Ordinary Jianghu martial artist cultivation, it is estimated that it will instantly turn into dead bones.

But for Li Qingshan, it was just right.

"Refining Qi, you need to supplement the missing Qi and blood, just to add 'traces'."

"The real essence refined can further accelerate the progress of gas refining."

"It's like killing two birds with one stone!"

Li Qingshan suppressed his excitement and bowed his hands.

"Thank you, Master!"

"You are my close disciple of Li Changsheng."

Li Changsheng chuckled and shook his head,

"Master, disciple, what is there to thank?"

"But since you have already embarked on this path, you must seize the opportunity!"

"Opportunity?" Li Qingshan did not understand why.

"Do you know how many years your senior sister stayed in the Golden Core Stage?"

Li Changsheng cast his eyes on Yin Han, and continued to speak without waiting for an answer.

"Sixty years!"

"She has a three-ranked pill, a peerless spiritual root, and a peerless foundation."

"But it took XNUMX years to push Jin Dan to Rank XNUMX!"

"And this, 1.3 has shocked the entire Qinghui world."


Li Changsheng looked at Li Qingshan and spoke slowly.

"I can understand how rare your opportunity is!"

"Disciple understands."

Li Qingshan nodded seriously,

There is only one chance for Sanmen to suppress Sanhua.

Master Li Changsheng's expectation is to let him directly become rank nine!

After expressing my sincere thanks again,

Li Qingshan and Yin Han left and flew into the sky.

Indifferent voices floated from the top of the mountain.

"Go boldly!"

"I said, your way is better than all of us."

"This is just the beginning!"

Li Qingshan nodded silently,

Together with Yin Han, they turned into a streamer and rowed to the horizon.

Chapter XNUMX Stupid?

Half a month later,


Outside the classroom 307 of the main building of Mohaiwu University,

Several girls lingered.

"Gu Shuang, Li Qingshan doesn't seem to be interested in you."

"Otherwise, why don't you go and have a look?"

A chubby girl suggested in a low voice.

"Huh?" Gu Shuang's brows suddenly wrinkled, and he said displeasedly:

"What do you mean?"

"That's not what it means!"

The fat girl hurriedly waved her hand,

Gu Shuang laughed and said slyly:

"That's not what it means? Then you can help everyone find the way!"

Several girls around nodded in unison,


The fat girl is in a hurry,

But under the gaze of everyone, he could only move to the front door tremblingly, looking like he was ready to die.

It's hard to get to the door,

"Huh? Li Qingshan didn't come?"

The slightly fat girl's eyes lit up and her body relaxed.

"Today is the class of Mentor Mengzhu, will Li Qingshan miss it?"

Gu Shuang and the others all looked suspicious.

But looking at the companion in front doesn't look like a fake,

They also took courage and walked over.

"Huh? Li Qingshan really didn't come at 25!"

For a while, there were even cheers.

Several girls happily walked into the classroom and picked their favorite seats.

As class time approaches,

More and more figures appeared at the door.

Almost all of them probe their brains first,

Then with a happy face, he swaggered into the classroom.

inside the classroom,

Everyone laughed and shared their experiences.

The atmosphere of the previous class has been restored.

"You said, Li Qingshan is really not coming?"

A questioning voice instantly broke the harmonious atmosphere.

Everyone looked worried, staring at the thin young man who spoke out.

"Cough cough!"

Beside him, an old man tapped the young man on the shoulder and looked at everyone.

"Don't be nervous!"

"I have been to all the sixth-level courses recently, and I have never seen Li Qingshan."

"I heard that he has been staying in his own courtyard recently."


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief,

The atmosphere relaxed again.

Ding Ding Ding ~!

The school bell rings.


Xiong Mengzhu stepped on high heels and walked into the classroom.

After standing on the podium,

She looked around for a week, and suddenly frowned.

"Li Qingshan didn't come?"

The students in the audience resisted the urge to roll their eyes, and they were all speechless.

Mentor Mengzhu also took care of Li Qingshan too much, right?

If Li Qingshan came, we would not be able to relax.

No matter what they thought, Xiong Mengzhu asked directly:

"Do any of you know what Li Qingshan is doing recently?"

The old man who spoke before spoke weakly.

"Teacher, Li Qingshan doesn't seem to be interested in martial arts knowledge classes recently."

"I heard that he has been in retreat."

"Shut up?"

Xiong Mengzhu's brows furrowed even deeper.

"Since when?"

The old man was stunned and said:

"Looks like it's been half a month, isn't it?"

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