Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 817:

Dark Web.

特殊 This special network has not disappeared because of the outbreak of the intelligent machinery crisis, but because of its particularity, it is well preserved.

Many mercenaries who survived this war are also connected through this line and take on some tasks that can guarantee their lives.

However, this network is currently only available abroad, and it is completely impossible to log in at Huaxia. The new quantum network has changed a lot, and the landing of the dark web is one of them.

Of course, this is only true for ordinary people. For some super-rich people, there are two kinds of networks that can be connected at home.

After Aiwen went down, there was a dip in Rockefeller's eyes. He suddenly realized that his development in the United States did not look as smooth as expected.

However, he was still thinking about how to play against the people standing behind Kleman. Suddenly an international news broadcast on the holographic television hanging in the lobby.

"Dear audience friends, Hello everyone, I am Hua Ling, a reporter from Donghai News Media. I am currently located in the former Chongshang District of Donghai City. The original prosperous Donghai City has been destroyed by intelligent machines, but ..."

When the female reporter Hua Ling talked eloquently, Rockefeller Jr.'s gaze was no longer on this young and beautiful female journalist. He stared at Hua Ling's huge, incomparable steel buildings behind him.

Through the picture, these circular arches are completely integrated, and the surface is densely lined with dense geometric lines, which makes this arch look more sci-fi. Little Rockefeller glanced quickly and found that there are three such arches, and they look small in size. Different.

Seeing this unique shape, Rockefeller Jr. thought of Cheng Yuan as the first reaction. No way, only Cheng Yuan can think of such a building, and only he has the ability to build it.

While thinking in Rockefeller Jr.'s mind, female reporter Hua Ling also continued to report: "Audience friends in front of the TV may have seen the huge arches behind me, right?

These special buildings are actually the latest masterpieces of technology crystallization companies, and they are not just a chic building. "

When I heard this, Rockefeller Jr. immediately came to the spirit. He stared directly at the TV, very curious in his heart, what Cheng Yuan built this thing for.

Not only Rockefeller Jr., but everyone else watching TV is also very interested. The huge circular arch and the very technical shape make people feel shocked at first glance.

At the same time that I was shocked, I naturally paid attention to its role.

许多 Among many viewers, Zhao Jun can be said to be most concerned, because it could have been placed in the portal of Anhe City, but because of the vigorous rectification of Anhe City, it was put into Donghai by the technology crystallization company!

This made him uncomfortable. It was as if his local leading enterprises were to move to other provinces and cities, which was uncomfortable.

"We can see that the circular arch around me is huge, and I stand here as small as an ant." With Hua Ling's remarks, the photographer also aimed the lens at the circular arch slowly. Lifting the camera up allows the audience to see the hugeness of the arch intuitively.

However, this is not the most surprising. After recording the arch around him through the lens, Hua Ling motioned to the photographer, and the lens immediately adjusted to another arch located far away from them.

While taking advantage of this time, Hua Ling also said at a good time: "According to some information provided by the technology crystal company, the diameter of this circular arch around me has reached 800 meters! But it is only the smallest of the three circular arches. "

"According to the staff here, the largest circular arch will reach three kilometers or more in diameter, but this super giant is still in the process of construction, so we can't see its true appearance for the time being."

Wu Hualing's exaggerated expression on her face, combined with her words, let people involuntarily begin to imagine a giant three-meter-diameter behemoth in her mind.

那么 "Then, you may be wondering, what does the technology crystal company build these arches, and what are their specific functions?"

Speaking of this, Hua Ling's face showed a proud smile, solemnly holding the microphone and saying, "Actually, these arches are just like we see, they are indeed a door!

However, these 'doors' are completely different from the doors we usually walk through. Usually, the door we are familiar with refers to the entrance of a building or a device installed at the entrance that can be opened and closed. It is also an entity that divides a limited space and functions to connect And close the entrance of two or more spaces. "

After briefly introducing what a door is, Hua Ling is not ready to continue hanging the appetite of the audience who may be watching in front of the TV. She smiled mysteriously and said, "The door we see today allows us to pass through it instantly Spanning two distant spaces! The space portal we often refer to in science fiction! "

华 After Hua Ling said ‘Space Portal’, everyone watching the news was stunned. They stared at the TV with stunned eyes, and their brains went down at this moment!

What did they just hear?

Space Portal!

"Holding the grass, the technology crystal company's cowhide has made a big hair ~ ~ The space transmission technology has been rectified. This is definitely another masterpiece of Cheng Yuan!" After listening to a young man living in Anhe City, Excitedly landed on the official forum of the Technology Crystal Company, and posted his own message.

When he refreshed the interface just after he posted this message, he found that the message he had just sent was scrambled out early and he didn't know where to go.

On the Internet, a series of netizens expressing surprise came to leave a message. Some expressed their admiration for Cheng Yuan, while others believed that Cheng Yuan was an alien, not an earth person at all.

洛 The little Rockefeller sitting at home was a bit sluggish at this time. How could he never have thought that Cheng Yuan had come up with such a super black technology of space transmission!

惊叹 After being surprised, he immediately thought of another question, what is Cheng Yuan going to do with the space portal? Used to facilitate transportation around the globe?

想法 This idea was rejected by him as soon as it came up. At the current level of technology, it takes no more than two hours from one end of the earth to the other. This speed is undoubtedly sufficient. After ruling out military operations, if portals are only used inside the earth, they will be overkill.

But now that this space transmission technology has been announced, it means that this is not something the military uses, that is, the technology crystallization company may be talking about the portal technology for civilian use!

This is interesting!

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