"To trouble you today."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Cai Heyue hurriedly waved her hand, seeing the complex expressions of the old students in the classroom,

"Okay, come on."

He smiled brightly and turned around.

"Remember to come to the cafeteria at noon, I'll go back and make braised white crystal eel."

Cai Heyue's back disappeared outside the door,

Xiong Mengzhu also put away his serious expression and started class.

after class,

The old students got up one after another and left the classroom.

Li Qingshan quietly stepped forward, trying to blend in with the crowd.

But as soon as he approached,

The surrounding old students retreated immediately and could not be avoided.

"Li Qingshan!"

Xiong Mengzhu's voice sounded from behind,

Li Qingshan was helpless and stopped.

The old students rushed out of the classroom as if receiving amnesty.

"Is it necessary?"

Li Qingshan was even more helpless.


Xiong Mengzhu stepped on high heels, walked to Li Qingshan, and said seriously:

"Li Qingshan, I don't care what you think. Remember, never try to strengthen the three doors of the body."

"This is risking your own future!"

"I don't want to see another genius, stop before the seventh order."

Li Qingshan's expression turned solemn.

Mentor Mengzhu was really worried about him.

He looked at Xiong Mengzhu and nodded solemnly.

"Thank you teacher, I understand."

After leaving, he turned around and walked out of the classroom.

"Wherever you go, you will leave traces!"

Li Qingshan's eyes flashed all the way, and his mind changed.

He was thinking about how to increase the "traces" of Qi and blood in his body.

Xiong Mengzhu's worry is justified,

But his situation was different.

His three doors are used to suppress the three flowers on the top.

There's no need for him to push it himself.

Once the three doors cannot be suppressed,

Naturally, it will be broken by the aftermath of the three flowers blooming.


The current situation was formed under the leadership of the "Longevity Canon".

It is even more impossible for the embarrassing situation that Sanmen is too strong to completely seal Sanhua.

The breeding limit of the top three flowers is to directly achieve the Jindan XNUMXth Rank!

Nine-turn golden pill, power is unpredictable.

It is simply not something that the mere three doors of the fleshly body can resist.

"So, I have to take the initiative to get injured and lose qi and blood? And then rely on potions and medicinal pills to supplement?"

Before he knew it, Li Qingshan had already reached the gate of the small courtyard.

With a tossing of the right hand, a "Xuanmu Huanjing Dan" fell into the mouth.

Open the gate,

Li Qingshan stood directly in the center of the yard, digesting the medicine pill.

After half an hour,

Qi and blood slowly calmed down.

"Almost 95 qi and blood."

Li Qingshan opened his eyes and whispered to himself.

"Let's wait until the limit of 1 qi and blood!"

"Master Cai's approach may be a bit slow."

Cai Heyue died nine times,

The solidity of the "human door" is only half that of his "earth door".

And his true essence is growing every day, and the "underground door" will become thicker and thicker.

It is obviously unrealistic to rely on the "injury" method to increase the strength of the "human door".

But Li Qingshan is not in a hurry,

Xiong Mengzhu has already pointed out the key to "traces",

Once you have the direction, it is much easier to find a way.

Chapter XNUMX Rising up the mountain! (Thank you guys for your support)

Qinghui world, early morning.

misty peak,

In the cold wooden house, the air suddenly became hot, and a faint blood mist drifted away.

Li Qingshan opened his eyes, calmed his blood, and blew away the blood mist.

"Finally at 1 blood-."

"The sixth-order limit is really not a lie."

The blood mist that dissipated was the excess medicinal power of the "Mysterious Female Returning Essence Pill".

At this time, the Qi and blood in the body are completely integrated, showing a state of "completeness".

Obviously, before advancing to the seventh rank, it is impossible to improve any further.

With a thought, turn the qi and blood.

A blood-colored portal slowly floated out of the body, floating in front of him.

Li Qingshan stared at the "human door" in front of him,

"It's almost no different from Senior Sister Gu Shuang's 'people door'."

"The medicinal power leaked just now is not considered a 'trace'."

Li Qingshan nodded lightly, no surprise.

It has been a week since Xiong Mengzhu gave a lecture last time.

He also has a deeper research on "traces".

The so-called "traces" must flow through the body before they can be produced.

"So it is necessary to destroy the perfect state of qi and blood, really damage one's own qi and blood, and introduce new qi and blood to supplement it, in order to produce traces?"

Li Qingshan was a little hesitant in his eyes,

This conclusion is definitely correct.

The example of Cai Heyue is the best proof.

But Cai Heyue's method is dangerous and inefficient,

He doesn't want to use it.

"Self-damaging qi and blood is the best choice."

A look of thought flashed in Li Qingshan's eyes,

In fact, the method has been thought of a long time ago, but the practice method is not easy to find.

He has been looking for Blue Star for a week.

This self-destructing foundation, a hundred harms without a single benefit,

Even in Mohai Wuda, it is unheard of.

"Do you want to create your own exercises?"

Li Qingshan shook his head and denied the idea.

The creation of exercises must go through trials and tribulations.

Although the purpose is to damage qi and blood,

But the test process will not follow his ideas.

If one is not careful, it is very likely that the foundation will be completely destroyed.

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