Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 806:

The intelligent robot started to work, but Cheng Yuan, who was far away from the earth, was worried because of the signal cut off. He took a few steps left and right, and then went back to the original place. Then he looked to zero and worried: "Zero, you are sure to repair Nothing wrong? "

He was worried that the data would be wrong during the repair, causing the internal parts of the entire control room not to be repaired by him, but the irregularity of the structure would cause greater damage to the control room.

It's like marrying an apple to a pear. It's the most tragic thing to make a difference.

Zero was quite speechless about Cheng Yuan ’s sudden change of attitude. ”He could understand Cheng Yuan ’s mentality at this time, and he explained patiently:“ Sir, you do n’t have to worry at all, we are only doing the most basic repair work. ”

Explaining that, Cheng Yuan still frowned, he could only continue to explain: "The damage to the control room is not really serious."

"In the picture we saw before, the control room was messy and many equipment was damaged. In fact, this was only when the top of the control room was cut open. The severe vibrations damaged the external structure of those equipment. Our repair work did not involve the interior. Components."

After a detailed explanation, Cheng Yuan felt relieved. Cheng Yuan didn't feel ashamed of his sudden anxiety.

He assured that the adrenal glands would start to rise as soon as an individual saw the massive interstellar fortress. And after learning that it is possible to turn this huge and incomparable interstellar fortress into its own property, this kind of emotion that stimulates the adrenal glands will increase geometrically!

At this time Cheng Yuan only showed a little anxiety and anxiety that was quite normal. If you change someone else, maybe Fan Jinzhongju looks like it!

"Just fix the external structure, right?" Although Cheng Yuan was relieved, he still couldn't help saying a word.

There was a hard smile, and he grinned, "Yes, it's just the external structure!" He bit the last few words very hard!

"I see. How long will it take?"

The control room says it's not too big, but it's not small either. It's nearly a kilometer in diameter!

"It takes about twenty-one minutes," Zero replied very quickly.

Cheng Yuan nodded, then found a place to sit down, and began to wait patiently, but his legs were shaking like a cramp.

The two sat silently in the lab for about five minutes, and Cheng Yuan spoke again. "Zero, what's going on in Donghai City. Haven't responded yet?"

There is no indication of something as tall as space teleportation. In particular, this technology is also closely related to the Mars project, even if you want to ignore it!

"The news probably just passed to the high-level. The verified personnel should arrive in Donghai City tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. After all, the situation on our side has just passed on to Donghai City."

Cheng Yuan just talked about the construction plan of the space portal in Donghai City. As far as the capital city hall on the north side, Huaxia high-level officials gathered again.

When receiving a video call from Mayor Li Kangbing of Donghai City, many people's first reaction was surprise. This post-war area in Donghai City can actually attract Cheng Yuan's attention, which is really rare!

You know, when Donghai City was peaceful before, the technology crystallization company never had the intention to develop in Donghai City.

Is it possible to reduce investment costs while Donghai City has just suffered a disaster?

But that ’s not right. Do n’t say that Cheng Yuan is such a person. With the financial resources of technology companies, Cheng Yuan cares about that little money?

But then, after Li Kangbing talked about the investment project of the technology crystallization company, this group of people was immediately shocked!

This project is even stronger than the shock brought by the original intelligent robot!

Space portal!

The breathing of a veteran who was over half a year old started to breathe, making the atmosphere of the entire hall slightly heavy.

"Have you confirmed this?" Chief No. 1 spoke first, his eyes staring at Li Kangbing with a stunned look. After Li Kangbing talked about the space transmission project, he immediately thought of the Mars plan.

This plan was proposed a few years ago and he has never been forgotten by him, and from time to time he will look forward to thinking about it for a while.

Li Kangbing was stared like this by the head of the No.1, and he quickly screened and assured loudly: "Yes, the other party's project lead document has been sent, but this time the investment of the technology crystallization company is not only a huge project, but ...

At this point, Li Kangbing looked a little embarrassed. He looked at the head of the No. 1 heartily and said, "And they have designated the delta area of ​​Donghai City. This makes it impossible for us to make a decision. We can only ask you for instructions."

If you put it in the past, the technology crystal company wanted that delta area, it would definitely hinder it, but it is different now.

A Mars plan is in front of you. Compared with the small piece of land in the delta area, compared with the entire Mars plan, it is the gap between Firefly and Haoyue.

There is no need to think about how to get ulcers at all; the high-level officials obviously know the plan of Mars, they glanced at the head of the No. 1 who had almost made a decision, and naturally had an answer in their hearts.

