Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 805:

"They have mastered the Pentagon in Washington. I'm investigating the specific situation. If you are interested, you can also send someone to see it for yourself." Cheng Yuan's mouth slightly lifted, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

He suddenly thought that compared to himself, the one in front of him was the most anxious. After all, Rockefeller Jr. was always thinking about mastering the lifeline of the national economy of the United States, so that the Rockefeller family would regain their glory!

There are even further ideas!

Sure enough, Cheng Yuan just said, Rockefeller Jr. immediately came to the spirit, he nodded heavily, "I know, I'll send someone over to see it. But can you give me their course of action." Said Here he was a little embarrassed.

Although he would send someone over, it was not safe during the journey from New York to Washington, and it was possible to encounter individuals with smart mechanical orders at any time, which was very dangerous.

If the other party's course of action is available, then his people will no doubt be much safer. After all, where these people go, even if it is dangerous, it is much better than the beginning.

Cheng Yuan was complacent, and immediately agreed: "Of course, I will send it to you. You can go and see as soon as possible."

Just ended the call with Little Rockefeller. At this time, Zero suddenly came to Cheng Yuan. His look was unnatural. "Sir, I don't seem to be able to access the other party's local area network. The other party uses the internal network and is completely isolated from the outside world."

Cheng Yuan listened for a moment, then smiled and waved: "It's okay, someone will check the situation for us in the building, we just have to look outside."

Zero quickly responded, "You mean Mr. John Rockefeller?"

"That's right." Cheng Yuan nodded with a smile, and said, "He cares more about the current situation in the United States than we do. If it gets messy there, it's not us or Huaxia who loses the most. It's him! After all, he almost takes care of his whole body. It's all there. "

Having said that, Cheng Yuan suddenly asked: "Yes, how is the situation of the Centaur galaxy, it should be almost after so long?"

Although the size of the interstellar fortress is very large, his exploration machine is not slow, at least the volume of the interstellar fortress is not as large as that of the star.

The expression on Zero's face was dull for a moment after Cheng Yuan asked, and the blue light in the dark eyes blinked for about five or six seconds before the expression returned to normal.

He raised his hand to open a holographic screen, which showed a ball like a cut watermelon composed of blue virtual lines.

This virtual sphere Cheng is very familiar, that is, the almost cut-out interstellar fortress, but this time zero shows not only the surface structure, but even the internal structure diagram is very detailed.

"Sir, according to our exploration, the core control room has been found, but the control room has been scrapped, and it is difficult for us to find the corresponding interface. The data storage method of the other party is very similar to the spacecraft we obtained on Phobos. Big deviation, there seems to be some technical fault in the middle. "

Zero truthfully reported the situation of the Centaur galaxy, but the content of his report made Cheng Yuan frown involuntarily.

"Can't we use nano-robots to directly invade the entire control room and then use violence to read the data we want from the hardware?"

With the development of science and technology, it is not so difficult to extract the information in some high-tech products as before.

As long as the medium on which the information is stored is available, there are many ways to read it out.

Upon hearing this, Zero looked at Cheng Yuan awkwardly and said shamefully, "Sorry sir, although our explorer found the control room, but the reason for the control room being destroyed, most of the information in the control room has been destroyed. We have not Read the complete structure, so we haven't found the database of StarFort for the time being. "

It seemed that such persuasiveness was not enough, and Zero went on to say, "Even if we repair the control room with a nano-repair robot, the damaged data is difficult to restore."

After speaking, Zero felt that these words made him useless, which made him very dissatisfied. He continued: "Of course, if we repair the control room, we are likely to activate the intelligent control center of the Star Fortress itself ... ... "

Cheng Yuan heard that his eyes brightened. He didn't immediately let Zero repair it. After careful consideration, he carefully asked: "If the intelligent control center is repaired, will our spaceship be judged as an intruder from outside, then Let it activate the internal weapon system to drive us away? "

Zero was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "Without any reference data, this cannot be determined, sir."

This made Cheng Yuan a little disappointed, and the process was far from impatiently asking: "Then can you invade the opponent's intelligent control center, so that we can directly control the entire Star Fortress?"

Although this proposal is very exciting, Zero still shook his head and said with regret: "It is also impossible to determine, sir."

"Although I am an intelligent life, compared to ordinary artificial intelligence, I have a stronger learning ability, more flexibility, and have the same feelings as human beings, and will dream. However, the current situation is likely to be based on inequality. "

Zero carefully analyzed: "Even if I leave the company's basic server, it will not disappear because my soul is still alive and my brain is still alive." Zero pointed to his own head.

