Strong strength, is a popular candidate to win the championship.

Other reporters have begun to introduce the champions of the two provinces, He Yushan and Qi Feilan.

After all, they are the focus.

The witch reporter smiled slightly and also stood in front of the camera.

"Hello everyone, the candidates who are entering the arena are the candidates from Rongping Province and Xinluo Province."

"Both provinces have historically been favourites to win the title."

"Presumably many viewers also know that this is because they have the headquarters of the Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Hall and the Feiyu Martial Arts Hall in their province."


The female reporter changed her words and revealed a mysterious smile.

"As we all know, there are three major martial arts halls in our Dragon Country, why haven't any disciples of Shengtian martial arts hall been seen today?"

"Maybe some viewers have watched the live broadcast a month ago and know the reason."

"If you don't know, it doesn't matter, I'm here to reveal the secret to everyone."

"The reason why the Shengtian Martial Arts Hall did not appear is because all the disciples in the ranking were defeated by one person!"

"As for who he is? Please wait patiently and introduce him to you when you enter the venue later."

The female reporter gave a look,

The cameraman moved the camera away and whispered in admiration:

"You are still amazing!"

The female reporter smiled proudly,

"Of course, if you want to grab the ratings, how can there be no topic?"

in front of the TV,

Most of the audience in Lin Sheng smiled knowingly.

However, the audience in other places can't laugh,

They scratched their ears and scratched their cheeks, anxious to know the truth.

But they have no choice, they can only honestly lock on Mohai TV.

The news spread,

More and more viewers have also tuned their channels to Mohai TV.

After a while

All the reporters at the scene changed their expressions.

The director's rebuke came from every headset.

As reporters, they all know the live broadcast of Lin Sheng a month ago.

But I didn't expect to be associated with Eclipse Sun and Fei Yu's two martial arts halls.

Right now, I can only make amends quickly.

Speaking of the fact that Shengtian Wuguan was stomped on the face,

Even started to tell the story in detail.

However, most of the audience has been sucked away long ago, and the effect is very small.

on the high platform,

King Wu'an looked at the messed up media, and the corners of his mouth slowly twitched.

But before the smile was formed, it was interrupted by a whisper.

"The pattern is low."

Hirayama King Quanshio slowly shook his head,

"The martial arts hall is also teaching martial arts."

"When it comes to the martial arts conference, it should be treated equally."

"On this occasion, the grievances between Li Qingshan and Shengtian Wuguan should not be mentioned."

King Wu'an rolled his eyes secretly, unable to refute.

After all, Quan Mao represented the organizer Jingcheng Wuda.

Discourses are treated equally, and the "pattern" is discussed.

On the other hand, Xu Zhan, Marquis of Hanhai, moved his eyes slightly.

A refined smile appeared on his face.

Shengtianwuguan headquarters,

Yu Feibai's expression changed, and he picked up the remote control.

"What's the hurry, you only lost once."

King Shengchuan raised his hand to stop him, smiling deeply.

"Anyway, I'm going to win it back.".

The XNUMXth chapter is selfless?test!

around the playground,

For the sake of ratings, the reporters are trying their best to tell the wonderful process of Li Qingshan's slap in the face of Shengtian Wuguan.

Zhuang Ya smashed the sunflower seeds and listened with relish, and occasionally glanced at the candidates from the two provinces.

At this moment, the faces of the disciples of the Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Hall and the Feiyu Martial Arts Hall turned dark.

Zhuang Ya was definitely not alone in the strange eyes around him.

Candidates from other provinces seemed to be watching their jokes.

Originally, their two major martial arts halls and Shengtian martial arts hall were in a competitive relationship.

Li Qingshan stepped on the face of the Holy Heavenly Martial Arts Hall, and they were also happy to see it.

But the reputations of the three major martial arts halls are linked together.

After this time - the mouths of countless reporters said,

It was as if Li Qingshan also stepped on their faces together.

"Li Qingshan!"

He Yushan's face was gloomy, and he looked up at the camp in Xinluo Province opposite.

A girl with a delicate appearance also looked the same.

Feiyu Martial Arts Hall, Qi Feilan.

The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

There seems to be some kind of agreement.

Teams of students are still entering the field one after another.

However, neither the on-site reporter nor the audience in front of the TV paid much attention.

they are all waiting


"Invitation to Lin Sheng candidates to enter!"

With the shouting of the staff,

All the candidates on the playground looked towards the entrance.

Li Qingshan is coming.

The reporters on the scene were even more excited.

"hurry up!"

The witch reporter urged the photographer to proofread the lens,

Simultaneously picked up the microphone and smiled.

"Audience friends, are you in a hurry?"

"I'm not going to give up."

"That person is the champion of Lin Shengwu, Li Qingshan!"

"he came!"

the lens turns,

playground entrance,

A tall and straight figure strolled leisurely and walked in front.

"Li Qingshan!"

The female reporter jumped, screamed and waved.

Li Qingshan was stunned,

He turned his head to look at the figure in the crowd, smiled and nodded.


Gentle smiles appeared on the TV screens of thousands of households.

Linxi City, Jiguan Mountain, Bincheng

To all those who know Li Qingshan,

They all laughed at the same moment.

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