Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1008: means

As Cheng Yuan expected, after he declared neutrality, other planets on the border also followed suit, announcing neutrality one by one.

"A bunch of assholes! Assholes!" Freeman slammed his face on the table with a dull complexion.

The behavior of the border planet is clear, and I intend to support them in the Senate!

But he can't take care of the managers of these planets. These border planets control the border army, which is the empire's external defense line, if he dares to move one of them.

Then the internal rebellion could be even stronger!

Not to mention, even if he wants to move these managers, he doesn't have this ability at present!

Moreover, as long as the other party did not make it clear that he would rebel, he had no reason to go to these managers for trouble!

Because they have stated their position and do not participate in the disputes within the empire!

This excuse is equivalent to a protective umbrella, placing itself at an absolute height, in the name of protecting the safety of the empire, so that neither the resistance organizations nor their Senate can casually go to the trouble of these border managers!

Not to mention wooing them!

Thinking of this, Freeman felt a headache.

Originally, they planned to master some planets with rich resources, and then mobilize some border troops to end this civil unrest faster.

But now that Carmodo's speech has made the border managers find the same mountain.

He can't wait to find someone to kill Carmodo now, let out a bad breath!

But he also knows that although there are many interstellar killers, it is too late to try to assassinate!

After all, if there is a problem with Carmodo, then the managers of the entire border will be in danger of everyone, and then there may be a third party in the empire!

Freeman had a hard time imagining that pulling the border forces into the vortex within the empire, what would be left for the future of the crystal spirit?

When Freeman had a headache, the rebels rejoiced.

What they are most worried about is that the border troops are standing by the Senate. After all, the army has always been controlled by the Senate. It is more than enough to kill the rebels with the strength of the border forces!

But now it seems that the Senate has lost more than just the hearts and minds of the military!

Seeing this, the leaders of the resistance organizations were naturally happy.

The Senate ’s biggest support is gone, but what can they do now in this Titan fortress?

The territory of the empire is huge!

After Cheng Yuan controlled Carmodo and declared neutrality, he received cordial greetings from the managers at the border.

After Cheng Yuan helped solve the problems that embarrassed them, they naturally eased a lot.

In fact, these border managers have been troubled during this time.

Because of the serious mistakes made by the Senate, most of the border troops were lost in that battle with the Zerg.

If things weren't made public in the first place, they could use soldiers' sacrifice reasons to appease their soldiers.

But with this incident being provoked, and after the trouble.

They can't hide even if they want to hide it. If it is not the usual prestige, they all suspect that the remaining soldiers will directly rebel!

It was because of a gloomy scourge that led to the sacrifice of countless colleagues, but the council officials and masters did not show a little expression?

Is it so difficult to admit that you are wrong?

The dissatisfaction of the soldiers is naturally clear to them as the border manager, so after the outbreak of the empire, none of them dared to stand up and obey the orders of the Senate.

If this is said, they can guarantee that the soldiers below will point their guns at themselves in a matter of minutes.

So the situation has always been deadlocked.

Now Carmodo is neutral, and in order to protect the security of the empire's borders, he has directly resolved this invisible crisis.

Can they not thank hard?

Of course, verbal gratitude was not what Cheng Yuan needed. He immediately found a few managers with a wealth of material planets, hoping to get material assistance.

After all, although the Senate and the Resistance did not dare to move them on the surface, they could do it with nausea in other ways.

Such as restricting the transportation of daily supplies, or looting merchants who come to trade on the border planet.

In the name of righteousness, although they can't justly restrict this aspect, but if they start secretly, there are too many opportunities.

Therefore, Cheng Yuan also kindly reminded these managers to alert them to the restrictions on biological materials on both sides.

At first hearing Cheng Yuan said that, except for the managers who have a wealth of planets around them, those managers who are scarce in terms of materials all showed sadness on their faces.

As for the assistance offered by Cheng Yuan, it is certainly not free!

They are also thinking about how long their financial resources can support.

After ending the remote video communication with these people, Cheng Yuan smiled on his face.

"Zero, when they start to raise supplies, we can move." Cheng Yuan said with satisfaction, in order to prevent all the attention of all parties to build weapons and arms, Cheng Yuan specially pulled these people together.

Although most of the border planets lack sufficient living materials, they are very strong in the military industry. Each border planet has a large enough military factory.

These arsenals are used exclusively for the maintenance of warships. They also manufacture various types of weapons, and they also have maintenance functions for various types of equipment.

It can be said that there is almost nothing in the military industry.

Collective manufacturing is less prominent than his own manufacturing. Moreover, they have very good reasons for manufacturing a large number of weapons. In order to get money to buy enough living supplies!

He believes that once this news spreads, whether it be the Senate or the Resistance, it will definitely be more `` happy ''!


As Cheng Yuan guessed, when all the border managers started a large number of arms manufacturing at the same time, the freeman face of the central star was darkened.

Although Cheng Yuan didn't say anything, their behavior is not to explain that the people in their parliament did not give the soldiers who protect the territory enough living supplies.

Just this, UU reading once again caused a huge impact in the entire Crystal Empire.

The popularity of the Senate has once again fallen.

In the face of this situation, Freeman quickly convened a meeting.

The result of the meeting was to provide some living materials for the border army!

The rest is for them to solve by themselves. Armaments can be manufactured, but they must be controlled within a certain number.

Because they worry that these weapons will end up being weapons in the hands of the Resistance!

While Cheng Yuanming was making weapons on the surface, he secretly set up several huge space ports in the surroundings by cheating.

If you want war, you must keep up with weapons and equipment!

Rushing black ants say

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