Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1007: Beginning 1 planet

In the northern realm of the Crystal Empire, there is a military industrial planet. Due to its close to the northern border of the empire, the internal style of this planet is much wilder than other planets.

On this planet, there are frontier troops of the Crystal Empire, and mercenaries who accept the employment of frontier troops and perform some special tasks to discuss their lives.

There are also businessmen who dare to take risks, engage in border goods trade, and various types of alien women who specialize in services.

To be straightforward, this is a more chaotic planet.

As long as nothing serious happens, the managers of this planet will not show up at all!

This has also led to the birth of many dark things on this planet, such as the interstellar population [Immigration], which is fast becoming an open and transparent business activity.

As for arms sales, they are even presided over by frontier forces.

Selling weapons to people from all walks of life, whether businessmen or mercenaries, as long as they can afford the money, they will not refuse to come!

Such a chaotic planet immediately stood out from the many planets of Jingling, entered zero sight, and made him very satisfied.

Chaos and disorder, in charge of almost no appearance!

It is far away from the central area of ​​the Crystal Empire, and at the same time, it has a complete set of military industrial foundations, although the living materials are relatively scarce.

But there are countless businessmen who can provide the daily necessities.

At this point, Zero is not worried at all. Besides, even without these merchants, is it not enough for him to solve it by himself?

With the goal, Zero immediately entered the central database of this planet, and consulted the planet's managers, Carmodo.

Carmodo is a tall and thin crystal, and looks very ordinary without any characteristics.

As the manager of this border planet, his style of action is fair and decisive, and he never favors any party, so no one will protest against his rule and management.

Even after the rebellion within the Crystal Spirit, mercenaries on the planet and the military are watching the manager's attitude.

Don't look at Carmodo as if there is no threat, but as long as people who have lived on this planet for many years know that Carmodo usually looks at nothing.

But once this manager is annoyed, it will definitely usher in the fury of thunder!

Otherwise do you think that an ordinary manager with no means can take charge of this chaotic planet?

Will those mercenaries who lick their blood be so honest?

For these mercenaries who do n’t even know when they will die next time, death is only a matter of time. Will they be the kind of people who are restrained?

Not even these mercenaries dare to pick things up on this planet. It is conceivable how powerful Carmodo is on this planet.

Zero imitation of Carmodo created an identical body, and then used a nano-virus robot to assassinate the manager without even knowing it.

When the manager died, he felt no pain at all, because the virus instantly melted him into a pool of clear water.

Then the manager Carmodo was cleaned as a puddle of sewage while the servant was cleaning the room.

In its place, a body controlled by Zero!

With identity and status, after zero understanding of the current situation of the planet, he did not make any new actions at the first time, but maintained the original nature of the planet.

How it used to be, what it still is!

For Zero, this is not a war, but a game!

Since it is a game, naturally you need to slowly appreciate it, so that you can understand its own fun, isn't it?

Moreover, the manipulator of the game itself is not him!

Cheng Yuan is the player!

After arranging everything, he reported to Cheng Yuan with great interest.

"Identity is ready, Carmodo, a planet manager, has absolute control of the planet, and now all departments of the planet are waiting for your decision whether to resist or surrender.

He looked at Cheng Yuan with a smile, and then sent the relevant information about Carmodo and the situation of the border planet to Cheng Yuan.

The game is ready, and Cheng Yuan has something to pass the boring time. He spent nearly a week studying everything on this planet.

Taking into account the current situation within the Crystal Spirit, he issued the first order.

"Announcement of jurisdiction."

This border planet is far away from the core area of ​​Jingling, coupled with the fact that Jingling's current internal rebellion is not smooth.

Although many of the planet ’s official armies in the Senate chose to surrender as soon as they arrived, many in the planet still resisted.

They know very well that space wars and wars inside the planet are different!

Anyway, people in the parliament will not directly destroy their planet. Why not fight together?

Maybe you can fight directly, but you also use energy to kill each other?

This is not their unwarranted guess, but a well-founded fact, which has been analyzed by specialized people on the Internet.

Although the Senate has always held the central star.

But what a central star is, it is like the capital of a country. Although it is the most prosperous city in the country, it has a special meaning.

But what does such a planet have?

Basic materials?

Sorry, in the past, when you were the capital, supplies might have been continuously sent from various planets.

But now that these planets are out of their jurisdiction, do you think that those planets that specialize in providing supplies will continue to send important life supplies honestly?

Think about it, this is impossible!

Therefore, the Senate is in short supply.

As long as they can hold them back, it is they who win in the end, and they can get rid of this corrupt and incompetent Senate!

Of course, the analysis data spread on the Internet are all summarized.

It is to increase the confidence of the resistance organizations.

Otherwise, who would stop cooking as soon as he saw the army in the Senate, what rebellion would there be?

Hearing Cheng Yuan's decision at this time, he asked in surprise: "Are you ready to stand on the red side?"

He used red and blue colors to distinguish the current Senate power and the resistance organization within the Crystal.

"Declaring neutrality, the reason is to protect the empire's borders and not participate in internal disputes!" Cheng Yuan thought carefully and said.

Although it is a game, it can't be played too casually. Now there is a planet in the beginning, which is considered to have a site, an industrial foundation, and an army.

The only drawback is in terms of living materials, but such a start has been quite good.

If it is not appropriate to choose either red or blue directly, it will be too stupid.

Now is the start of a planet, of course, slowly developing!

However, as mentioned before, the internal departments of the planet are waiting for his decision, so of course he must choose a relatively free neutral.

Otherwise, no matter which one he chooses, he will bring himself a lot of trouble.

The red party will be targeted by the Senate. The blue party should be selected by the Senate.

So he chose neutrality!

Of course ~ ~ This choice of neutrality is not without foundation. Through the information given to him by zero, Cheng Yuan learned that the current chaos in the crystal spirit has not affected the border army.

That is to say, the planets similar to him belong to the soldiers!

If he leads the team, other planets will naturally follow suit!

After all, their situation is basically the same as themselves. At present, they are in a state of dilemma. Every manager of the border planet needs to stand in line!

This is no longer determined by his personal will. After all, they control the army, and their attitude is very important!

Therefore, Cheng Yuan believed that after he proposed neutrality, it was equivalent to showing a way to those people.

In this way, he can better integrate with the public and develop slowly.

As for him to stand up against the red side or the blue side in the future, that is also a future thing.

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