Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 816:

Twenty days later, Ivan and his party returned to New York from Washington.

"Mr. Aiwen, the master is a little dissatisfied with your actions this time." The old housekeeper stood at the door of the manor and saw Aiwen intact, his white eyebrows twitched slightly, although his tone was mild, but with a stern touch .

Facing the criticism of the old housekeeper, Ai Wen did not dare to stab, and laughed with a laugh, saying, "Sorry, this is my mistake."

I didn't make any excuses, and Ivan honestly accepted the criticism and admitted his mistake.

The old housekeeper saw this and did not continue to say anything. He nodded faintly, turned and walked towards the manor, and said, "Come with me, the master is waiting for you in the hall."

Aiwen quickly followed up and said, "I just need to report on this action. Although the results are not good, the middle process and some things I saw, I still have to talk carefully with the boss."

The old housekeeper can't deny it.

The two walked across the courtyard and came to a huge house with white walls and red roofs piled with marble. Aiwen followed the old housekeeper into the house.

"Welcome back, Ivan." Sitting on the sofa, tasting extravagant red wine, Rockefeller Jr. raised his glass with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, boss, the mission failed."

Ivan didn't dare to smile hippie at Rockefeller Jr., he said heavily.

Little Rockefeller waved his hand casually, lowered the wine glass in his hand, and said, "It's all right, at least you're still alive, aren't you, how's the situation over there?"

Aiwen stood on the ground with a straight waist, and said in a deep voice: "The situation is very bad, sir. In our information, there are only a dozen armed men, but in fact there are at least hundreds of armed people there!"

After a pause, Ivan continued: "Our profile only shows the number of people the other party has outside, and there are more people inside."

Soon after, Ivan quickly narrated all his experiences and details to Rockefeller Jr.

After listening to it, Rockefeller Jr. suddenly felt like he was underestimated by Kreman. In his eyes, Kleman now has nothing to gain except for his reputation for identity.

But through Ai Wen's description, he found that this Kreman could find so many people to do things for him, which is incredible!

"Is someone else funding this Kreman?" Rockefeller Jr couldn't help whispering.

Ivan echoed: "Boss, your idea is very likely. After all, Kreman's reputation can't allow so many people to work for him. No one will be willing to work as a white worker. This is a special case. It's for us. "

Aiwen vowed vowedly that he was well aware of the needs of these people, and their apparent status was not attractive to them at all.

They have always lived in the battlefield of slaughter, and their values ​​are different from others. What they value most is not their long-term interests or their status.

For them, what can be directly obtained is the most attractive.

The problem now is that Kleman doesn't have enough money to pay these people, nor does he have extra weapons and equipment to arm them.

When Kleman arrived in New York from Huaxia, Huaxia did not say that he was given a start-up capital.

After all, the United States owed Huaxia's huge additional debt. After the outbreak of the smart machinery crisis, the U.S. collapsed currency instantly depreciated.

The external debts they owe themselves make Huaxia very demanding in terms of economic support because of the repayment problem, and Kreman does not have such a big face to borrow money from Huaxia officials.

I can't do anything to send him to the United States. Although Huaxia is willing to rebuild for the United States, the purpose of the other party is not to repay the debt owed more quickly after the restoration of the United States.

Before the United States was the world's largest superpower, even if it owed money, no country would dare. This can be seen from the fact that the United States can owe the most debt in the world.

They just think they are the oldest brother in the world. Why do they have to repay the money they borrow?

As for national credibility? As long as fist big credibility?

Although the United States will not do this, but the other party only needs to repay it a little bit, and then touch it again and again, and drag on the debt repayment time for ten or twenty years. Who dares to stand up and say nothing?

The other party made it clear that this attitude, who can treat him?

Now, although Huaxia did not immediately hesitate to make the United States pay back the money, each step of the other party is not prepared to control the entire United States in its own hands, and then let these Americans work together to make money to pay off debts, while also taking into account Supply Huaxia's omissions.

Therefore, Huaxia does not provide Kreman with any volunteers. Now that the other party can do this, it is impossible to say that no one supports it!

The question now is, who is supporting him? What's the other party's idea and what purpose?

This made Rockefeller Jr. frown. He couldn't think of who was supporting Kreman for a while. China should be unlikely.

After all, the other party ’s interests are all on the bright side. It ’s irrelevant if these small actions can be done by Kleman.

As long as Huaxia withdraws all support immediately, the situation in the United States today cannot support it for a week, and shortages of various materials will occur.

By then, 80% of Kreman's president would be ousted by angry people.

Excluding Huaxia, then the rest are those American consortia! Although Rockefeller Jr. considered himself the Rockefeller family to be the largest family in the United States today.

But if the Rockefeller family is left in the United States today, it is impossible ~ ~ Compared with other families, the Rockefeller family is not the oldest and can be said to be very young.

Those long-standing consortiums have some means of saving lives, and that's normal.

"Ivan, how many people can you contact now, I need more information!" Rockefeller Jr. frowned, rubbing his forehead.

He needs some professional intelligence personnel to inquire for him.

As long as the opponent has been supporting Kreman, it must be able to find some clues, then it will be a game between the two sides.

And Rockefeller Jr. is even more curious about what is inside the Pentagon under the protection of the other party?

Hope nothing terrible!

He prayed secretly in his heart, and he looked at Ai Wen.

Aiwen did not give a positive answer, he said, "Boss, I need to try this. Many people may have found their ideal job, and some may be dead."

I shrugged, Aiwen said truthfully.

Little Rockefeller nodded and said, "You can contact as many people as you can." After thinking about it, he also commanded: "Also, you find a reliable person to post a reward task in the dark web. Anyone who can Get the secret inside the Pentagon, you can get a sum of money, a million credits! "1

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