Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1010: Zerg ambition

After Su An waited five days, the new appointment came down.

He looked excitedly at the letter of appointment signed and confirmed by the chief of chief, and he was promoted!

He officially became an Overseer!

He believes that this is the affirmation of the chief of war and all the high-level warlords and colleagues, and his own talent can only be confirmed by them!

But Su An didn't know that the Imperial Academy had undergone a huge change in the past five days.

The reason begins with the amazing creature he brought back!

At the beginning, when they received the research task, they did not take it seriously.

After all, the universe is so big, there are more magical things.

But after a day of research, they were surprised to find that the creature in front of them was very magical, it could absorb all the energy around them, and perfectly applied the energy to their own growth!

And there is no trace of waste!

It was this that caught their attention.

After all, even if technology is extremely developed, they dare not say that their use of energy has reached 100%, and there will be no waste at all!

If they can thoroughly study how this creature achieves this perfect efficiency, their empire may go further!

After all, how much energy would be saved by using the energy perfectly?

This is an unimaginable astronomical figure!

After the news spread, it caused a sensation throughout the institute.

Even the chiefs have asked about it.

When they studied the magical creature in depth, they found that this creature has two types of traits: mechanical and biological!

Originally they thought this creature was some kind of artificial product.

But after intercepting a section of organism for research, they found that this is a characteristic of the organism itself, not artificial modification!

This discovery made them even more curious.

The perfect combination of biology and machinery did not have any negative impact during the growth process!

How can this be combined with the biological soldiers of the empire, then the overall strength of their army can be improved a lot!

The more research this is, the more valuable it feels!

In particular, this amazing creature is growing very fast. Even if they intercept their limbs many times, the other party will recover as usual after absorbing enough energy.

This horrible regenerative ability has also made researchers stunned.

If this resilience can act on their bodies, they seem to see a direction in which the race is fully evolving!

Of course, after the idea was revealed, the researcher was sprayed with dog blood.

Regardless of whether the genes of the two sides match, this organism obviously has a very powerful growth rate, which indicates that the organism has a very strong phagocytosis ability.

Is it just to think about the good side and not see if your body can bear it?

What if it is directly swallowed by this biological cell?

But the matter did not end because the researcher was scolded and scolded.

There are still many people with ideas!

So a secret research department was established.


After becoming an Overseer, Su'an received a new assignment.

A month later, he will go to the Silver Disc galaxy with another Warlord Ender, the mission goal is to capture magical creatures!

The moment he received this order, Su An felt that the whole person was bad.

The horrors of those creatures, who have personal experience, do not really want to face them.

But he could not refuse the orders of the high empire!

He could only comfort himself in his heart. Maybe the empire has already developed more terrifying weapons over the past 10,000 years?

Besides, he just cooperated this time and didn't need him to lead the team, so when he set off, he just drove a battleship that the empire assigned him in line with his oversight status.

In addition, he did not add any warships.

A month later, a horrific number of legions set off from the Zeerkiya Empire, targeting the Silver Disc galaxy.

When they set off, Zero had just received the signal coordinates of the metal creature itself.

Because the distance between the two sides was too far, he had just received the signal sent after so long.

Looking at the black map in silence.

On a square map, there are two two points in the upper left and lower right corners.

The lower right corner is his current position, while the upper left corner is the coordinate information sent back by the metal creature after being taken away by the zerg.

"Well, the Zerg Empire is really far away." Zero muttered, after writing down the coordinates in his own way of recording, he didn't pay attention.

After all, it's too far away.

It is still easier to pass the time when he and Cheng Yuan continue to play.


Two months later, the chaos inside the crystal spirit was also intensified because of Cheng Yuan and Zero quietly pushing in the dark.

The Red Resistance and the Senate of the Blue fought with each other.

Although on the main battlefield, the resistance army has steadily retreated, has no commensurate strength, and has been kept under pressure.

However, although the Senate won the main battlefield victory, the advance of the front was extremely slow!

Because they don't have enough troops to keep the fruits of their victory!

Often they have just occupied a planet. As soon as the main army leaves, the rebels will come from other places and regain the planet!

This makes them extremely headache!

There is no alternative but there is no effective way to contain it!

This made Freeman's hatred of Carmodo even deeper. Wouldn't it have been so laborious for him?

As long as a small number of border troops are mobilized to help them keep these planets, they can calm down the rebellion as quickly as possible!

But this is what they can't do!

Cheng Yuan is naturally very satisfied with this situation. What he wants is that the two sides have always maintained a chaotic confrontation!

To curb the recovery and development of the crystal spirit, at the same time, he quietly developed his own forces in the border zone.

Today, he has quietly grasped dozens of resource-rich planets including the border planet.

Of the managers of these planets, there are naturally those who trust him directly, and some who refuse.

For those who refused, UU reading Cheng Yuan did not choose to kill the managers and re-create a copy, and so on, but secretly dispatched some soldiers disguised as cosmic bandits to invade these planets.

These planets themselves do not have enough armed forces. They are very weak when facing cosmic robbers. Within a month, they have to ask Cheng Yuan to help.

Cheng Yuan naturally wouldn't object, smiled and expressed his willingness to help them, and then took the opportunity to make his own request.

This time, in the face of Cheng Yuan's request, they no longer objected.

The appearance of the cosmic robbers made them deeply realize that the chaos within the empire can no longer guarantee their safety!

If you want to protect yourself, in addition to finding a backer, you are developing yourself!

But if they develop themselves, what opportunity will they have?

Rushing black ants say

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