Countless boulders rolled down,

Huge arms encircling the mountain,

Pull it out of the ground little by little.

A flash of shock flashed in Li Qingshan's eyes,

Such "rising out of a mountain" was beyond his imagination.

no magic,

no array,

There is no fairy magic weapon!

Purely relying on the power of the primordial spirit, he can pull up a huge mountain that weighs billions of tons from the earth!

"This is the real ups and downs!" Li Qingshan couldn't help sighing.

"Do you know why our Changsheng Sect must rise up from the mountain to be called a real person?"

With a satisfied smile on Li Changsheng's face, he spoke softly.

"Because Yuanshen is strong and weak, not every Yuanshen can do it."

"But in the Changsheng Sect, even in the weakest distraction period, we must rise above the mountain!" Chang.

Chapter XNUMX Refinement and gasification!


The earth shook violently,

The giant mountain was completely separated from the ground, and slowly lifted into the air under the support of the golden giant.

The morning glow was obscured by the mountain peaks, and the Changsheng Sect was shrouded in shadows.

All the disciples and elders were all excited, facing the east and bowing their hands.

"Congratulations to the elders! Congratulations to Zhenren Wu!"

Under the spotlight,

The mountain peak finally rose to mid-air, level with many immortal mountains.

One after another mysterious array patterns flew out from the golden giant, surrounding the mountain.

Getting up is just the beginning,

To really make the mortal mountain peaks turn into immortal mountains and levitate, we have to rely on the Immortal Dao formation.

At this time, the ceremony has come to an end.

All the real people got up and congratulated the first one:

"Senior brother, the disciples are good!"

"of course!"

Li Changsheng was unceremonious, picked up the teacup, and said with a smile:

"Okay, the arrangement of the formation can't be completed overnight, let's go here first today!"

Real people's faces froze,

However, they are already used to the character of their head.

Can only reluctantly bid farewell, turned into a fairy light to leave.

Below the first place, Yin Han also got up.

But instead of leaving, he turned his attention to Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan paused and said:

"Senior sister, I still have questions to ask Master for advice, and I will go back in a while."

"Yeah!" Yin Han nodded, without any extra action, he just stood there.

"Uh" Li Qingshan was dumbfounded.

Obviously, Yin Han is waiting for him to leave together.

At this time,

Li Changsheng took a sip of tea, shook his head and laughed.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a few words anyway."

Saying that, he turned his eyes to Li Qingshan.

"If you have any doubts, ask them!"

"Also let me do my duty as a master."

"Master, this disciple wants to ask for a practice that damages qi and blood."

Li Qingshan cupped his hands and directly stated his purpose.

Facing Li Changsheng, he didn't need any explanation at all.


Li Changsheng's smile remained unchanged, his indifferent eyes seemed to see through everything.

"Your three 'doors' are very good, and the idea is correct."


Li Changsheng paused slightly and smiled even more.

"Don't you think it's a waste of self-destructing qi and blood?"


Li Qingshan was stunned,

Now the first priority is to consider how to increase the "trace",

Where can he think about waste.

However, when Li Changsheng spoke, he would definitely not aim at nothing.

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up and solemnly said:

"Also ask Master to express it."

Li Changsheng put down the teacup and opened his mouth slowly.

"Have you heard of 'refining essence and transforming qi, refining qi into spirit, and refining spirit is still empty'?"

Li Qingshan nodded,

He hadn't heard of it, but he had seen it.

Not in Qinghui Realm, nor in Blue Star.

It was seen in the novels before crossing.

"Refining the essence into qi, refining the qi into the god, and refining the god is still empty."

"This sentence expresses the true meaning of cultivation!"

Li Changsheng sighed softly and continued:

"One hundred thousand years ago, the Heavenly Cave had not yet appeared."

"Cultivation in the Qinghui world begins with 'refining and transforming Qi'."

"Because there was no spiritual energy at that time, we cultivators could only think of ways from ourselves."

"And now" Li Changsheng shook his head and sighed,

"This first paragraph has long been kicked out of the cultivation world."

"Even the "Book of Longevity" only involves 'refining Qi to transform God, and refining God is still empty'."

"Is it because of the abundance of spiritual energy?" Li Qingshan asked.

"Yes, with abundant spiritual energy, naturally no one will choose the 'stupid method'"

"On the contrary, it is a martial artist who has no spiritual roots in the mortal world. From this path, he discovered the cultivation method of 'inner qi'."

"It just so happens that I live a little longer and like to think about things that are 'not doing the right thing'."

Li Changsheng's words changed, and he was full of smiles.

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up,

He already understands what the so-called "doesn't work properly" means.

"Hehe, let me show you the results of my 'not doing a proper job'!"

Li Changsheng didn't give a shit anymore, and waved his right hand lightly.

Suddenly, a message flooded into Li Qingshan's mind.

"Refining and transforming gas!"

See the first four words,

Li Qingshan was refreshed and checked it out carefully.

The information is not complicated,

It's not so much a practice as a method.

The method of "refining and transforming Qi".

Although the Dharma door is brief, it is extremely subtle.

Different from the inner qigong method of the mortal world,

This method can directly refine qi and blood into true essence.

Of course, this requires extremely high quality of qi and blood.

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