"I agree!" The first person to speak was Lao Liu. This old man who was so afraid of the technology crystallization company even said that he would restrict the technology crystallization company, but this time he stood on the side of the technology crystallization company without hesitation.

In his opinion, the hugeness of technology crystallization companies has been out of the control of the country, which is very unfavorable to the country.

Suppression must be carried out. Unfortunately, when he proposed it, it was too late. The technology crystallization company had long been plump, and it could not be changed with the movement of his lips.

So after being rejected by Chief One, he never mentioned it again. And this time, he didn't have to say anything about Chief No. 1, he knew the most correct answer!

That's Mars, and it's not the crimson planet they know before, but a planet that has been transformed into a livable one!

At the beginning, Cheng Yuan's transformation was not too small, and the distance between Earth and Mars was not far under the astronomical telescope. Every move there could be easily seen in the eyes.

Although they couldn't see the inside, the large movements on the surface alone were enough to let them know what had changed on Mars.

As for why the countries that were able to learn about it did not publicize it, it was not because they were afraid that everyone would know about it.

According to Earth ’s cosmic law, the entire Mars will be Cheng Yuan at that time. How can they watch Mars being taken into by an individual like Cheng Yuan?

As long as others don't know, then they will have a chance to share a slice of Mars. It's just that what despairs them most is that at the same time that Mars was transforming, it was also the period when the intelligent crisis broke out.

At that time, what they were most concerned about was their own survival issues. How could they care about the situation on Mars? Coupled with the super invasion and destructive power of intelligent machinery.

The whole country is gone, let alone the matter of Mars.

And this incident has been forgotten by many people over time.

Now, only China has the ability and strength to take a share on Mars, which is why Lao Liu did not hesitate to agree.

With Lao Liu's position, many senior executives nodded in approval.

In the end, on the first approval, Li Kangbing naturally agreed to the requirements of the technology crystallization company. It's just that he doesn't know about the Mars plan. He just feels that the technology crystallization company is indeed the world's leading large company.

Even the seniors are so tolerant of them, this is incredible in China!


Twenty minutes is a blink of an eye for many people, watching a few apricot frequencies, listening to a few songs, and twenty minutes will soon pass.

The same is true for the intelligent robots operating in the interstellar fortress. Within 20 minutes, they used nano-repair methods to quickly repair the control room to complete the repair, not only repairing the large cracks on the top, but also those damaged equipment. The same as the brand new.

After repairs were completed, they were instructed to install the nuclear fusion reactors removed from the exploration aircraft in a spare energy tank in the control room.

Fortunately, the exploration machine they use is a product of centaur galaxy civilization. When designing the shape of the energy, it was also based on the design of the other party.

Otherwise, the interface is misaligned, which is very embarrassing.

With the new energy supplement, the dark in the control room is replaced by light, and the light source comes from the gap in the control room wall.

The energy of a nuclear fusion reactor is transmitted to various areas of the control room through energy guides, and these gaps are energy guides.

Energy illuminates the entire control room while passing through these guides.

"Zi ... Zi ..."

After the energy is switched on, noisy currents sizzle throughout the control room ~ ~ The sound has attracted the attention of all intelligent robots.

They focused their eyes on the center of the control room uniformly. A sea-urchin-like thing made up of green lines appeared there.

"The system restarted. During the data compilation of Titan One, the hull was 99% damaged. Trying to repair it ..."

"Failure to repair, core energy extinguished, emergency energy is starting ..."

"Emergency energy startup failed, energy lost connection ..."

A series of sounds is not the sound of human language, but this is not a problem for intelligent robots that have mastered a part of the centaur galaxy text.

Seeing that the intelligence that dominated the interstellar fortress has been restarted, immediately an intelligent robot suddenly bends forward, the light in the pupils goes out, and the energy compartment on its back opens, and a blue glow The light type reactor exited from the body.

After it launched its own energy, another intelligent robot hurried forward, took the energy out of its body, and took out a **** box.

After placing the black box on the ground, the intelligent robot took out some data cables from its own item storage compartment, connected one end of the data cable to the black box, and connected the other end to the type nuclear fusion reactor. Black is similar to a mobile U disk inserted into an interface of the black box.

At the same time, the zero that was being discussed with Cheng Yuan suddenly stopped all actions. √ When Yuan Yuan saw this situation, he immediately came to spirit, because the behavior of zero was a signal that they had reactivated the huge The control room of the interstellar fortress!

Next, we need to see if Zero can successfully invade the other's intelligent core, and then receive everything that replaces the other!

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