Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 815:

Although Kleman is now jealous of his status, he will not do anything to Aiwen. But if he had to figure out what was inside the Pentagon.

Kleman wouldn't be indifferent, let him come.

After all, he had made it very clear on the phone just now that if Rockefeller Jr. continued, he might not give face.

But he refused to let Rockefeller Jr. give up his investigation of the Pentagon!

He didn't want the Rockefeller family, which had re-emerged in his own hands, to evolve into the former decline again!

Their Rockefeller family relied on oilers and controlled the absolute wealth of the United States, but what happened later? The U.S. government and military infiltrated heavily, joining other consortia at home.

These people dilute their shares of the family over and over again, and in the end the entire Rockefeller Consortium even directly changed hands!

Although they are still one of the major shareholders, they do not have the right to speak in the group. If they do something excessive, they may be kicked out of the board directly!

He didn't want to see this again!

Thinking of this, Rockefeller Jr. revealed a firmness in his eyes, he was right, and said to Kreman on the other side of the phone, "I see, Mr. Lehman, you can let my people come back."

Kleman, on the other end of the phone, did not expect Rockefeller Jr. to agree so happily, he froze, and then said with a hint of confusion, "It would be best, Mr. Rockefeller, I'll let Anthony let go. "

The call then hung up.

When the call was over, Rockefeller Jr put the phone on the table beside his chair and lowered his head in thought.

These people can't be assigned to Alvin. They must be recorded by the other party. If you want to continue to explore the Pentagon, you must recruit a new batch.

And after such an experience, the other party must be more vigilant. It can be said that what he wants to do is more difficult than before!

This made him unable to think of any way for a while.

Although these men were arrested, Ivan had thought about them, but as mercenaries, they were undoubtedly excellent, since they were so easily captured.

Well, in addition to the possibility that they have traitors, the other is that the other party has a very tight monitoring network around the entire Pentagon.

Fortunately, the former words, as long as you carefully investigate, you can find more or less fool. But in the latter case, he must have no chance.

The results of these two speculations will not be clear until the reports of these people return.

In comparison, he wanted the first result more. He hoped that he had an undercover agent dispatched by Rayman instead of the second case.

In addition, Rockefeller Jr. also realized that there must be something in the Pentagon that Kreman paid great attention to, otherwise the defense there would not be so tight.

After all, if it is only aimed at intelligent machinery, there is no need to have such trouble at all. After intelligent machinery no longer has an overall God, it is like a headless fly.

Basically, it's who we meet and who's out of luck.

However, although intelligent machines are powerful and terrifying, they do not hide their footsteps. Their heavy bodies make every step of them squeak.

You can hear each other's footsteps from a distance. As long as the smart people will hide early, avoid these smart machines.

Unless there is an unavoidable situation, you will risk your life and intelligent machinery for a head-to-head battle.

Combined with the video recordings he had previously obtained, Kreman's people solved several waves of smart machinery loitering soldiers on the way.

These skirmishers were cruising alone in the city, aimlessly.

Only these intelligent machines will allow those soldiers to team up to defeat each other and even survive the elite of the next elite without individual armor.

If you encounter two or more intelligent machines staying together, let alone a small team of more than ten people, even a team of dozens of people or even a team of hundreds of people.

Unless the specification firepower is used, otherwise it is impossible to fight two intelligent machines together!

The joint combat power of intelligent machinery is definitely not comparable. This is where they are most terrifying.

If it was to prevent intelligent machines, it was impossible for Kreman's people to come together. Instead, they will send some people to attract the attention of intelligent machines, take them away from the Pentagon, and then fight.

Otherwise, the loud fighting sound will certainly attract intelligent machines that may be nearby, if this happens.

If they set the battlefield at the Pentagon, it is likely that the Pentagon's building complex will be leveled!

Without the Pentagon as cover, it was impossible for Kreman's people to survive in Washington. After all, there is no stable and strong base there, and there is not enough material supply, it is difficult for people to live.

Therefore, Kleman's defense must be aimed at mercenaries like Ivan.

This made Little Rockefeller a headache. Although it's not clear what the Pentagon's stuff is and what it does, Kleman's attitude is so important that his curiosity is magnified hundreds of times.

At the same time, there was a faint sense of urgency in his heart.

Who knows whether the other party's plans for the business empire will be ruined when he gets what is in the Pentagon?

Now all he can do is wait for Aiwen to come back, and then redesign the plan of invasion or infiltration through Aiwen's understanding of the place.

There is also Cheng Yuan for help!

However, when he contacted Cheng Yuan before, Cheng Yuan's attitude was undeniable. Although he said he would monitor the situation of the Pentagon, he did not say that he would do it himself.

His attitude also shows that he will not take action until things appear to threaten him!

This made Rockefeller a little more tangled. Who dare to say that Cheng Yuan can threaten him now? Not in his impression at all!

But people like Kleman can't pose any threat to Cheng Yuan, but they are full of threat!

He does not exclude the re-establishment of the US government ~ ~ but on the basis of the establishment, it is promoted by him in one hand, so that he can be at ease!

If people like Kleman do it with their own power, it is definitely not good news for him!

In other words, he didn't want to let Kreman have too much power and force in his hands!

Of course, the latter weighed more heavily in his mind. After all, only strong force guarantees everything, doesn't it?

And power, in his eyes, power is the servant of money. As long as there is money, power is nothing.

As for whether this sentence is universal in the world, he won't care about it. It just needs to be useful in the United States! 8974

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