"Let's look for it in the Qinghui world first!"

Li Qingshan sighed and stood up and opened the door.

Today is the appointed day on the invitation.

During this time, Senior Brother Wu has been in retreat, and he did not bother.

After Senior Brother Wu rises from the mountain,

He can ask for help.


The door of the wooden house on the opposite side was also opened.

A beautiful figure appeared at the door.

Li Qingshan smiled,


Yin Han nodded lightly, the corner of his mouth twitched,

A faint smile melts the ice and snow.

Looking at that smile,

Li Qingshan actually had a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

This is the result of his years of "hard work".

waving the sleeves,

Li Qingshan soared into the air.

"Sister, let's go!"

The main mountain of the sect, the top of the mountain.

Outside the inner door lobby, dozens of wooden chairs are placed on both sides of the wide platform.

The real people of the sect were all seated.

In front of the head, on the Taishi chair,

Li Changsheng raised his head and looked into the air with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Two figures galloped from the sky and landed in the center of the platform.

"I have seen Master!"

"Good, good, good!"

Li Changsheng's eyes fell on Li Qingshan, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and his smile became more and more prosperous.

"Get seated first!"

Li Qingshan nodded and walked with Yin Han to the two seats below the Taishi chair.

After being seated,

Dozens of eyes moved over, and more exclamations sounded.

Li Qingshan was not surprised, he smiled and bowed his hands to greet many real people.

Real people are at least in the state of distraction, even if they don't need divine consciousness,

He can also see his cultivation base of Yuanyuanjing at a glance.

In one year, it spanned the ninth level of Qi refining and three stages of foundation building.

This progress has far surpassed Yin Han.

No wonder all the real people were amazed.

After the real people take their eyes back,

Li Qingshan looked around and wondered:

"Master, has Senior Brother Wu left the customs yet?"

Today's protagonist is not him.


Li Changsheng looked far into the east, and he had a plan in his heart.

Li Qingshan didn't say any more, following Li Changsheng's gaze,

Looking at the edge of the sect, there is a huge mountain.

There is the retreat selected by Wu Shengwei,

It is also his goal.

Time passed by,

In the Changsheng Sect, all the disciples and elders stopped their movements and looked towards the east.

the rising sun,

A ray of golden rainbow swept across the earth and illuminated many peaks from the sky.

the edge of the sect,

Giant mountain peaks, shining with golden light.

A mysterious and inexplicable breath rose from the peak.

"Dao Yun!"

All the disciples and elders of the sect were intoxicated by this breath.

Li Qingshan also tried his best to let go of his spiritual consciousness and feel the aftermath of Dao Yun.

The last time I saw Dao Yun appear was when the Marquis of Jingshan was enthroned as king.

The Dao Yun in front of him is far more ethereal and far-reaching than it was then.

Li Qingshan couldn't help but be fascinated.

"Don't be envious!"

The voice came from beside him, and Li Qingshan turned his head in doubt.

Master Li Changsheng is also looking at the giant mountain,

But the majestic Dao Yun did not cause any waves in his eyes.

In the indifferent eyes, it seems to encompass the whole world.

Li Changsheng looked back, picked up the teacup, and took a sip.

Looking at Li Qingshan, he smiled lightly:

"The way you walk is better than all of us."

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

He couldn't guess what the Master's words meant.

But he wanted to understand one thing.

"Sanmen and Sanhua have not appeared, other real people may not be able to see it, but it is absolutely impossible to hide from the master!"

"The best teacher is right in front of you, why bother to seek help from Senior Brother Wu?"

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up and he was about to speak.

"I finally remembered my master."

Li Changsheng smiled and shook his head, put down the teacup, and looked east again.

"Wait first, your senior brother is out!"

Li Qingshan stopped talking and looked back at the giant mountain.

Next second,

Pale golden rays of light leaked from the inside of the mountain, and it was continuous.

The light didn't go away.

Instead, it is like substance, surrounding the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, the entire mountain peak was enveloped in pale golden fairy light.

The endless Taoism that pervades the sect,

As if absorbed by the fairy light, it quickly retracted.

Immortal light and Dao Yun merge into one,

Flowing slowly, it converged into a giant figure as high as the mountain peak.


Li Qingshan's eyes lit up,

This is the sign of the distraction period, Primordial Spirit!

Only when the primordial spirit is achieved can it be called great power.

Immortal light gathering speed is getting faster and faster,

The figure and face of the figure gradually became clearer.

It was Li Changsheng's eldest disciple, Wu Shengwei.

"Thank you for watching!"

The golden figure spoke, and the loud voice resounded through the sky.

"Today, I, Wu Shengwei, rose from the mountain to become a real person!"


the earth shakes,

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