Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 804:

"Sir, I traced the satellite's internal database and found this picture." When Zero Yuan Cheng was full of curiosity, he suddenly said beside him.

In front of Cheng Yuan, four holographic screens lighted up, and several fully armed personnel appeared in each screen. These people walked carefully in the huge city ruins. The weapons in their hands have been kept outward, and they are patrolling around. Like the pioneers who came to the New World.

"Is he the pathfinder of those people?" Cheng Yuan said with a bright eye and said with interest. However, while he was interested, he was also wondering what verbal guarantees were given to those who had no power or power to let them die so desperately.

After the people in the picture left New York, they headed for Washington. Cheng Yuan wasn't interested in the process along the way. "Zero, let me see the results."

"Okay, sir." As soon as the screen turned around, Cheng Yuan saw four waves of people coming together from different directions to the Pentagon in Washington!

Through the screen, Cheng Yuan can also see that the number of these four teams is much smaller than before departure. There was even a team arriving for just two people.

The satellite clearly photographed the wolves of the two men, their protective clothing was damaged, their safety helmets were missing, and two white faces with gray faces were exposed.

One of them, a slightly younger man, had short blond hair, a rigid face, and a sense of perseverance and coldness in the emerald eyes.

Next to this man was a bald middle-aged man with an extremely burly body. His arms and muscles exposed in the air were knotted like pieces of Dali rock carvings.

Cheng Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said to the zero around him: "Look up these two materials, and try to find out where they are now."

If they still look like they were fully armed before departure, Cheng Yuan is really not easy to check, but since the two have exposed their faces, it is easy for Cheng Yuan to check their identity.

Almost as soon as Cheng Yuan's voice fell, he checked the two's information at zero. After comparing the avatars, he replied: "Sir, the identity of the two has been found. The bald man named Matt Damon is an active FBI officer. , 42 years old, has been serving for 22 years and is a senior agent.

The blond young man is called Andy Will, and he has not been in the industry for 8 years! And this Andy's performance in all aspects during his tenure was very good, it can be said that both are elites of the elite.

But yes, it is not possible for the elite to live from New York to Washington.

"Where are they now? Still at the Pentagon?" Cheng Yuanshun asked after reading the two's profile.

Nodded: "Yes, through the satellite picture, they haven't come out after entering. It has been two weeks now."

Upon hearing this news, Cheng Yuan frowned slightly. "Can they invade the interior? These people are too proficient. Even if they can get anything in it, what's the use? Isn't it a praying arm?"

This is the strangest thing that Cheng Yuan feels. Do these people think that there is something in the Pentagon that can change their status?

"According to previous data, maybe they are launching the key for the nuclear bomb in the Pentagon. Mastering the nuclear bomb may make them a little bit more confident, right?" Zero said here, his face involuntarily revealed a weird look.

If the nuclear bomb is really useful, then Huaxia will not be what it is now. It had long been unknown what it was like.

But even so, some of the oceans outside the Huaxia Sea area have been exposed to extremely severe radiation at this time. There they intercepted many nuclear bombs. Although these nuclear bomb explosions would not affect the Huaxia continent, the pollution to the ocean was still very serious.

And so far, it has been almost three months, and no one has thought about controlling this part of the marine radiation zone.

Cheng Yuan also feels funny, "Isn't the situation on the battlefield told these people? So the situation now?"

Cheng Yuan smirked and touched his chin. He felt that 80% of them were a suit given to these people by senior management. When these people regained control of their country's 'nuclear level messengers', they thought they could exchange and negotiate with China in a higher status.

But he suddenly found that what he was doing was doing nothing!

He is really looking forward to what those people will look like when they know the truth.

Of course, the above are his and zero's own judgments. Cheng Yuan will not give up detailed investigations because of such judgments. After all, these lands are all occupied by intelligent machinery for a long time.

Maybe they will find something left behind by intelligent machines. Cheng Yuan can look down on the so-called 'nuclear level messenger' but never underestimate intelligent machines!

Even if he can easily solve GOD, but GOD keeps backup data for himself, which he does not know.

In case of another GOD, it is not good for Cheng Yuan. With this lesson, as long as GOD's brain is okay, he will definitely hide himself deeper, and then slowly find opportunities in the dark and wait for the opportunity!

Staring at such an enemy, thinking of Cheng Yuan would make him feel bad!

"I hope this group of foreigners stop doing business ~ ~ Otherwise, I won't talk so many rules!" Cheng Yuan blinked in Cheng Yuan's eyes, and then he returned to calm.

For him, he only needs a completely unified government to ensure that no major contradictions will arise in the process of foreign development.

As for development, he was never worried. He never felt that the absence of any country would reduce the speed of human technological progress.

Instead, a unified and peaceful country can maximize the development efficiency of science and technology.

"Staring here, invading the internal network as much as possible, if you are not sure about it, and you are not sure, then destroy it directly!" Cheng Yuan got up and looked at Zero very seriously.

For Cheng Yuan today, destroying a huge building complex is simply not easy, and he doesn't want to divert his attention because of this matter.

He just wants to see if there is any problem, as long as there is a problem, he doesn't mind directly and simply solving the problem!

If it's okay, letting these people with the toss can't make any waves.

Nodded cautiously, expressing understanding.

After ordering zero, Cheng Yuan deepened a lazy waist, then took out the phone and dialed the number of Little Rockefeller.

"Cheng Yuan, how's it going?" Compared to Cheng Yuan's attitude, which was not very concerned, Rockefeller Jr. was very nervous.

After all, he is now in the United States. If these people start fighting again because of their problems, this is not good news for him.

The people who worked in the post-war area were nervous. Once there was war again, would they want to rebuild the area?

Although there is a constant distance between Washington and New York.

But once the news of war spreads, who cares about distance? Your life is more precious than this so-called distance!

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