. \\ r

"The children have taken care of them for the past few days. You two have been playing hard. Since Xiaoyuan started the company, you haven't had much time to go out and play alone." Father Cheng sighed, both proud of his son's success With another kind of love. \\ r

Cheng Chengyuan started such a large enterprise and said that he was not proud that it was false. But in contrast, Cheng Yuan also paid a small price. \\ r

I am the boss of another company, which is not the world's running, who has a job to fly to work around the world, without a job, to fly around the world to travel and vacation. \\ r

But what about Cheng Yuan? \\ r

Because of the company, he can only crouch in that small area. \\ r

It's ridiculous to say that the boss of such a large international technology giant has not even gone abroad! \\ r

The only time I traveled abroad was for the whole family to take a circle around the super fast spaceship. But how many people were traveling at that time? \\ r

Now Cheng Yuan has finally proposed to go around, as a natural nod to his parents. Although this time I went to a planet other than other countries, but in the eyes of Father Cheng, this nature is almost the same. \\ r

As long as Cheng Yuan is willing to go out, he will be happy. \\ r

父母 After their parents agreed, Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian gave their daughters to their parents. Then they lightly packed with zero or a few smart robot bodyguards and flew directly to Donghai City on the spacecraft. \\ r

"Why go to Donghai City first?" Guo Xiaolian asked curiously while sitting in the spacecraft with luxurious interiors, but her gaze was more on the interior decoration of the spacecraft. \\ r

Cheng Chengyuan didn't care about Guo Xiaolian's behavior, he chuckled: "I'm going to use a portal to travel from Earth to Mars." \\ r

Guo Xiaolian was very surprised by this answer. She hesitated: "This, I think it is enough to be a spacecraft. After all, you can also look at the scenery of the universe along the way. Besides, the speed of the spaceship from Earth to Mars is not slow, right?" \ r

She didn't dare to say this because she had no confidence in the portal. Although Qian Chengyuan showed her the entire teleportation process of a portal once. \\ r

And there are also intelligent robots that arrive safely from the entrance to the exit without any damage. But she still had her heart before going through real-life experiments. \\ r

Cheng Chengyuan turned his head, looked at Guo Xiaolian a little awkwardly, thought for a while, and understood what Guo Xiaolian was worried about. \\ r

To be honest, he said this sentence really well without careful consideration, it was a sudden thought, although the data of the space portal are very perfect. \\ r

But after all, the teleportation between Mars and Earth has not been tested, and indeed you cannot risk your own life. Especially take your own life to take risks and not bring your own wife. \\ r

Is this unwise? \\ r

He touched his chin. Cheng Yuan felt that he had been in the laboratory for too long recently, and his brain circuits were almost different from others. \\ r

"In this case, let's go as a spaceship." \\ r

After Cheng Yuan said this sentence, Guo Xiaolian was relieved in her heart. She was really afraid that Cheng Yuan insisted on her decision, so she would spend a lot of time to persuade Cheng Yuan. \\ r

"Then we still go to Donghai?" \\ r

晓 Guo Xiaolian asked, since it was decided to take a spacecraft to Mars, it should not matter whether to go to Donghai City. \\ r

"Of course I will go there. I just happened to look at the construction of the space portal. By the way, I also explained to Sister Zheng. After all, you and I have left, and the company will be left unmanaged for the time being." \ R

Cheng Chengyuan's voice has just fallen, and he has not spoken. Like a transparent person, he suddenly said, "Sir, in fact, the company's normal things can be controlled remotely." \\ r

"However, it is also very necessary to inform President Zheng Jia, at least let her know that we are not there, and there are some things that she can handle at her discretion." \\ r

Cheng Cheng shrugged his shoulders. "Hear me, I'm going to Donghai City." \\ r

Guo Xiaolian gave Cheng Yuan a glance and did not speak. \\ r

The spacecraft is fast, and it only takes about 7 minutes from Anhe to Donghai. \\ r

At the portal of the space portal, Zheng Jia stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office and looked at the construction site in the distance. The three portals were as spectacular as hills. \\ r

Whenever I see the portal, Zheng Jia always sighs that the change brought about by technological progress is too big. \\ r

谁 Who dare to imagine a three-kilometer building before? But now it can be built easily! \\ r

Just as she was stunning, the sky above her head was suddenly covered by a layer of shadows. She looked up and found that it was a spaceship! \\ r

"Well? Is it Xiaolian here?" The moment Zheng Jia saw the spacecraft, Guo Jialian came. \\ r

She never considered whether the process would appear in the spacecraft. After all, Cheng Yuan went out a handful of times, which is no different from the ascetic monk. \\ r

造型 And the shape of the spacecraft above your head, except for your own company, it is impossible for others to have, and will not have! \\ r

Just as she was puzzled, the spacecraft had stopped on the ground. After the spacecraft's hatch opened, two figures appeared at the hatch. \\ r

"Cheng Yuan !?" Zheng Jia rubbed her eyes, a little unbelievable. \\ r

"Xiao Qin, go and pour three glasses of water. I'll go out." Although Zheng Jia couldn't believe his eyes, he responded quickly and ordered his assistant to pour water, and then he hurried out of the office to meet outside . \\ r

After Cheng Cheng got out of the spaceship ~ ~ Standing on the huge base square and watching the towering space portal was quite shocking. \\ r

After all, the shock of the video picture is far less shocking than the experience. \\ r

"It's really huge!" Looking at the huge circular building in the distance, Cheng Yuan couldn't help feeling. At the same time, I was very excited. \\ r

He really wanted to see what it would look like after such a large space door turned up. \\ r

"Cheng Yuan, this is the space portal you want to build? Is it too big, what are you going to transport?" Cheng Yuan was feeling, and Guo Xiaolian beside him was extremely shocked. \\ r

Looking at the portal in front of her, she thought she was in the science fiction movie. After all, this behemoth can only be seen in movies. \\ r

Where can you see such a huge building in reality? \\ r

话 "In other words, even if there is no news report, such a large building will be known to everyone. Why did it catch others' attention before or after the report?"

After being amazed, Guo Xiaolian suddenly asked a question. \\ r

This question left Cheng Yuan a bit too. He slightly tilted his head, touched his chin, and said an uncertain answer. \\ r

"Maybe the report was blocked?"

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