"Cai Heyue, once was my student."

Xiong Mengzhu raised his finger to Cai Heyue and moved his finger to the seat under the stage.

"He used to, like you, sat in the classroom and listened to my class."

All the students were shocked,

Although he didn't dare to make a sound, his eyes flashed wildly.

Before today,

They never thought that Master Cai in the cafeteria would be their senior.

Since they entered the school,

Cai Heyue is in the cafeteria, and her strength has been staying at the top of the sixth-order.

Among the old students, the oldest is 28 years old and has been in school for 10 years.

That is,

Cai Heyue has stayed at this stage for at least ten years.

Moreover, Cai Heyue was already in her forties.

Forty years old and still staying at the top of the sixth order?

This is unimaginable for all Mohaiwu University students.

Many students looked at Cai Heyue with questioning eyes.

"¨〃Does anyone think that Cai Heyue is not talented?"

Xiong Mengzhu glanced at those eyes and shook his head gently.

"Then let me tell you, Cai Heyue's martial arts talent definitely surpasses most of you!"

"When he was 21 years old, he had already reached the top of the sixth order, and the three doors had gathered."

There was an uproar in the audience,

The seniors couldn't help but talk.


The pointer fell again,

The classroom fell silent again.

Xiong Mengzhu looked at Cai Heyue with regret.

"The reason why Cai Heyue has not made a breakthrough is because of an accident that year."

Cai Heyue showed an indifferent smile,

"Teacher, I did a good job in the cafeteria."

Xiong Mengzhu shook his head, looked down at the stage, and his expression became serious.

"I invited him here today to warn 'some of you'!"

When it comes to "some people",

Her eyes were locked tightly in the middle of the front row.


Li Qingshan was stunned when he met Xiong Mengzhu's gaze.

When did you become "some people" in the mouth of your mentor?

Before he could understand,

Xiong Mengzhu's voice has continued to sound.

"Before, I taught you."

"Three doors of the physical body, open the 'people's door' first, the 'dimen's door' follow the fate, and the 'heaven's door' last county."

"Cai Heyue's three gates have already opened two, but they are the 'underground gate' and the 'heaven gate'."

"Because of his 'human door', it can't be opened!"

All the old students were stunned, not knowing why.

The control of qi and blood is the instinct of the warrior.

How could it be impossible to open the "human door".

Li Qingshan's eyes brightened,

He felt that the long-sought answer was about to be revealed.

PS: August is coming, ask for monthly passes, data, thank you guys! .

Chapter XNUMX Wherever you go, you will leave traces

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up,


Xiong Mengzhu's eyes became more severe.

It was because she heard about Li Qingshan's recent movements that she brought Cai Heyue over to demonstrate.

Xiong Mengzhu's expression became more serious, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Cai Heyue, show them your 'human door'."

Cai Heyue nodded, his blood moved.

A real blood-colored portal burst out of the body.

The blood-colored portal is not at all illusory, and the entire door seems to be poured with blood.

All the old students were suddenly in an uproar,

The solidity of this "human door" far exceeds all of them.

Exceeded the 1 blood limit!


Li Qingshan got up directly,

His eyes were fixed on the blood-colored portal, unwilling to let go of a single detail.

The solidity of this "human door" is already half of his "earth door".

"Want to learn from him?"

A seductive and charming questioning voice rang in his ears.

Li Qingshan couldn't help but nodded.

Charm disappears, temptation turns into anger.

"Sit me down!!!"

Li Qingshan froze back to his senses, facing the teacher's angry gaze, and took his seat in embarrassment.

Xiong Mengzhu gave Li Qingshan a stern look, feeling that he hated iron for not becoming steel.

Then the pointer swung up and pointed to the Scarlet Portal.

"Remember all 620 of you to me, wherever you go, you will leave traces!"

"The reason why this 'people's door' has become like this is because there are too many 'traces' left."

"And, no matter how many times the reversal disperses, the degree of solidification of the door will not change."

"Because, 'traces' never go away."

Speaking of which,

Xiong Mengzhu's tone became regretful again.

"At that time, Cai Heyue accidentally encountered a seventh-order monster, was severely injured, and lost all qi and blood."

"The school used a lot of potions, which brought his life back alive."

"But a lot of foreign blood flowed through, leaving too many traces."

"Even if Cai Heyue cultivated back to the limit of 1 qi and blood, it would be impossible to open the 'human door'."

"Three doors of the flesh, not the more solid the better."

Xiong Mengzhu's eyes swept across the classroom, and finally fell on Li Qingshan.

"Pushing open the three doors of the physical body is to perfectly control the physical body and become a master."

"No matter how solid your 'door' is, after you push it open, you won't have any advantage over others."

"On the contrary, if the three doors of the physical body are too 'heavy', it will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of breaking through out of thin air."

"If it reaches the level of Cai Heyue"

Xiong Mengzhu shook his head regretfully, the meaning is self-evident.

Under the stage, all the students nodded in unison.

Under the gaze of Xiong Mengzhu, Li Qingshan,

He could only show his sincerity, nodding his head to show that he must remember the words of his mentor.

Cai Heyue's "people door" has already made Xiong Mengzhu feel heavy.

He could not imagine,

If at this moment his "underground door" is exposed,

How frantic would Xiong Mengzhu be?

On stage,

Xiong Mengzhu finally retracted his gaze with satisfaction, turned to look at Cai Heyue and said:

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