Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 813:

"We are mercenaries, sir." In the face of heavy siege, Ivan did not dare to stab at will, after all, he was not watching a movie now.

In the movie, the protagonist faced this situation with a relaxed and smiling appearance. After watching it, the audience would feel, "Wow, so handsome" and "good cow".

But in reality, if you dare to pretend in this situation, it is definitely the first person to be shot!

Although he now has a smile on his face as in the movie, this is not for pretending to be a forceful signal.

Although the intelligence crisis is generally over, it does not mean that all places are safe. Today, mercenaries like them are cleaning up and exploring in various regions.

After all, Huaxia's army is limited. It is impossible for them to put all their forces on exploration. Only those major areas will send troops to station.

As a result, many small places are still occupied by intelligent machines, and many private forces and even their own governments will hire mercenaries such as Ivan to battle these dangerous areas for them.

This situation began after the end of the war and is now a very common phenomenon. After all, mercenaries like them are best at war before the emergence of the intelligent crisis.

After the smart crisis broke out, they did n’t have any life skills. They could only play the role of bodyguards, or just like now, using weapons to explore everywhere for the government or private workers!

"Who do you work for?" The captain raised an eyebrow, and the scratchy scar in the corner of his eye wriggled like a python.

Although Ivan's statement could not be completely believed, he did not allow him to order the killing immediately, but to ask.

In this regard, Ivan did not hide it, and said straightforwardly, "sir, we work for Mr. Rockefeller. We came to Washington to see if their home in Washington is still there!"

Speaking of which, Ai Wen just showed a satirical smile, and there was a sad mood in his eyes, which seemed to be worthless.

Walking in the flames of war, they did not die in that cruel environment, and they were even able to complete various difficult and difficult tasks.

But now, they are facing the threat of intelligent machinery for a wealthy property.

This is really sad to say!

But this sad look of Ai Wen could not lie to the other side, only to see the other side sneer and sneer: "Well, boy, have you never looked in the mirror? Your acting skills are terrible!"

Talking about this captain, he pointed the gun in his hand to Alvin's head, his eyes sharp and murderous, "Speak your real purpose! Otherwise ..."

The opponent raised the gun in Yang's hand, and the meaning of the threat was self-evident. Needless to say, a few people in Aiwen understood what he meant.

This time, without waiting for the other party to prove himself with actual actions, Ivan quickly said: "Ok, to be honest, we accepted Mr. Rockefeller's employment to arrest two people to return."

"Catch someone?" The captain's eyes showed a touch of fun, and he said with great interest, "Do you want to grab someone from me?"

As if he heard a big joke, just as he was about to continue to ridicule Aiwen and then arrested them torture and torture, a low voice suddenly came from his headset: "Frank, is this done, Who are these? "

As soon as he heard the sound coming from the headset, the look on Frank's face instantly changed, and he smiled and answered seriously: "Sir, a group of mercenaries."

The man on the other side was silent for a while, and continued to ask, "What are these mercenaries doing here?"

"Catch people, sir."

"Catch people? Who do they work for?"

Frank glanced at Avon with a calm look, and replied: "I heard they mentioned Rockefeller, but whether their words are credible, I don't know yet, I think that some means are needed to get the truth from their mouths."

Speaking of the four words Rockefeller, Frank's eyes changed and his tone became much heavier.

Perhaps in the past, the Rockefeller family gave the impression that it was rich and it was a big consortium in the United States.

But up to now, when talking about Rockefeller, their impression is no longer simply rich words.

In today's United States, Rockefeller can be described as towering in power!

Not only did Frank become cautious, but even Anthony over the phone. Even though he worked for the current US government, he still did not dare to act rashly in the face of the Rockefeller family.

This family is not only powerful in the United States today, the most important thing is that the current Rockefeller ruler John Rockefeller has a close relationship with Cheng Yuan!

This is why many people are extremely jealous.

After pondering for a while, although Anthony jealous of Rockefeller's behemoth, he could not easily let go of these people.

He felt he could catch these people, as long as they didn't hurt their lives. Of course, these people are really working for Rockefeller's house in advance.

"Bring them all in and shut them down." Anthony hung up the phone and started to contact his boss.

Outside, Frank glanced coldly at Avon, saying in a bad voice: "Better pray that you don't lie, or I will let you know what life is better than death!"

Threatening Aiwen again, he turned and shouted at his men: "Bring them all in to look good! Collect their weapons, and search again before entering, they searched me carefully!"

Frank ordered fiercely, from Anthony's tone just now, he knew that he couldn't seem to move people like Avon!

This made him feel very upset!

In the face of Frank's bad words, Aiwen smiled, knowing that his words had worked. The moment he was surrounded by these people ~ ~ he immediately thought of a new method of correspondence.

Although this method is somewhat risky, it works very well for now.

"It seems that the boss has a lot of deterrence. Even he himself is not clear. After going back this time, he must report this situation carefully. It may be able to reduce the boss's unnecessary actions.

Thinking of these things in his heart, Ivan did not resist, and let the soldiers push them into the Pentagon rudely.

Seeing that Ivan didn't resist, his team members made eye contact with each other, and they kept up without any resistance.

Seeing this, Frank frowned, and his expression was a little more gloomy. Didn't Ivan's performance justify his words before becoming more reliable?

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