Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 814:

Aiwen didn't care about Frank's look and was taken into the Pentagon by the other side. He didn't have the slightest tension on his face, but looked around curiously.

He has never heard of this world-renowned building, but he has never come in.

After all, this building was originally classified as one of the confidential buildings in the United States. Generally, unidentified people are not allowed to come and visit.

And mercenaries like Ivan had no chance at all.

远 Cheng Yuan, the team behind Ai Wen, looked the same way. They visited the current state of the building while silently remembering the route they took and the environment on the route.

The unscrupulous behavior of Aiwen's party as a tourist visit made Frank's face worse and worse. If it was not for the order, he would have shot these people one by one!

内 The interior of the Pentagon is not as worn as the outside. A few years have passed, except that the ground and walls look a little dirty, everything is well preserved.

He and his team walked in the bright corridor with different thoughts. The quiet corridor only had the sound of each person's footsteps.

I walked away for about five minutes. Ivan saw that Frank was still in front of him. He turned his eyes and suddenly asked, "Hey, Frank, how long are we going to walk?"

Frank heard Avon's voice behind him, and glanced at him vaguely, still without a pause under his feet.

Ivan shrugged his shoulders and ignored him, and continued: "The Pentagon is one of the iconic buildings in the United States. It should have been people coming and going? Now ..."

With a playful expression on his face, Ai Wen sighed, as if he was sad for the decline of this building.

Frank in front heard that the corner of his mouth twitched, and the scars in the corners of his eyes trembled slightly, hop by hop looking very terrifying.

Taking a deep breath without moving, after walking around a corridor with a group of people, he came to a heavy metal gate, took out his identification card and swiped on the identifier on the left side of the gate. The sound of a physical lock turning inside the metal gate.

接着 Then Ai Wen saw the metal gate rising slowly in front of him. At the same time when the gate rose, he also found that the gate in front of him was three palms wide.

后 When the door was fully open, Frank turned back and gave Avan a cold look, and spit out two words briefly: "Follow!"

Then they entered the gate together.

After I walked in, Ivan realized that there was a stark difference between the metal gate and the metal gate.

Energy-saving lamps are used in the corridors outside, and high-wattage energy lamps are used in the metal gates. The lights are very dazzling!

A metal deck is wrapped on the wall inside the metal gate. Although it has not been carefully surveyed, he can understand this structure even with his toes. This wall must also be covered with a layer of special metal like the gate. .

Coupled with the obviously unusual metal production of this gate, he secretly murmured the tight defense here. Thanks to him, he also discussed with his teammates to slip in through the underground passage.

He now doubts whether his previous plan will succeed!

Although the number of opponents is not large, if the important people are behind the iron gate, they will not be able to enter!

After all, with the firepower in their hands, they could not break the gate and the walls at all, and 80% of the bullets shot up leaving a white mark at most!

Seeing this, Ivan couldn't help looking back and communicating with his team members with his eyes, he found that his team members showed a grateful look to each other.

As for the hacker masters in the team, after seeing the current situation, his look is more awkward. If they hadn't been ambush before, and they really walked into the underground passage, they might play a dead loop in it!

Until now, he understands that even some structures are useless even if they have structural drawings. Because after the completion of many important buildings, there will be internal staff to re-plan changes.

In other words, the drawings he can find are just for covering people's eyes.

It makes him so much aggrieved!

I soon came to an empty room of about 200 square meters with a long wooden table in the middle.

桌子 This table is very abruptly placed. In the environment surrounded by metal textures, the obvious wooden products are very eye-catching.

"Go in, and someone will talk to you later." Dropping such a bad word, Frank waved his hands to distribute it by the wall of the room.

Although the above orders cannot harm these people, the necessary precautions are still required. After all, they don't intend to hurt these people, can't they be allowed to have the meaning?

Although the weapons of these people have been seized, don't forget that these people are mercenaries licking blood on the battlefield. As mercenaries, they do not mean that without a gun, they will not be killed. firewood!

Aiwen didn't say anything about this, but used his eyes to signal his team members to be calm and impatient. Based on Frank's performance, the other 80% went to contact his boss.

Uh ...

In New York, Rockefeller Jr. sitting in his private manorhouse and drinking afternoon tea, suddenly saw his housekeeper rushing to the phone.

"Master, I have your phone, Mr. Kreman." The old housekeeper looked at John Rockefeller kindly.

He is very respectful of the new owner who brought Rockefeller's house from the abyss to heaven. Although John was also a big man when he was young, it did not prevent him from being responsible for his work and status.

"Kreman?" Rockefeller Jr. raised a frown, wondering: "What did he say?"

The old housekeeper stooped slightly and said gently: "He said, the person you sent to Washington is visiting him."

Little Rockefeller changed his look slightly, and then muttered in a low voice: "How could Ivan get caught so easily?"

He was not angry with Ai Wen's arrest. Since the Pentagon was occupied by the other party, it must have done enough work on security.

They were arrested for nothing wrong, but what puzzled him was that Kreman contacted himself.

I didn't think too much, Rockefeller Jr. answered the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Kleman, ah, no, we are going to call you Mr. President, Kreman." Rockefeller Jr. said with a smile, as if he had no knowledge at all.

那 On the other end of the phone ~ ~ Kreman also smiled and answered: "Hello, Mr. Rockefeller. I haven't thanked you for your great contribution to the reconstruction of the United States."

Rockefeller Jr laughed loudly and said rightly, "You're welcome, Mr. Kreman, as an American, it is right to contribute to the country. I don't know what happened to you when you approached me this time? Ready to expand? "

"Of course not. The expansion of the reconstruction zone requires more military input. We are far from being satisfied. I contact you this time because my men told me that they had captured a group of mercenaries at the Pentagon in Washington. These The mercenaries say they work for you, and I want to confirm. "

After Kleman finished speaking, he was afraid that Rockefeller Jr. would misunderstand the meaning of his words, and waited for the other side to continue to explain: "Of course, if these people really work for you, I immediately ordered my men to release them, of course you Also make sure that they can no longer appear near the Pentagon, after all, it is very important to us! "

Speaking of this, Kleman's tone has also been a little stronger. Through the tone of the other party, Rockefeller Jr. realized instantly that there might be something good in the Pentagon, or Kleman would not be so serious.

But since the other party has found his own actions, if he still sends someone to the past, he ca n’t name himself.

This means that if he doesn't give up, the next thing he is willing to face is war!

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