Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1009: Su An went back

"Cheng Yuan, stop playing games, it's time to eat!" Guo Xiaolian brought the dishes to the table, took off her apron, and shouted into the room.

Look at her tone of expression and take it for granted.

Dabai fought on the side to help visit the tableware.

Regarding Cheng Yuan's recent performance, both Guo Xiaolian and his parents expressed satisfaction. They stayed at home and lived with peace of mind, without interference from research work.

Guo Xiaolian, who has always been with Cheng Yuan, of course knows that Cheng Yuan has not gone out so honestly recently because he was obsessed with an interstellar game.

Although she doesn't have a cold about the game, Cheng Yuan likes to play and she still understands it.

Seems like a game of development and construction type.

This type of game has also existed before. Games that are not played far away directly change the background to the interstellar era.

In the room, Cheng Yuan, who was observing the achievements of the construction of the space port, heard Guo Xiaolian's call for dinner, and quickly turned the matter at hand to zero, and then came to the dinner table.

But when he looked at a large tonic on a table, there was a little sweat on his forehead.

"Xiao Lian, don't you think that you have eaten too much recently?" Cheng Yuan smiled reluctantly. He felt that he was almost being raised as a pig.

The dishes in recent days are almost all Dabu ingredients. You can't take too much of these things, right?

Guo Xiaolian also sighed helplessly, picked up a bowl and filled Cheng Yuan with rice, and replied: "No way, my parents have been pressing, saying that these things are good for your body."

Thinking of his parents, Cheng Yuan lost his opinion for a moment and could only bury his mouth to eat.

"By the way, after dinner, we went to our parents to see Ya Ting, and my parents said that the girl was not rested at school." Guo Xiaolian said while eating.

Cheng Yuan was naturally unconcerned, but only thought of going to see his parents.

Even if he wants his grandson, this Cui's is too anxious.

After eating, the two went to the place where their parents lived. The situation was the same as before. Although it was not explicitly said that they should have a grandson out, they did not leave the meaning.

After seeing her daughter, the two went straight home in the evening.

In order for the two to have a grandson quickly, the old couple also made sufficient preparations, and even Ya Ting was taken to them to live, so as not to disturb their daughter at home.

In this regard, Cheng Yuan said he was speechless.

Do you need this?

It may not be necessary in his opinion, but in the eyes of parents, it must be so!

Otherwise, when will the grandson have it!


Outside the Milky Way, there are more than a dozen large galaxies in the Zerkevia galaxy.

After a long trek, Su An led the remaining soldiers of the Legion back to this hometown that was nearly 10,000 years apart.

When entering the Zeerkia galaxy, all the soldiers, including senior officers, couldn't help cheering, and they finally returned to their hometown smoothly!

Although it has just entered the border, it is not far from home!

The atmosphere inside was suddenly warm, and every soldier was discussing his future life.

Ten thousand years of military career made them exhausted from the bottom of their hearts.

Looking at the cheers and eagerness of the soldiers under his hands, although Su An was also very happy in his heart, it was more heavy.

The Overseer died, and many compatriots died.

The remaining soldiers will certainly not continue to serve. After returning to the empire, they will leave the army and live as ordinary people.

In other words, when returning to the Empire, he will not only face the inquiry of the Empire, but his soldiers will also be dispersed.

He will become a bare commander!

As he has not been recognized by the empire as a deputy overseer, he is worried that he will be assigned by the empire to other ombudsmen.

Carrying complex thoughts, after passing through several wormholes, they came to the planet planet of the Zerkevia Empire, the planet Trusso.

This is a huge planet, comparable to a superstar!

The battleships of their entire corps add up, and there is no spaceport around the planet!

It is still a familiar hometown. Although many things have changed in ten thousand years, we can still see the original look.

"Deputy Su'an, please take the inner starship to the capital city. An ad hoc inquiry group consisting of the chief of chief and five high-level overlords and nine overlords is waiting for you to report." Said Su An, who had stepped off the battleship.

Su An even heard that the chief warrior had come forward, and his heart was tense. He nodded calmly: "I see, I will rush over immediately."

The Inner Starship is a single-person spaceship. Although this kind of thing did not appear when he left, he returned to the Empire and his neural network was connected to the Empire's network.

Many materials are also downloaded quickly and stored.

He sat on the inner starship. The inner starship simply lifted off, and was wrapped in a blue halo. The next moment he appeared in front of a magnificent building.

The inner starship slowly landed on a tarmac in front of the building.

"Sergeant Su An, please follow me."

As soon as Su An stepped down, someone approached him immediately.

Along the way, although Su An seemed very calm on the surface, but his heart was very tense, he would not worry that the chief warrior and high-ranking overseers would embarrass him.

He was just worried about where he would go in the future.

If that doesn't work, maybe retirement is also a good choice.

Su An suddenly thought.

The place of interrogation was a very large and spacious room. The top of the room was at least twenty meters above the ground, but the seats around the room were not distinguished by height.

All seat positions are at the same level, and in their Zerkvian culture, the seats are levelless.

And their supreme leader of Zerkevia, the majestic chieftain, was sitting upright at a long table placed in the middle of the room.

On both sides of the chief, there were five high-ranking overseers, and a few more overseers.

"Suan!" The chieftain's deep voice sounded, although not loud, but very penetrating.

"Yes, Chief." Su An bowed respectfully.

"Relax, kid," said the chief chief gently. "We already know about you."

Su An hesitated. Although he didn't understand how the chief chief understood, he didn't have the courage to question.

Seeing to notice Su An's doubts, the chief chief smiled and explained, "Technology has been improving. In the past 10,000 years, our empire has become more and more powerful. Some things may need you to understand slowly, but for you The miraculous creatures encountered and unknown civilizations are very interested in the research institutions of the Empire, especially those miraculous creatures! "

Su An quickly responded: "The chief, at that time we also captured some creatures that have not yet fully grown, and these can be handed over to the Imperial Research Institute for research."

"Well!" The chief warned slightly. "Even if these amazing creatures have been your 10,000-year-old expedition, a very good harvest. We are looking forward to developing more powerful biological soldiers through these creatures."

Listening to the words of the chief, Su An understood that this inquiry might be a simple conversation, and he would not be blamed.

"Su'an ~ ~ Have you thought about what you will do in the future?" The chief chief asked again.

Su An stood there for a long time, and then he looked up and said firmly, "I want to continue to serve the empire, but I hope that the chief of the army can allow other soldiers in the Legion to retire. After all, we have been here all the time Miss their hometown and loved ones, some of them need a new life! "

This time, the chief warrior did not answer Su An the first time, he said in a deep voice: "I see, you go down and rest first, we will give you a new appointment."

Su An nodded, and left slightly hesitantly.

Before he left, he glanced at the high-ranking overseers and overseers. They never said a word from beginning to end, which made Su An very disturbed.

After Su An left, the chief warrior suddenly said, "Those creatures are amazing, but the information obtained through Su An is not enough. I think it is possible to capture a formed creature ..."

Rushing black ants say

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