When Cheng Yuan saw such a move, he only responded. The body of zero is a real body of flesh and blood. Like humans, he will bleed and be sick.

However, once the zero body is invaded by the virus, the nano-cell tissue in the body will more effectively remove these negative viruses.

Looking at Cheng Yuan's stunned look, Zero went on to say: "Although relying on the company's servers can greatly enhance my personal capabilities, but it can create a civilization of such a huge star fortress. Do you think their basic equipment will be worse than us ?"

Zero looked at Cheng Yuan with a bit of grudge, which made Cheng Yuan smile a little. Now he understands what Zero wants to express.

After having a quantum storage hard disk, although the company's server data storage uses PB as the unit, but this is still not enough.

What if the other party uses a higher level of EB data storage or a higher level of existence than EB?

According to the unit conversion, 1EB = 102B, and EB is only the data storage unit of our earth, and the data storage of alien civilization is undoubtedly more advanced.

Zero is right. Intelligent life is right. On earth, he is almost a **** on the Internet, but this **** is placed in the universe, only to make those civilizations jealous.

However, it does not mean that zero-amplification is invincible in the universe, because when a giant robot with cyber nuclear weapons stands in front of a young man with an assault rifle.

The results are self-evident.

But even so, Cheng Yuan still doesn't want to just leave it alone. The entire structure of the interstellar fortress has been explored. Can it be abandoned because it cannot find the right place?

This is simply impossible!

As soon as his mind turned around, Cheng Yuan thought of another method. "Zero, you said that we installed an electronic jammer on the intelligent control center of the control room in advance. If you cannot invade and control the other party, we will directly paralyze it. Do you think this What's your idea? "

"This is indeed a good idea, but we don't have much material on hand. Even if we collect materials from the universe battlefield, how can we solve the energy problem? Can we remove the energy from the exploration machine?"

"Why not?" Cheng Yuan said hurriedly: "As long as we can succeed, we can obtain an interstellar fortress, and it is not a loss to sacrifice the exploration machine. Besides, if it fails, we can reinstall the energy back, right? ? "

Zero Wenyan said that although he was equally emotional, he still calmly asked: "But then, we will temporarily lose contact with that side. Do you agree?"

Losing contact means that he knew nothing about the situation of the Centaur galaxy at that time, which would undoubtedly make people extremely tangled.

The feeling of wanting to see, but not being able to, is just like a cat scratching. If someone has a slightly worse mentality, this feeling is definitely a torture.

Fortunately, Cheng Yuan has a big heart. He only considered it for a moment and then made a decision: "Calculate the time it takes for the whole process. Once the time required for the calculation is exceeded, we can confirm whether the other end failed. At that time we Send a new exploration machine over! "

After Cheng Yuan made his decision, Zero stopped questioning. He nodded solemnly and said, "I know, what's the code name for this operation?"

Cheng Yuan thought about it and said slowly: "Plunder."

This operation is undoubtedly very accurate and precise, their purpose is to plunder this interstellar fortress.

Zero heard it, smiled a little: "Awesome action code, predatory action is officially determined ~ ~ Start execution immediately!"


The Centaur galaxy, 10,000 light-years away from the sun, has its own splendid galaxy here, but with a civil war, this area is dim and difficult to find through astronomical telescopes.

Here, there are broken warships floating everywhere. Inside a huge interstellar fortress almost cut in half, an exploration machine flashing red warning lights on the surface flies inside, bypassing the complex passages inside the interstellar fortress and exploring The aircraft came to a semi-circular cabin surrounded by heavy metal.

The cabin is not large compared to the entire Interstellar fortress, with a diameter of about one kilometer, and the interior has been broken. Fine dust is closely attached to the surface of the equipment in the cabin along with the condensed thin ice.

This is the control room of the entire interstellar fortress, but there is an extremely exaggerated crack on the arched top of the control room. The crack is cut by some kind of sharp blade, and the dense metal pipes and lines on the cut are exposed outside.

It's hard to imagine. I don't know which sharp blade has such a powerful cutting ability. The control room is an extremely important place. The heavy metal armor on the outside is obviously not ordinary, but it still can't resist the attack of the opponent.

The intensity of this horrible attack can make people shudder. The exploration machine slowly landed above the crack. Although the gap was large, the volume of the exploration machine was not small and could not pass through the gap.

After the explorer stopped, the side door opened, and dozens of intelligent robots leapt down with the equipment, and easily entered the control room with the help of the propeller.

After these robots entered the control room, the first thing they had to do was to repair the damaged equipment in the control room. They took out the nano-repair backpacks they were carrying, and sprayed the areas to be repaired through the nozzles extended inside the backpack.

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