Chapter XNUMX Pattern?

on the playground,

The installation of the giant screen continues.

The rest of the media also reacted and shot at the giant screen, refusing to let go of a single detail.

behind the giant screen,

A huge shadow obscured the main camp building.

Hirayama King Quan Shiger frowned slightly while standing by the window.

"Will it be too ostentatious?"

"It's just a little bit ostentatious."

The speaker was an elegant middle-aged man in a silver training suit.

Behind him, Nan Zhengming stood quietly.

The middle-aged man is the mentor who came here on behalf of Mohai Wuda this time.

Marquis of Hanhai, Xu Zhan.

Xu Zhan walked slowly to the window and said with a smile:

"The martial arts conference was originally broadcast to stimulate the enthusiasm of the people to practice martial arts."

"We Mohai put forward this idea just to attract more attention."


He raised his hand to the excited reporters on the playground.

"Judging from the reaction of the media, the effect is quite good."

"It's still your magic sea with many tricks."

Quan Mao nodded lightly and said solemnly:

"But can the accuracy and fairness of the ranking be guaranteed?"

The idea of ​​​​the giant screen was proposed by Mohai Wuda.

Manufacturing, transportation, and installation are also handled by Mohai Wuda.

He also saw the giant screen for the first time today.

"Your Highness!"

Nan Zhengming took a step forward and cupped his hands:

"We have tested the performance of the giant screen many times, and there will definitely be no problems."

"As for the ranking calculation, don't worry about that." 590

"The background is based on a comprehensive measurement of the candidates' blood and combat power, which can accurately determine the strength of the candidates."

"Besides, this is only the first day, and the battle has not yet started."

"After the battle begins, the ranking will naturally be adjusted based on the result of the battle."

Quan Mao nodded and said no more.

At this time,

A hearty laughter sounded downstairs.

"You two, it's time to come on stage."

King Wu'an looked at the window with a smile.

The venues are all owned by the Beijing Wushu Association.

Of course he couldn't be there.

Quan Mao and Xu Zhan nodded in greeting through the window, turned and went downstairs.

on the playground,

The giant screen installation has been completed.

All preparations were made, and the staff were all evacuated to the edge of the playground.

The place gradually quieted down.

All cameras are aimed at the high platform.

Whether it is the reporters at the scene, or the audience in front of the TV,

They are all holding their breaths, waiting for the opening of the martial arts conference.

Under everyone's attention, three figures slowly walked up to the high platform.

Quan Mao stood in front of the microphone, looked around the audience, and announced:

"The martial arts conference officially begins!"

"Students come in!"

Exciting music sounded,

A number of cameras moved away from the platform and turned towards the playground entrance.

The staff stood by the entrance and said loudly:

"Beijing candidates please enter!"

Outside the entrance, a line of figures walked slowly.

The reporters all stood on tiptoe and looked around, and the cameramen also held up the camera for the first time to capture the scene.

As the queue gradually approached, the petite figure at the head came into everyone's eyes.

"Hey, your capital team leader is a girl?"

The witch reporter was surprised and asked aside,

Next to her is her biggest competitor, a reporter from Beijing TV.

"Yes! The number one scholar in the capital, Zhuang Ya."

The Beijing reporter's smile was a little stiff,

Even waved to the camera to quickly move the camera away from the entrance.

The witch reporter was stunned for a moment,

"You don't want to watch?"

"You'll know when you read it." The Beijing reporter said in distress.

at the entrance,

The candidates in Beijing have entered the field,

The originally excited scene gradually became quiet as Zhuang Ya walked in.

The female reporter from the Demon Sea was startled that something was wrong, and looked at it on tiptoe.

I saw Zhuang Ya carrying a bag of melon seeds, knocking while walking, and the skin of the melon seeds vomited all the way.

After entering the venue, I saw many reporters,

A warm smile appeared on Zhuang Ya's face, she waved her hand, and her broken gong voice resounded throughout the playground.

"Hello everyone!"

The witch reporter was stunned,

Beijing reporters raised their hands to cover their faces,

He would rather not be in the ratings than lose face in Beijing in front of a national audience.

on the high platform,

King Wu'an also twitched at the corners of his mouth when facing the strange gaze from the side.

Taking a step forward, he came to Zhuang Ya and reprimanded with a dark face:

"Didn't it make you pay attention to your image?"

"All day long, you know what to eat!"

"Don't go and stand!"


"I'm obviously very enthusiastic!"

Zhuang Ya muttered aggrieved and walked to her place.

"Next, please enter the Tong Province candidates!"

The voice of the staff quickly sounded,

All the cameras quickly moved back to the entrance,

I don't want Zhuang Ya to stay in the camera for one more second.

Time passed slowly, and a team of candidates entered the field and stood up.

for a short moment,

More than XNUMX provinces have already entered,

There were more than XNUMX candidates standing on the playground, and the darkness was overwhelming.

At this time,

Candidates from Rong Binh Province and Xinluo Province began to enter.

All the reporters were excited,

The candidates from these two provinces are from Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Hall and Fei Yu Martial Arts Hall.

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